Chapter Eight

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"Is he breathing? Is he going to survive this?" Moon pleaded.

"WHO DID THIS TO HIM?" Qibli roared.

"Yes, maybe, I don't know, in that order," Clay said reassuringly, but his forehead was creased with worry, "He's not in a good way."

Truthseeker had been taken to the infirmary, and his family was gathered around.

"But...but...he's my little brother," Lightbringer sobbed, "He's not even a year old. He can't die." Qibli put his wing around Lightbringer, but there was nothing he could say to her.
"I'm doing everything I can, I promise," Clay said.

"BUT WHO DID THIS?" Qibli's tail barb was raised, "At risk of sounding like Winter, I am going to find the moons-blasted dragon who did this to my son and murder them."

"I personally didn't see anyone," Deathbringer said, "Personally, I think we need to call in reinforcements."

"Already on it," Sunny said entering the room, "I've got Glory's royal guard, Six-claws, Ostrich and Reed coming. And Meerkat and Mayfly are coming to help Clay."

"Now would be a really really good time for Riptide NOT TO BE NEEDED IN SANCTUARY!" Tsunami ranted

"Well, we have Surf instead," Sunny said kindly.

"Thanks Sunny--wait did you say Glory's royal guard?" Deathbringer exclaimed, "Who's guarding the queen then?"

"Glory is taking care of herself," said Tsunami, with an eye-roll, "She's actually able to defend herself pretty well even if she is beautiful."

"Oh, no, what are we going to do with the winglets," Sunny fretted, "Obviously I can't expect Moon or Qibli to teach right now, and I'm afraid we really need Clay either here in the infirmary or defending the school. And you're--"

"I am no longer on my break," Tsunami declared, "I have recovered from the shock of my sister's attaining the throne, and now that Riptide has gone back, and Surf actually has duties within the Talons, I am much less inclined to take a break. So I'll take Copper as per usual, and just get Starflight and Fatespeaker to take a winglet each, rather than one between them. And maybe we can split the last winglet between us."

"Thanks, Tsunami," Sunny smiled appreciatively, "You're a good person to have at hand during times like these."

"Can I ask if you guys could maybe leave," Clay said quietly, "I work better when people aren't crowding me. If that's alright."

"Alright, everyone out!" Tsunami yelled, "Let Clay work!"

"Will he be okay? Please, please, please tell me he'll be alright," Moon was sobbing.

"I can't promise anything, but I'm doing my best," Clay reassured her.

"Come on," Qibli guided Moon gently out, supporting her. Glisten, Rainstorm, Firefly and Waterfall were sitting outside the infirmary, eavesdropping, as as the teachers filed out, they realised that it was probably time to go.

"Well, that was horrible," Rainstorm said, "Poor Lightbringer!"

"I know," Waterfall said, his voice sad, "I'm going to have a younger brother or sister soon, and I know that I would be devastated if anything happened to the egg."

"I wish I had a younger sibling," Firefly sighed, "But still. I feel like we definitely need to tell someone now."

"But it feels wrong to," Rainstorm said, "Everybody is so stressed and worried, and the school is already in uproar. I feel like dropping something on them like this is too cruel, especially after something so terrible has happened. Poor Sunny is so worried, and is beating herself up over everything that's happened. Tsunami acts like she's fine, but these few days have taken a toll. And Qibli is so worried about Truthseeker and Moon and Lightbringer, and all the students. And poor Moon...imagine what a big shock like this would do to her."

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