Chapter Eleven

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It was a beautiful day, a week since the Talons of War/Disagreement had been vanquished, and the morning of the most important day of Peril's life, and the school was in chaos. The students had been put in charge of the decorations and  Tsunami and Fatespeaker were supposed to be supervising, and it was not exactly going smoothly. 

"No, Beauty, as gorgeous as a flower arch will look, I'm not sure it's a great idea," Fatespeaker said gently, "Peril will definitely set that pretty arbour on fire." 

"WHICH SAND-TAIL DECIDED THAT A BEAUTIFUL BOWER OF CACTI WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA?" Tsunami shouted, "Chollas, this sounds like something you would do!" Chollas, the cheeky SandWing in Copper grinned. 

"Maybe it was me, maybe it wasn't," 

"Ugh, why do we even have to do this," Tsunami groaned, "When I got married, we had all of seven guests and absolutely no decorations." 

"Yes, but you basically eloped, Tsunami," Fatespeaker reasoned, "Clay and Peril want a proper wedding. Like mine and Starflight's. Except, you know, not library themed."

"Wait, you eloped, Mum?" Surf's jaw dropped, from where he was helping the Jade Winglet to make decorative posies, "I didn't know that!"

"More or less," Tsunami said, "Basically only my best friends, Anemone, Turtle and Auklet, plus Nautilus who married us were there, or even knew it was happening." 

"So, you got married without either of your parents?" Surf asked. Tsunami gave a short laugh. 

"Let's just say that we didn't elope just to get out of having a big wedding, kid." she grinned, "Your grandparents didn't even find out we were together until a month before your hatching."  

"Wow," Surf said, "Guys, my mother is an icon."

"My mum is more of an icon," Beauty argued, nudging him gently with her wing, "You know, queen of two tribes, dragonet of destiny, and just all-round iconic." 

"Nah, nah, nah, my mum is way cooler than yours," Surf shook his head, "I love you, Beauty, but I gotta tell you--you're wrong about this one. Right, Waterfall?"

"Aunty Tsunami is pretty awesome." Waterfall, whose confidence had been blossoming ever since their adventure, and Glisten couldn't help wondering if it had anything to do with the level of attention that Firefly had been paying him.

"Is she awesome? Yes. Is she more awesome than my mum? HECK NO!" Rainstorm teased, "I'm sorry, but your aunty is only a princess, my mother is a queen."

"What about me, Firefly?" Fatespeaker called, "Isn't your mum an icon too?" 

"Lightbringer's mum is the coolest, sorry ladies." Qibli said, from where he had been helping to hang a huge banner reading CLAY + PERIL over the ledge where the wedding would take place in just a few hours, "Y'all are very cool and all that, but none of you are quite as all-round the best as my Moonwatcher." 

"Awwww," Glisten said, alongside Firefly and Lightbringer. "Cute!" 

"I IS VERY VERY CUTE TOO!" Truthseeker said, coming bounding over and sitting on Lightbringer's back, knocking the bouquet she was making out of her talons. He'd made a full recovery from the attack, although he still had some bandages, and there were some scars that Clay didn't think would ever fully heal, but Qibli reassured Truthseeker that they made him look tough. "And very tough too. Just like my daddy." 

"But the real question is, are you as smart and as brave as your sister?" Lightbringer asked, semi-teasingly. 

"Well, Mummy thinks that I is reeeally smart and reeeally brave. But you's also really all those things too, Lighty," Truthseeker cuddled his sister, as everyone else 'awwed', before he looked up, with wide green eyes, and very earnestly asked, "Lighty, is Rainstorm your boyfriend?" Lightbringer spluttered. Firefly burst out laughing, as did Beauty and Surf. Glisten was working hard to keep her face straight.

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