Part 16: Forward

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Song- Survivor - Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats

The next night they were ready. Lynsias and Althira seemed to be at about half essence stored. Lythias on the underhand was practically vibrating with it. She hadn't used any in three days now and it was becoming a bit of a pain. She badly wanted to allow her hair or even finger tips burn for a few moments to allow some relief but she didn't want to draw more attention to her discomfort. Lynsias was already glancing at her suspiciously as they meticulously destroyed every trace of their den. Althira even seemed to be aware something was bothering her and being that she was the blunt one of the two she didn't hesitate to ask.

"What's wrong, eme kayte? You acting as if you have ants under your layers." Lythias went to argue but Althira stared at her deadpan. "I've seen nightdust shooters less antsy for a buzz." She said clipped. Now they had all stopped their movements and stared at each other. Well Lynsias and Althira stared at Lythias who attempted to look anywhere but at the two of them. She debated a lie but the tether made that useless. "I need to burn." She said simply. It took them a moment to understand what she was attempting to say. There was a word specifically for the need to siphon off excess energy in the mountain tongue, known as suecein, but she wasn't sure there was a proper word for it in her native tongue.

Lynsias looked around for a moment as if taking in their surroundings and the logistics of the act. It was still fairly light outside but her magic would be smokeless without fuel aside from her essence. "I can wait until we get to the pass. We will probably need it then, I'll just be a bit twitchy." Althira looked ready to argue but Lynsias cut her off. "Yes." Lythias nodded. Something was bothering him and she couldn't tell if it was his suspicion or hers that was starting to make the back of her neck itch. Aakine appeared as they finished covering the den entirely. He flanked the group as Lynsias began leading the way with Althira and Lythias following slightly to either side of him and behind him. Othanis would streak through every now and then as he circled the group in and out of the boulders and trees around them.

Aakine alternated between walking on either side of the group and at the back of the triangle to form a sort of diamond formation. Althira observed them curiously as they moved around the group. They moved silently. Each were free of their belongings. They'd left behind unnecessary clothing and belongings. Most of which were the few things that remained of Lythias's home, and opted to dress for quick and precise battle and movement. Lythias was as always in her layered plated leather tunic and leggings. Her boots were laced tightly and she had opted for her original darker grey cloak over the slightly lighter replacement she'd used. This one had a hole but she refused to leave it behind and it added better camouflage in the rocky terrain they were about to enter.

As they approached the sun set further but didn't get any darker thanks to their proximity to the exit. The shadows were long and the group moved in swift blurs between them, dancing out in and out of sight in seconds as they moved quickly. Lythias was sweating when they finally reached a slowing point but not from the agility and speed she'd used. Her magic was humming angrily in her veins, it was getting stronger with the stress of the impending conflict. She could already hear the voices of men talking at the base of the path as they stood on the ridge above them. There were at least four that she could hear. She wasn't sure how many would be in the trees nearby or on the other end of the long exit. These men were bound by territory rights to stay on this side of the pass so she was sure they had several groups like this guarding it.

She only hoped they hadn't waited so long that each group could be holding its own knight. It took nearly a week to get into the peaks from the closest fortress but knights were swift and it had been half long enough for the normal traveler to get here. Lynsias placed a gloved hand on her shoulder. Offering her a look. She'd been feeding him essence to siphon of her own but she could only do so much at a time before it would overwhelm him as well. One did not have near the capacity to hold another's essence as they did their own, another thing that made tethers dangerous in inexperienced hands. She gave him a bit more and then he nodded his head in Althira direction. The other woman nodded slightly and she realized that he was telling her had passed it along.

She dispersed it a bit more between the group as they all took a moment to catch their breaths and adjust to it before they pressed on. Althira held up four fingers and Lythias nodded affirmatively. Lynsias pulled out two short blades and nodded to them both. Althira did not draw a weapon at all, leaving her hands free for spellcraft while Lythias drew her own sword. She was careful to keep the blade from catching the light, holding it angled downwards toward the grass. It was heavy but she was eager to use it. Her essence fueled movements made it feel lighter than ever as she moved it carefully near her body. She was in a slight crouch and gestured with one hand for Aakine and Othanis to spread out but stay put. They were too watch the fight until she gave the signal and pick off any reinforcements that may come from the trees if needed.

Althira fell into step behind Lythias as she followed Lynsias silently into position just below the group speaking. If they looked down now they might even be able to see the trio but they were too busy talking to each other rather angrily about being ordered into the pass at night. They were worried about the wildlife it seemed. Lythias almost smirked at how ironic it was that the deadliest beast in this forest was right below them ready to pounce. Without a signal needed the three sprung on the group. Lynsias dispatched the first with a simple x motion of his blades, decapitating the man all together. The next charged him with a drawn sword but he blocked easily. Lythias was unable to watch any longer as the other two descended on her and Althira.

She didn't hesitate to swing her sword into a deadly essence fueled flurry as the first dove for her still unarmed companion. The man was unable to dodge as she forced the blade quickly into the space underneath his armpit. The last opponent was likely a female and she was quick to swing out with her smaller curved blade as Lythias was busy withdrawing her own weapon from her fallen companion. Lythias ducked just in time to avoid losing her head and kicked out with her leg as she fully withdrew her blade. The soldier jumped back in time to dodge the kick but only narrowly avoided losing her life when Lythias's sword rushed to meet her before she could parry.

Instead of recieved a slash to the chest however, the soldier had accidentally dodged into the swipe and for a moment all Lythias could see was the blood that splattered across her face. She hadn't even had the chance to clear her eyes when she heard a pained shout and then another warning her. She ducked instantly to the floor and listened to what sounded like a rather sloppy swing fly over her head. Wiping her eyes on her sleeve quickly she opened them to see her opponent had now fallen to her knees and was clutching her right forearm while screaming. The limb was almost severed at a sickeningly curved angle between her elbow and wrist. Lythias was ready to put her out of her misery when Lynsias beat her too it. One of his duel blades made quick work of putting her to rest as he reached Lythias.

Althira was already there helping her wipe some of the blood from the few inches of exposed flesh around her eyes. It was a mess plastered to her hair and hood as well as her scarf. Lynsias glanced over them and quickly urged them forward. They were quick to follow him further uphill to the exit. She could hear more voices ahead, most of them loudly wondering about the commotion down hill. She didn't have a chance to look back at the bodies they'd left behind as she waved for the kilthra to join them. The only thing on her mind was finally evading her pursuers.

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