Part 6: Conversation

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Song: Hayloft - Mother Mother

As Lithias had suspected, Mereth was the Healer and the leader was Deabrn. The two had come to her long before the sun arose over the peeks, only the slightest pink filtered in from the south, the pass just on the other side. Lithias was outside greeting Othanis and Aakine when they arrived. The beast were happy that she was better and they had the chance to rest and eat. They were ready to leave however, and the two men approaching only made that feeling stronger. Lithias straightened her spine as she turned to greet them.

They both looked rather tired but not necessarily in bad spirits. She greeted them with a nod of respect, which they both returned. Mereth held open the tent for her to enter. She did so without looking back at her two nervous friends. Lynsias was now dressed in an outfit appropriate for the weather and was packing away the sleeping mat she had slept on. She felt her cheeks flush slightly when she realized he was packing it with his things and it must have belonged to him. No one seemed to notice as they all sat in a circle around the tent. She sat directly across from Daebrn while Mereth and Lynsias sat on either side.

Daebrn said something with a calm expression in a smooth even tone that sounded almost unnatural with his gruff voice. Lynsias translated, she noted that he spoke Mountain Tongue so that Mereth may listen. "He asked if you are well." He said. She nodded, not at Lynsias but at Daebrn, this conversation was between them. "Give him my thanks for shelter and healing, I have a few things to offer but not enough to compensate for what was given." Mereth looked like he wanted to argue with this somehow but Lynsias shot him a dark look before translating her statement. Daebrn did argue, but Lynsias surprised her by arguing back.

"The Lord Daebrn was hesitant to accept anything in return, Lord Lynn was explaining how that would be seen as a disrespect on the people of this region." Mereth supplied when Lithias looked at him imploringly. She was glad Lynsias had saved her the argument. The few vials of herbs and the small amount of handcrafted blades were all she could offer. She had more than she herself would use and had been hoping to trade them eventually. They were already wrapped in a leather binding on top of her bag ready to be gifted. The blades were sharpened by spellwork but they had no need to wonder if it was hers, she had been living near the trading post.

"He asks, what it is that happened to you. He also has questions about the Kilthra." Lynsias finally said after a moment of bickering in Plains Tongue. "I lived with my mother near the base of the peak west of here. She was lost last spring so I was alone when the soldiers came. They could not force their way in to my home so they attempted to burn me in it. I barely managed to flee in time." She knew there were holes but she was ready to fill them as she was translated. "You have many supplies." This was Mereth this time. "I saw them coming. I was on a ridge searching for Vilramin nest. I wasted too much time packing and my injury was the price." Lithias explained. Mereth seemed content with this answer although Daebrn still eyed her warily.

Lynsias was impossible to read which seemed to be his normal. "He asked why they would attack you." He said. Now she was unsure what to say. It would be a risk to tell them the truth, even a watered down version, but she also didn't want to risk outright lying. Besides she couldn't hold it in that she was a threat to everyone in this group. They thought they were the target when the real one lied under their protection. "My mothers ancestors were Mountain Kin, she looked it more than I." Everyone paused at this revelation. Mereth looked surprised, almost horrified at the notion while Lynsias translated. Deabrn bared his teeth and gnashed them angrily as he realized the implications of her presence.

She was more than just Mountain Kin but that fact alone was enough to have her death warrant signed by the High Council of Nendonis. This also meant they were now aware who exactly there enemies were after, even if they didn't understand the full reasons as to why. "You were trying to get to the Pass." This was a statement, a rather blunt one from Mereth. His curiousity over her seemed to have faded when he realized the depth of the threat she carried. It was also possible that blood bias now tainted his image of her. She was aware that even in nations that accepted her kind, bias often left them ostracized at best.

Lithias lowered her eyes, she knew what he was saying. She had been travelling to the pass just as they had. Even though the soldiers had not been after them, they would not hesitate to engage Knights with young paladins in tow. Even if she left she'd still put them in harms way. That is, unless they decided to take a more radical approach. They could use her as bait to lure them away from the pass so they could get through. If she was captured there was no longer a reason for them to fear the soldiers and if she survived somehow when they left her she'd lead them away from the trail at least for a few hours.

Her mind cleared as the effects of her medicine ebbed. She was alert and ready, if they wanted to go that route she would make sure it was bloody for all involved. She observed Lynsias as he argued with Daedryn in the foreign tongue. Mereth seemed to chip in every now and then but he spent quite a deal of time observing her. Distrust was clear on his face but she couldn't see any malice so far. "How did you come across the beast?" He asked. For a moment the argument next to him halted and there was silence in the tent. "They were gifted to my mother when I was young, they were already tame. They were meant to protect our home but with it gone, they have chosen to protect me."

Mereth seemed to accept this as much as he accepted anything else that came out of her mouth. Lynsias was now translating her answer instead of arguing. He also seemed to take this with a grain of salt. Lynsias turned to face her finally. "We will not harm you but we ask that you leave immediately. He would like you to know that it dishonors him as a knight to not see you through the pass but he could not allow the deaths of his charges to lie on his hands." She understood this. In fact it was what she had hoped for. So with a respectful bid of goodbye she stood.

The men rose to their feet at once as well. They bowed to her as she had to them and she quickly turned and offered them her gifts. Her infection had been treated and she managed to exchange a her last vial of night dust for enough supplies to keep it away as well as treat any other wounds or illnesses she might encounter alone. With her supplies in hand she made her way out of the tent. Her wound was sore but manageable so after strapping her supplies back onto the anxious Kilthra she left on foot southwest. She would approach the pass from the other side of the valley to lead any trackers further from the group. It was her idea even though it would slow her down.

She didn't say goodbye to anyone but they all stood outside and watched as she left. Their features once again shrouded by their attire. She felt them watch her until she left their view down the steep hill that led into the center of the valley. She just had to make it up the other side to be under tree cover again. She was swift in her movements and had her own features concealed entirely with her scarf and hood. She even pulled the tip down far enough to cover her eyes. She made it to the other side without incident but her magic was buzzing uneasily in her veins. She felt as if she were still being watched.

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