Chapter Two

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"Jade Mountain will be your home, and your winglet will be your family for the next year, so I am delighted to welcome each and every one of you here," Sunny continued, "Now, before you can all go off and continue to get to know each other better, I just want to mention a few things and go over a few formalities. Firstly, let me introduce the staff of JMA. Firstly, this is Clay,"-the friendly MudWing stepped forward-"he's in charge of the prey cave and hunting trips, so if you're hungry, he is definitely the dragon to talk to. Also, if you're hurt, he takes care of the infirmary, so go find him. And finally, for the first time, he will be taking up job of Winglet Advisor for Jade Winglet." Clay waved and there was a smattering of applause, before Sunny resumed, "Next, Tsunami! She's Head of School, so if you misbehave, Tsunami will be onto you...although I sincerely hope that none of you will. She's also going to be the person to speak to for any SeaWings interested in going for hunts that might be more water-based. And Copper, you will be glad to hear that once more, Tsunami will be your Winglet Advisor, after taking a year with Quartz."

"You know, because Surf was in Copper, so obviously Tsunami didn't have them last year," Lightbringer whispered, before seeing her mother looking at her, and quickly shutting up.

"Next, up, Qibli," Sunny continued, "He'll be teaching science, which you will definitely enjoy, and together with his wife, Moon--"

"AND TWUTHSEEKER!" chirruped the baby dragonet, who Moon was holding, "Me too, Sunny!" 

"And Truthseeker," Sunny chuckled, "They'll be joint Winglet Advisors for Gold this year. Moon is also our history teacher, and our consultant for any NightWings who might be struggling with their powers."

"Yay! That's my mum!" Lightbringer cheered under her breath, "Dad usually takes Jade, and Mum does Silver, but what with me being in Jade and Truthseeker being a lot of work, they're tag-teaming it this year."

"Finally, Starflight and Fatespeaker," Sunny announced, "Starflight is our head librarian and if you don't know anything about almost anything, he'll probably have your answer, or know where to find it. Fatespeaker is assistant librarian, but her main role is Head of Student Welfare, so if you're having any problems, she'll be more than happy to have a chat with you. And, for the first time, Starflight and Fatespeaker will be Winglet Advisors this year, to Silver!" 

"They're really excited," Firefly whispered, "Dad's already plotting out exactly which scrolls he will read to them. Mum's more concerned with cool art or music projects for them." 

"Wow, Silver's in for some fun then," Lightbringer replied, "I almost wish I was them. Except that I'm in Jade, which is obviously the best. I mean, defeating Darkstalker, hello?" 

"What about ending the whole war? I think that's cooler!" Firefly hissed back, before Qibli looked straight at her and Lightbringer and they promptly shut up. 

"Now, the most important thing to remember is that we're here to promote unity between the tribes, not to create more rifts," Sunny looked earnestly around, her eyes lingering on each student for a fraction of a second, "I know that you might not all get along well with each other, if you all make an effort, we can make it work." Across the front, all the teachers were nodding in agreement, although both Tsunami and Peril looked like this was a big ask. "I think that that is all, so I'm going to dismiss you all to go and meet with your winglet. So, here's where you'll be heading. Jade is headed to the prey cave, Gold to the history cave, Silver to the library, Copper to the underground lake, and Quartz to Stonemover's cave with me." 

"And don't forget to have fun!" Qibli called, as the students began to filter out. Glisten followed Lightbringer and Firefly to the prey cave. 

"Ooh, and here's the rest of the winglet," Lightbringer said, as they entered. As well as Clay (and Peril, who had tagged along), there were three more dragons, a large female MudWing, an energetic SkyWing, and a dragon the likes of which Glisten had never seen before. He was mostly black, with patches of rainbow-hued scales here and there, and silver scales beside his eyes. He was also extremely handsome. 

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