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"Grab whatever you'd like, dears." The gentle voice of Maureen Prescott went through the grocery store. Sidney, Malaya, and Mrs.Prescott decided to have a little girl's day before heading back home to leave the two girls alone.

Malaya's mother is off at work over time and Kenji was planning to have a little alone time with Tatum so the girl did only things she was able to think of. She called the Prescott's to keep her company ending in a girls day and a sleepover.

They have gotten their nails done, hair done, and went clothes shopping all in the courtesies of Mrs.Maureen Prescott, it seems as though she was having an amazing day today as she had spent over five hundred dollars and haven't batted an eye to how much anything has cost.

So after a very long eventful day they all decided it was time to head back to the house but not before grabbing a few more things at the grocery store.

"Sid!" Calling out to her friend just down the aisle, "do you think we should grab some more drinks?!" Looking down at the cart to see only two bottles of Pepsi, the plan is to get diabetes by the end of the night apparently.

Malaya's mother is not going to like this very much, she's already so strict on what her daughter can eat or drink and what she can't on a daily basis. Though clearly forgot to instruct Maureen about the family tradition or shall Malaya say hand me down.

"I'll grab more drinks while you get ice cream?!" The girl down the aisle had suggested, remembering that she had also wanted ice cream and had been suggesting it the whole day. In fact that was the original reason they even went to the store late at night.

"Deal!" Slightly screamed back before sprinting, sorry speed walking her way to the freezer section for what looks like the most ice cream in one place the girl has ever seen. But then again she hasn't seen very many.

"I'll meet you two girls at the register!" Maureen had put in before making her way to the front of the store getting her wallet ready.

Looking around for what looked like a good flavor for the night, chocolate seemed good though they had that just last sleepover with the two of them, vanilla they both thought was too tacky if not on a cone....rocky roads it is.

After paying for everything it can to a total of eighty four dollars and fifty two cents.

It's safe to say the two girls have said their thank you's at least two hundred times, feeling bad about how much money they have made this poor woman spend on them. They even have her just get in the car and relax as they load the groceries; if you could even call them that, into the trunk of the vehicle.

Silence in the car was louder than crying children stuck in a secluded room that's for sure. It wasn't awkward silence, it was just weird; the two teens are still feeling bad about how much pain they have probably cost the mothers bank account, saying sorry and thank you once more. Maureen comforted them by saying it was no big deal and that was it silence.

The two teens could feel their eyelids become heavy as the night went on, if the events of the day didn't tire them off the very leasing car definitely got them in a sleepy state.

The car phone had started ringing, making Maureen causing herself to look back at the viewfinder to see both girls asleep, making her calm down again picking up the know, already knowing who it was.

"Yes Cotton?" She. Had said not even looking at the ID number of the caller.

"Maureen dear, how have you been?" A cheery yet deep voice of Cotton Weary entered the ears of the mother, he seemed happy though who wouldn't be at a night like that.

They had planned a little meetup this night, completely ignoring the fact that they could potentially get caught by two teenage girls let alone the daughter. Though Maureen had insisted saying it was the only day of the week her husband won't be home and they'd be so quiet the girls won't be able to hear a peep coming from her room.

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