Chapter Seven

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"Was that a prophecy?" Firefly asked, in awe, asking the question at the forefront of Glisten's mind.

"I think so," Lightbringer nodded, as Beauty gasped, "And it sounds concerning."

"You can say that again," Waterfall nodded, "I heard a lot of death, death, dragons dying, death."

"Well, that seals it," said Surf, "We can absolutely not tell anyone. My mum has had enough shocks for a lifetime in the last few days. And we all know how she feels about prophecies. She might kill someone."

"Oh well, you're just going to have to be the responsible adult here, Surf. What a shame." Rainstorm grinned, "Anyway, we'd better figure out what it means."

"Not to show off, but this is my thing," Lightbringer said, "I LOVE deconstructing poetry." She was writing the prophecy out, consulting Beauty, who still looked sick and shaken. "Now, does anyone have any insights?"

"Nope," Waterfall said, "It's as clear as mud. But then--"

"Don't you even think about telling us how useless you are, Prince Waterfall," Firefly cut him off, "Because you are NOT useless. But I don't have any insights either."

"I got the overall impression that something bad is coming," Rainstorm said, "And I reckon that 'palaces of ice, sand and sky,' probably means Queen Snowfall, Queen Thorn and Queen Ruby."

"The 'queen who rules for two' has to be Mum, surely," Beauty thought aloud, "I hope she's not in danger, especially since Dad is guarding the school instead of her."

"Good, good," Lightbringer said, writing furiously, "And I have a feeling that 'the mountain built to hope and try' is probably Jade Mountain Academy, if you follow."

"Gotcha," Rainstorm said, "Though what would anyone get by attacking a school?"

"Look at the final line, Rainstorm," Lightbringer said, with her I've-got-it face, "Heroes and royals. And 'palaces of ice, sand and sky. The IceWings, SandWings and SkyWings, as well as the UR, are the tribes that have had significant change because of either the Dragonets of Destiny, or the actions of the original Jade Winglet, all of whom fall into the category of 'heroes and royals'. I think that whoever it's talking about, this 'ragged band' is targeting them. Most of whom are here."

"Good thinking," Rainstorm nudged her with his wing, and, although she rolled her eyes, she smiled at him.

"Now, what's betting that this 'ragged band' is the same dragons that kidnapped Glisten?" Firefly said, "Those...those..."

"Squid-brains?" Surf suggested.

"Mango-brains, if you were hoping for something more rainforest-esque?" Rainstorm chimed.

"Both sound like good options," Waterfall said, laughing. "Squidmango-brains?"

"Guys," Beauty said, "This is important. And I think Firefly might be onto something. I mean, how many terrifying evil dragons could there be?"

"Well, let's see if we can line them up with the dragons mentioned in the second-last stanza," Lightbringer said, "Let's see, 'lost her freedom, tribe and fight'--that sounds just like Fierceteeth. Since she's attempted to take the NightWing crown, attempted to assassinate Queen Glory, and imprisoned in Thorn's dungeons, only to break out and have the process repeated."

"Well, then I don't think there's any question about it," Rainstorm said, "And that big guy, Strongwings, definitely fits the bill for 'one in love'. He clearly adores Fierceteeth, though why I do not know."

"And if I've got my history right, then Chameleon is probably the other person who 'lost their freedom, tribe and fight.'" Waterfall said, "From what I can gather, he's kind of an outcast."

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