Chapter Five

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When Glisten woke up, the first thing she noticed was darkness. The next thing that hit her was the terrifying feeling of being in terrible danger. Where am I? she thought, panic coursing through her body. Deep breaths, she thought, this is not the first time someone I know has been kidnapped. It is the first time I've been captured though. And that's a bit different. But why me?

"I'm not sure about this plan," came a low voice (probably an older female dragon, Glisten thought) from somewhere in the darkness, "It doesn't seem like a safe way to proceed. Also, I despise this cave. It's so far underground and there is no light."

"Get over yourself, SandWing," replied another female voice, "And this is a good plan. Rapid-fire attacks, to keep them busy."

"I think it will just draw suspicion." the first voice replied.

"Well, I think it's a good idea," came a deep voice, this time male.

"You would," the first voice, the SandWing said in derision.

"Well," said a new voice, "Stop arguing, we've achieved our ends. And may I point out, it was me who kidnapped the princess."

"Well, at least you didn't mess that up," snarled the second voice. Suddenly it all made sense to Glisten.

"Actually," she said quietly, "I think you might have the wrong dragon."

"WHAT?" there was an angry spit.

"Um, yes," Glisten could hear her voice wavering and her heart was beating so hard she could feel it all over her body, "I'm not the princess. I look like her, but I'm not actually her. My name is Glisten."

"Didn't we want a Glisten?" the deep, rather slow and raspy male voice asked, "I thought Glisten was the one we wanted."

"It is," snapped the angry female voice who seemed to be doing most of the talking, "Well, it seems like Chameleon didn't completely mess this one up, somehow."

"See!" said the voice, who had been bragging about kidnapping, "I'm extremely competent."

"Extremely annoying, more like," said the SandWing, "You're as bad as Vermillion, always on about how good you are, but never doing anything even slightly useful."

"Shut up," the angry voice snarled, "I'm about to talk to the princess."

"Why you?" the SandWing responded, "I hardly think that you're the most qualified person for this job. You just think you're the boss of everyone."

"Don't talk to her that way," said the deep, raspy voice. There was a scoff, presumably from the SandWing.

"You're useless, Strongwings. You agree with her, no matter what. And it's not like you're any better at kidnapping. If I remember correctly, you not only lost a shrimpy dragonet, but then flew straight into captivity. That's not filling me with great faith in you two." Glisten, who knew her recent history, was starting to have an idea about who might have kidnapped her now.

"So, Glisten," the angry female voice started, and Glisten was surprised as the conversation turned to her, "How would you like to be queen?" Glisten didn't know what she'd been expecting but this was not it.

"I-I don't know," she replied honestly. As someone who had grown up as an outcast from her kingdom, Glisten had never for a second, considered being queen, "But I can't."

"Apparently neither can I," the other voice said, "But that's all going to change. You'll be queen of the Ice Kingdom. And I will rule the NightWings, and I will kill EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE STUPID FRUIT-EATERS!"

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