Part 20: Knowing

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Song: The Night We Met - Lord Huron

After her bath, Lithias drained the tub and repeated the process of preparing it for Lynsias who also didn't bother to use the curtain, after having been witness to her entire bath as if she were on a stage. Lithias had run out of clean clothes when they were forced to abandon most of their belongings, as had Althira it seemed as the duo looked down at their pile of clothing in distaste, still wrapped in towels provided by the inn. Lynsias cleared his throat from the bath. Lithias looked up to see him watching them with a rather smug look on his face. Her eyes narrowed as he gestured to his own bag. "I have clean tunics for both of you."

Althira scoffed as she held up the bag and revealed the 'tunics' he was referring to. The two shirts would hardly cover the pair of them. Lithias felt her mouth hang open as she glanced back at Lynsias who seemed all too pleased with himself. Althira snickered beside her. "Seems to innocent doesn't he? Big noble warrior with a heart of gold." She said sarcastically as she handed Lithias the shorter of the shirts to accommodate for the difference in their leg length. Althira stuck her tongue out at Lynsias childishly before finishing her remark. "Too bad he's secretly a dog like every other man." Lynsias looked completely unfazed as he lounged in his bath in apparent complete relaxation. Lithias couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected playfulness he had displayed.

She pulled on the shirt and was happy to find that it was clean and covered most of her torso. Althira began working on her hair as Lynsias finished his bath. He was still drying off when a knock came from their door and they heard the voice of the old woman from before, "Meal's ready." She called through the door. Lithias choked on a laugh when she took in the state of them. Her and Althira hardly what one could call decent and Lynsias completely nude in the process of drying his hair. Althira hardly gave her any warning as she turned promptly and walked to the door with clear intentions of opening it. Lithias looked around for somewhere to hide but was saved when Lynsias took a step forward and grabbed the back of her collar and pulled her closer at the same time he closed the previously discarded curtain.

She felt her cheeks go red as she realized she was pressed entirely against his nude form. She looked up at him as she heard Althira open the door and the inn keeper give a scandalized gasp when she saw her. Lynsias gave her a half smile as he reached for a pair of loose trousers, his midnight hair even darker as it dripped down his back. He looked over and gave her a look to let her know he knew she was checking him out. Part of her was embarrased but the larger part had been around Althira too much already judging by the reaction. She smirked and gave a quiet 'woof'. He scoffed and she saw his shoulders shake slightly as he remembered Althira's comment from a moment ago.

Althira seemed to be arguing with the lady over whether food should cost extra and Lithias was getting cramped in her small space between the curtain and the tub. Lynsias's massive form didn't help the issue. She noted how he never directly looked lower than her eyes. Despite all the teasing he had never been anything less than noble when it came to her privacy. She appreciated it but she couldn't help but feel as if he maybe weren't attracted to her. With all her flirting back and forth with Althira it was clear he didn't care about their interest in each other but she could never get a feel for his interest in her.

Almost as if he could sense the direction her mind was going he looked over at her. Her eyes, which had been firmly locked on his muscular check with zero shame apparently, met his and she felt her breath leave her chest at the darkness in his eyes. He once again gave her a look to let he know she'd been caught. Still she simply held his gaze, locked on the foreign emotion in his eyes. Then he reached forward, her breathing stopped entirely as she felt his hand brush the hair on her neck away from the top of her shirt. Her heart beat rapidly in her chest as his hand trailed further down her chest, burning where the flesh of his hand brushed her bare breast. It took a few moments to realize that he was buttoning the last button on the top.

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