Part 13: The Hidden Figure

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Song: Head In The Clouds- 88rising, Joji

Sputtering Lythias practically choked on her mouthful of water as she stared between the two figures in front of her in shock. Aakine and Othanis were still growling behind her but she dismissed that notion with a lazy wave of her hand. Too busy going into complete heart failure over the sight in front of her. Lynsias was kissing someone. Not just anyone, but the other person from the camp he'd been with. The two had practically collided as soon as Lythias and her three companions exited their den for the night. Lynsias had actually initiated the kiss. Lythias hardly cared however, her heart was fluttering in her chest as she took in the appearance of the woman who had captured his attention so. In turn, her own curiosity was peaked, his emotions and her own forming a confusing mess in her mind and body as she took the stranger in.

Her skin was more caramel than the pale skin of the other Serenaean group and her hair was more of a navy than indigo. She was tall, Lythias already knew this, but she was surprised to find that the woman almost matched Lynsias in height. Her curly hair only a few loose pieces with most being styled in a sort of matted braid that contained both shells and small bones. Even with all her layers Lythias could make out the outline of lean muscles. Lythias knew she was gawking but this was only the third woman she'd ever seen in her life outside of her mother and her aunt and she was the most beautiful person Lythias had ever seen. She was practically swooning when the two broke apart and turned to face her.

"This is her?" Even her voice was perfect, deep and raspy. Lythias didn't glance at Lynsias or to see if he responded and she definitely couldn't hear over the sound of her heart beating in her ears at the attention suddenly being turned to her. She felt her cheeks heat and she was glad that she'd already pulled her scarf up and her hood down. Suddenly the woman took two steps and was in front of her. Othanis and Aakine growled again but Lythias silenced them again with a slow wave. She was stunned by this woman's strong features, her high cheeks and her prominent nose. Her full lips were quirked in a half smile and her lighter blue eyes...were staring directly into her own eyes.

Lythias felt her breath hitch as the woman reached forward and lowered her hood with one hand and her scarf with her other. Now the woman looked down at her with a full smile. Her eyes sparkled as she took in her pink cheeks and slightly parted lips. "You are beautiful." Her own thoughts were once again falling from the tongue of another. The woman surprised her again as she ran her gloved hand over Lythias's exposed cheek bone. "Truly incredible." If Lythias had been in heart failure before she was full on dead now as she felt the woman press a quick kiss to her forehead and each cheek before pulling back.

The woman spun to face Lynsias who was watching them with a slightly troubled expression. Lythias lifted a hand to her cheek in a daze as she stared at him too. Wondering if this was all some weird dream formed by a fever. "No." He said firmly and it took her a second to realize he was talking to the woman. She hadn't spoken but she opened her mouth to argue and he shook his head again with a slightly terrified look on his face. "No, Althira, no." He said again. "She didn't even know about her father until last night. She doesn't know anything." Coming out of her daze Lythias glared at him. He gave her a flat look. He was right, she clearly knew nothing in comparison to him about their situation but she still sniffed in derision. She was angry at him, she knew he was aware but it wasn't his fault entirely. She figured he knew that as well. Her emotions weren't exactly closed and she knew he could feel the overwhelming dread, regret, and depression setting in underneath her thinly veiled anger. 

Her chest was beginning to hurt with all the movement or possibly from her thoughts. She excused herself politely as the couple dissolved into an argument beyond her comprehension. Literally, the two had begun speaking in a tongue she hadn't even recognized. She didn't wander far to relieve herself and straighten her clothing, including her hood but she left her scarf down for now. She was enjoying the way the biting cold air hit her lower face, her neck still bundled, and refreshed her immensely. Othanis was close at hand, loping lazily beside her as his brother took point for the moment. She scratched his side as she walked back towards the den. Maybe he felt the regret and the love that she felt for him and his brother, all rolled into one every time she looked at him, because he was being goofy, funny as if tryign to lighten her mood. He reached down and licked her exposed chin like an overgrown puppy. 

For her part, she managed not to cry out in shock, but she did let out a string of colorful words as she wiped the sticky substance with her glove and then onto the culprits fur as he danced around with his front half bowed to the ground like a puppy. He allowed her to touch him so that she wouldn't move much but he was having the time of his life spinning around her and dipping in and out of her reach. Lythias couldn't help but laugh at him as she finally managed to get it off her face. He reached forward like he was about to lick her again when she ducked out of instinct. Instantly her body protested and she groaned as she leaned forward and reached out to Othanis for support.

The pain passed after a moment, fading into a dull throb, but not before Lynsias appeared with a face of worry and a hand on his own chest. Her anger surged for a moment, but she pushed it back as the same dark emotion crept in, threating to take over. Althira was behind him with her hand on a sword that was sheathed across her back. "I'm fine. Othanis is just an overgrown puppy that I have spoiled too much." The Kilthra snapped lazily in her direction before attempting to lick a bit of snow he'd gotten on top of his nose. The two looked at him in amusement for a moment before Lynsias turned back to her with a reproachful look. She fought the urge to snap in his direction and start playing in the snow herself. Althira laughed both at the kilthra and at Lythias from what she could tell.

"I told you, your overbearing. Look at her, known you for less than a week and she's already tired of it." Lythias snickered as Lynsias turned and shot a venemous look at Althira as she walked past him to stand beside Lythias. Lythias looked up at her with a questioning look. "I am called Althira, eme kayte." She bowed her head slightly as a sign of respect. "Forgive me for not introducing myself properly before, I was taken with your beauty. Seeing your features...they are captivating." Lythias heart felt like it was beating out of her chest and her cheeks heated. Althira had called her a term used only for the goddess of beauty herself in the old language.

She glanced past Althira at Lynsias who was now playing tug with Othanis over a bit of rope but clearly watching them both. He met her eyes and a warm feeling surged from his place in her mind. She took it as encouragement. Whether she had asked for it or not, she had to trust Lynsias right now. She was dead in this world alone and so far he had revealed no intentions of hurting her. Even if he did later on it was a risk she was willing to take given the bleak outlook of her life alone. Turning back to Althira she smiled. "I am Lythias." Althira glowed at the name she had been given, as if it was a blessing laid upon her. After a moment, Lythias looked down slightly to hide her flushed cheeks as she added on to her introduction. "It is you who is quite beautiful, pretalia ince."

It translated to 'most beautiful, blessed', in the tongue of the mountain. It was similarly used to describe the great waterfall, the mountain peoples ideal form of beauty. Althira hummed happily and Lythias looked up to her smiling. She was so different than Lynsias. "I found a hot springs when I was searching for you. Would you like to bathe?" Lythias instantly felt her longing for a bath multiply as she nodded eagerly. She needed a bath more than anything. Even the kilthra seemed a bit excited as the entire group packed their things in the den and left to bathe

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