Part 25: Mereth

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 They didn't make it far before two young teenagers in dust colored uniforms rushed forward to take their horses. Lithias didn't have the words to warn the about Cub but Lynsias was quick to warn them in Plains Tongue as they approached. One of the two boys nodded and turned back the way he came. Lithias was about to ask Lynsias what he was doing when he returned. A smile formed on her face and she fought a laugh when she saw what the boy had. He'd tied what looked like a sheeps intestine to the end of spear staff that was pointless. Instantly, Cub wandered over with interest and began to sniff at it. Lynsias dismounted and reached forward to do something he had not done before. Placing a large hand on either side of her waist, Lynsias helped Lithias to the ground as if she were a fragile princess who had never ridden long distances before. 

It irked her but being that it was Lynsias she accepted it. She knew that if anything, these actions of possession and public affection probably bothered him more. Lynsias had made it clear he did not like to seem as anything above her equal. He disliked their current arrangement more than she did when it came to the act they would have to put on. As soon as she was on her feet, the second boy swooped in and grabbed both of the horses leads. Together the two led the three into the stables. Aakine and Othanis came to stand on either side of her and Lynsias as they stood. "We are waiting?" She asked, as she looked around at the open area surrounding them. There were a few building that could be storage and possibly a few businesses such as black smiths, and leather workers to her right. To her left was a rather large stable that could be passed off as a more luxurious place for visitors to leave horses. 

Further down the small road she made out another large building that could be an armory or possibly a training ground judging from the sound of swords striking. "For a friend." Lynsias responded shortly. Lithias turned to look up at him. He wasn't in uniform so the two of them stood out in the sea of tans, golds, and browns that bustled around them. Her purple curls and tan skin were surely not helping the situation and she felt eyes on her as groups of soldiers passed by doing various tasks. She was about to ask who this 'friend' was when a familiar male voice called out to them. "Lynsias! You blundering beasts I thought you were gone for good this time!" She looked up to see none other than the healer that had found her curled up with Othanis and Aakine on her deathbed.

Mereth beamed at Lynsias and clapped him on the shoulder as he approached before turning his attention to Lithias. He looked her up and down for a moment, almost like he was deciding what to say. "I'm glad to see you made it out of the Pass." He finally settled on. He had been distrustful of her the last they had met but she had deserved it. She'd only hoped that her distraction at the entrance to the Pass had repaid him in some way for the way he had saved her life. She nodded deeply in respect upon his greeting and to further the gesture placed both of her open palms over her heart with her palms facing outward. After a moment she looked up to see he was clearly unsure of how to take the gesture but to her contentment he met it with a firm nod. She was sure that no matter the circumstances, she had no doubt that he truly meant it when he said he was glad she had survived. "And I you." 

"The other's are already gathered. Althira has told them quite the tale." Mereth said, facing them both now. His expression was hard to read but he seemed even more conflicted than the day they'd sent her away from their camp in the mountains. She wasn't sure whether that was a good thing or not. "Lead us, there is nothing to say here." Lynsias said, his eyes sweeping the open area around them pointedly. Mereth nodded and turned to lead them in the direction of a smaller building to the right. The stone building was open almost entirely in the front room, with a half wall that formed a counter accessible to the outside. Mouthwatering scents rolled off it, and Lithias felt her stomach growl despite her breakfast as they arrived at the door leading to the side of the structure. The door however, seemed to lead into an entirely separate room from the business in the front. 

Lithias could hear the sounds of cooks bustling around and preparing food through the stone wall but the room they'd entered led only one way, down. There was hardly a platform for them to clear before they were descending down a dimly lit series of stairs. It was narrow and Aakine and Othanis walked before and after her as they could not stand beside her with Lynsias there. Mereth seemed rather used to the beasts but that didn't stop his slight scream when Othanis stumbled into him the first time, unsure of how to navigate steps for the first time. Lithias would have laughed if it weren't for the current situation. She was sure that if Althira was present, she would have laughed despite. "Who are we meeting?" Lithias asked, she hadn't been briefed much on this morning. They'd ridden hard to get into town. 

Mereth answered for Lynsias. "Every Fort has a sort of hierarchy of the highest ranking individuals present at a given time. When incidents arise such as conflicts, enemy sightings, and matters of security a group will be selected from the members at the top of the hierarchy to form a council of sorts and discuss further action. Today that council will be made up of the two Fort Commanders Mathias Berkene the Rippling Shield and Caerthias Berkene the Unyielding Blade, Knight Commander Lord Karleus Tegrin the Gold Shadow, Knight Daebrn Lancest the Warborne, and Knight Sira Tenkast the Hollow. Under normal circumstances this would be all that would attend but the Fort has been hosting two agents of the Essenterra for the past few days and they have elected to join as is allowed for their rank." 

This didn't mean anything to Lithias, who was somewhat attempting to remember the names and titles listed, but the last sentence had Lynsias on full alert. Lithias's hair stood on end as they came to a halt in front of one of the many unremarkable doors that lined the stairs. Lynsias stepped closer to her and she felt him place a hand on her back. This wasn't a stance he'd taken before and she noted how Mereth's eyes lingered on the placement of his arm as they passed by him into a wide corridor. Aakine found his way to her side and pressed his furry body into hers as they walked to the only door at the other end of the chamber. "Is that bad?" Lithias whispered in Ice Tongue, it didn't matter if Mereth heard them as he clearly was aware of their use of the language but she didn't want anyone else overhearing. 

Lynsias looked down at her, his jaw was more clenched than normal but his eyes remained calm and stoic. "Do not worry, eme tytra." Lithias wondered if he'd called her that to stun her into being quiet because it worked. Before she could get over the fact that he had referred to her as 'my dearest soul', they were being ushered through the large door they'd seen. Mereth locked eyes with her as he held the door open and gestured for them to enter. His conflicted expression had cleared and it seemed he had come to some conclusion about his opinion of her fate. "May eyes turn in your favor, Rykka." He whispered as she passed. She startled slightly at the strange name but Lynsias reacted more than she'd ever seen him outside of combat. His head swiveled and his eyes locked with Mereth's with an intensity that would've turned Lithias to a puddle on the spot. 

Mereth was unfazed by the heat bearing down at him, instead he met his gaze with a solemn expression. "The Highest Tribe sends regards to their leader." Lithias's eyes bugged but it was too late for her or Lynsias to say anything. As soon as Othanis cleared the doorway, Mereth swung the heavy door shut and sealed them into a small antechamber. A single person waited for them, in front of a large ornate set of double doors. The doors were carved of pale stone and bore intricate designs as well as runes but Lithias didn't observe them for long. Instead she turned her attention to Althira who was quieter than she'd ever seen her. The older woman smiled in greeting, and walked over quickly to pull Lithias into a sort of half embrace as she took her place by her side. Lithias placed a kiss on her cheek as she thought about their act. Althira lowered her own face as if she was going to do the same but instead she whispered something quietly. "They might know about your father, tread lightly." 

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