Chapter One

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Glisten hung nervously on the outskirts of Jade Mountain Academy. She really should have been thrilled, but she couldn't help being a little nervous. She really liked the idea of making new friends, and learning more about other tribes, but the thought of actually having to walk up to a dragon she'd never met before made her feel queasy.  

"Are you alright, Glisten?"  her father asked, seeing her hesitancy.  

"I'm not sure," she replied quietly, "One the one talon, there's a big part of me that really wants to do this...but on the other talon, there's another part of me that just wants to go back to Sanctuary and curl up with a scroll." 

"You'll be fine," Father said, reassuringly, "Believe me, when I first came here, I did not want to be here, and I let it show. But...somehow I wound up with some of the best friends I will ever have, and enough adventure for a lifetime. Although don't tell Qibli that I consider him one of the best friends I will ever have." Glisten nodded. She'd heard her father's stories so many times, stories of adventure, and how he'd saved the world with his rather unexpected group; a quick-witted SandWing, an overexcited RainWing, a SkyWing who had fire in her scales, the cautious SeaWing prince who had turned out to be an animus (Glisten hadn't ever considered the possibility until now that she might be going to school with royalty) and of course the beautiful NightWing with mind-reading powers who had had the prophecy which had started it all. Glisten doubted that her winglet would be quite so adventurous, in fact, she very much hoped that they weren't going to have any run-ins with terrifying and vengeful dragons, but she still hoped that she would make friendships as firm and enduring as her father had.  

"Hello Winter! And this must be Glisten," The speaker was a kindly yellow dragon, who looked a bit older than her father, although considerably smaller. Sunny, Glisten thought, Queen Thorn's daughter, dragonet of destiny and the founder of Jade Mountain Academy. "I'm Sunny, and it is lovely to meet you, Glisten." 

"Hello," Glisten said softly. Sunny was famous across Pyrrhia for her kindness and warmth, and Glisten's friend Surf had always told her that she had been an excellent Winglet Advisor when he was at school the previous year. I really hope that she's my Winglet Advisor. Surf was in Copper, wasn't he? I wonder which winglet I'll be in? " you know who my Winglet Advisor is?" 

"Great question, Glisten," She smiled, "You'll have Clay as your advisor. Actually, there he is-" she pointed out a big affable-looking MudWing who was greeting students, alongside a SkyWing with uniquely copper-coloured scales, who most students were giving a wide berth (Peril, probably) "-if you go over, he'll show you to your cave. You'll be in Jade Winglet, just like your father," Father smiled slightly, which was more than he usually did. He wasn't the smiliest of dragons.  

"Off you go, Glisten," he nudged her towards Clay with his wing, "You'll be alright. Your mother and I will write as often as we can. And remember...I love you." Glisten wrapped her wings around her father one last time, not wanting to let go. 

"Now, Winter, I think there will be a certain science teacher who will be very excited to see you." Sunny said, with a grin.  

"Well, I'll be glad to see Qibli again," Father said, "Not that I will admit that to his face. Glisten?" Glisten knew she couldn't stall any longer. She was going to have to take a leap of faith and face whatever was waiting for her. She shyly walked towards Clay, who was busy explaining about the meal schedule to a MudWing dragonet.  

"Um, hello?" Glisten said softly, "I was told to, um, come and find you..."  

"Oh yes," he said cheerfully. Clay's voice was very comforting, slow and cheery and gave the overall impression that there was nothing to worry about, "Are you in Jade Winglet?"  

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