Part 3: Serinaean

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Song- Nobody, Mitski

It took days for them to reach the valley they would've originally reached the first night. Lithias had been in and out of consciousness the first two and on the evening of the third day awoke to a searing pain in her side and a burning fever.She wasn't a healer but she didn't need to be to know her burn was deeply infected. There was nothing to do so finally she took her first dose of Nightdust from the jar on her waste. It was foul but she was asleep in moments.

Aakine and Othanis only woke her to shift between each other and resting. On the fourth day she thought she was surely delusional when she heard the sound of voices approaching the small cave she was laying in. It was barely large enough to fit her body as well as the two Kilthra but that allowed for them to warm her tremendously as she shook with fever between them.

The voices were male and were speaking a tongue she was unfamiliar with. She was somewhat relieved to find it wasn't the one of her enemy. Her enemy unfortunately spoke her first language. The voices were rapidly approaching and she could hear in their tone that they were clearly concerned and wary. Both of her companions were on high alert, hair bristled as they growled. They rose to crouch over her, Aakine using a paw to drag her underneath towards the back of the cave, he was her last line of defense.

The voices drew to a halt with several startled intakes of breath. Neither beast moved. They wouldn't dare reveal their injured sister. There were several exclamations as Lithias began to move, her arms braced underneath her she grunted with the effort off forcing herself onto her knees. She cried out slightly as she finally came to a somewhat stand in front of Aakine and behind Othanis. Both beast watched her wearily while keeping an eye on the formation of men outside their little sanctuary.

Due to his crouching posture Lithias was now visible over Othanis's head. There were murmurs among the group that now stood in a wide semicircle around the opening. Her vision was blurry enough she couldn't make out any distinguishing features or brands on the armor of the men. Their faces were covered in woolen mask to protect against the falling snow. Their black cloaks concealed any of their features. She wished she could say the same for her own but her hood had fallen and she couldn't take her hands off of Othanis long enough to pull it back on. She could only shiver more as the cold breeze met her exposed sweaty neck.

A man suddenly stumbled forward. He said something in the foreign tongue, his tone unsure as he eyed her brothers. He then looked at her with open concern and seemed to be scanning for visible wounds. She couldn't help but think he must be a healer. She could feel his essence swirling within him, but not rapidly and unruly like that of a mage or other fighter. She opened her mouth to speak but instead let out a series of racking coughs. She looked up to see all had gone silent and were looking at her. Then she spoke. "I don't understand."

The man suddenly pulled down his mask and hood to reveal his pale features. His indigo tinted hair and eyes were a clear indication of his origin. These men were from the Serinae on the other side of the Halstethian Pass. Stepping closer to the slightly raised waist height entrance of the cave he lowered his long sword to his side and cocked his head to the side as he looked at her. He looked between her and Othanis a few times pointedly before lowering his weapon to the ground and letting it go entirely. He barked an order to the others.

Two spoke up, both sounding quite young, and seemed to argue. One was clearly not wanting to drop his weapon while the other threw his on the ground and turned to face him. The two passed some angry words back and forth before the unarmed boy launched himself at the other and wrestled his sword from him. Meanwhile, Lithias wasn't sure if she should laugh or vomit. She was almost ready to do the latter when the first man turned to her. He furrowed his brow and said something in a different language altogether.

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