Chapter Four

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Chatter broke out all over the room, and Clay moved to put his wing around Tsunami, who, although she looked overwhelmed and like she was feeling a thousand emotions, did not look about to faint.

"Thank you for letting us know," she said in an unusually quiet and shaky voice, "Ladies and gentlemen, please excuse me."

"We understand," Sunny said, "When did the challenge happen?"

"About that," Riptide said quickly, "There was no battle. Queen Anemone challenged her mother, and Coral peacefully abdicated."

"WHAT?" Tsunami roared, "WHAT HAPPENED?"

"Coral released an official statement, announcing that she would rather lose her throne than another daughter, and that she would rather live out the rest of her days spending time with her children and grandchildren, and that she is positive that Anemone will make a good queen."

"Oh, thank goodness." Sunny beamed, "That's so good. I hope more queens follow her example."

"ANEMENEMEMEMONE," Truthseeker suddenly burst, looking highly concentrated, "ANEMENEMEMENEMENEMENENONE."

"That's Queen Anemenemenemenemone to you, Truthseeker," Qibli quipped.

"Well, thank you once again for letting us know," Tsunami said, "You've had a long flight, so feel free to stick around for as long as you like. At least for the rest of the day. I insist upon it."

"But for now, I suggest you sit down and listen to Winter," Qibli said, "Although, considering you work with him, you probably already know a lot of it."

The two SeaWings went to sit with the staff, and Tsunami, now having recovered, threw her wings around them.

"Aww," Firefly said, "Also that whole thing is CRAZY! And probably what Beauty was dreaming about. And me actually. My dream had a crown of shells in it."

"Yeah, Beauty has prophetic skills," Rainstorm said, "Also, Lightbringer! Do I detect a little crush?"

"Ugh, go away!" Lightbringer rolled her eyes, before lowering her voice so that only Glisten and Firefly could hear, "Three moons, Surf is ridiculously handsome, isn't he?" Glisten still couldn't understand the hype surrounding her childhood best friend.

"I totally agree, Glisten," Rainstorm said, in an infuriatingly cheeky tone, "Overrated. Especially in comparison with me!"

"I WILL BITE YOU, RAINSTORM!" Lightbringer was furious now, and the whole room was watching them.

"Lightbringer," Moon said quietly, looking directly into her eyes. Lightbringer shut up, staring daggers at Rainstorm.

"Oooh," Rainstorm hissed, "So I'm a frog-faced blob of camel spit now. Very refined, Lightbringer." To her credit, Lightbringer didn't retaliate, but Glisten thought that Rainstorm was perhaps overstepping here, considering that Lightbringer was already in trouble.

"You're right, Glisten," Rainstorm whispered, "I'm sorry, Lightbringer. I'll let you be. I shouldn't have done that." He actually sounded sincere now, and Glisten was surprised.
Lightbringer, meanwhile, was listening intently to Winter, ignoring Rainstorm pointedly. Oh dear, Glisten thought, I think that Rainstorm has made an enemy.
As soon as the scavenger talk had ended, the school was dismissed to have the rest of morning off. Glisten immediately went to find her father, who took her under his wing.

"How are you, snowdrop?" he asked, "Is school going well?"

"School is brilliant," she told him, "I've made some great friends, and the lessons are actually pretty good. Thanks for making me come." Winter chuckled.

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