Chapter Three

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A/N: Are people enjoying this? Is this something I should continue to pursue? Bc I love it, but idk if anyone else cares. Lmk. Anyway have a chapter.

"WAKE UP! IT'S OUR FIRST DAY, BESTIES!" Glisten woke suddenly, forgetting for a second where she was, or who the energetic NightWing who had entered the room was.

"Firefly, both your parents like to sleep in," Lightbringer reprimanded, stretching her wings, "Why on earth are you like this?"

"Yeah, and everyone knows that neither SandWings or NightWings have high sleep demands, so stop complaining and GREET THE MORNING LIKE AN OLD FRIEND COMING TO WAKE US!" Firefly threw the leaf windows open and spread her wings before the sun.

"Anyone would think you were a RainWing, worshipping the sun like that," Glisten said.

"No, when have you ever seen a RainWing get up like that in the morning?" Lightbringer teased, "She is the ultimate example of a NightWing perfectly accustomed to the fact that the rest of the world operates in the day time--she doesn't sleep day OR night." Glisten chuckled.

"Exactly," Firefly grinned, "Emphasis on 'perfect'. That's me."

"Don't you have a clawmate to bother," Lightbringer asked, "Or are you taking pity on Fen, and just subjecting us, because you know you can get away with bothering me, because I'm your best friend."

"Well, yes, but Fen is already up with her sibs, so bothering you is easier. I'm not even bothering you, I'm enthusiastically waking you up. If you're actually bothered--just do the scary thing, and I'll back slowly out."

"The scary thing?" Glisten asked, "What's the scary thing?"

"You don't want to know," Lightbringer shook her head, "Pray you'll never find out what it is."

"That's ominous," Glisten said, half-joking, trying to lighten the mood, but Lightbringer's expression was deadly serious.

"Anyway," Lightbringer said, in a light let's-change-the-subject tone, "We haven't shown Glisten the best cave in the whole school!"

"Okay, let's go!' Firefly jumped up, "TO THE LIBRARY!"

"Yess!" Glisten cheered, before realising something, "No argument? No debating the wonderfulness of scrolls and the objective amazingness of the library?"

"Nah," Firefly said, "The library is more or less our whole childhood, 'cos Lightbringer and I would stay and read there while the rest of the school was in classes as soon as we were old enough. Also, it is absolutely the best cave, because it HAS MY PARENTS AND MY MUM AND DAD ARE THE BEST!"

"Fair enough, then," Glisten couldn't argue with that kind of reasoning.

"Here we are...SCROLLWORM HEAVEN!" Firefly gestured dramatically at the opening to the library, before running in, followed by the other two.

"Wow..." Glisten breathed, looking around at the vast array of scrolls, "This is so cool!"

"I know right!" Lightbringer smiled broadly, "It's basically the coolest place ever to exist right?"

"Oh hi, Lightbringer!" Starflight, the blind librarian behind the front desk said, "Who's your friend,"

"This is Glisten!" Lightbringer said, "She's my clawmate."

"Nice to meet you, Glisten," Starflight said, "I'll do my best to quickly pick up on what your voice and footsteps sound like, but it may take me a bit of time."

"I don't mind if you don't always get it right," Glisten reassured him, not wanting to inconvenience him, "It was pretty cool how you were able to instantly identify Lightbringer, though."

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