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The dinging of the bf that was attached on top of the video store door could be heard once more indicating that someone has either come in or out of the store. It was a calm night for the store, not too many customers but not too few either, it was a Sunday after all people had school and work in the morning.

Only two employees were able to come in for work which was none other than Malaya and Randy, the girl was still confused as to why their boss keeps firing and rehiring the boy. It was like a toxic relationship at this point. One was in charge of the counter while the other swept the floors and put the bodies back to their rightful section.

"What is she renting this time Randy?!" Looking up from the floor leaning on the broom she was holding. "Dirty Dancing!" Not looking up from his magazine that had Jamie Lee barely wearing anything on the front cover. "That has to be the fifth time this week." Girl had an obsession, she thought before brushing the thought off and continued swiping the surprisingly not so dirty floor.

"Seventh actually."

Both of the girls eyebrows raised, well damn it's not like she could talk though she's rented Cry-Baby at least twenty times this month. "Can't really blame her though....Jennifer Grey looked hot."

Silence consumed the store once more, the girl was able to finish her swiping and was now getting started on putting the movies on the shelves. The other was counting the money in the register making sure it held the right amount of money. Both hated working night shifts. It was tiring; the two can barely keep themselves awake to get an ongoing conversation with each-other.

There she stood at the young-adult section of the store trying to stay awake. They only had two hours left of the shift but at this pace it seems as though they ain't going to make it. Eyes started getting droopy. It felt as though her head was getting, she leaned against the shelf, her arms on the top making a pillow to rest her head on and she allowed sleep to slowly consume her.

"MALAYA!" She quickly lifted her head up and alerted the girl held on one of the movies up ready to throw it at whatever danger came her way before quickly realizing it was just Randy. "Ugh sorry I'm feeling extra tired tonight." Wrapping his arms around the girl's shoulder allowing her to rest her head on his chest giving a little sigh.

"Come on I'll put these back-" grabbing the tapes before putting them on the top shelf where her head once laid. "Go take a nap, there should be a comfy office chair behind the counter." He offered, rubbing her arm up and down feeling how cold the girl's body felt. "It's fine Randy, I could use a little help though?" Looking at him through her lashes slowly lifting her head off him.

Without saying anything else the two started to split the piles in half, Malaya taking the Science Fiction, Horror, and Romcom while Randy took the Comedy, Documentaries, while also deciding to finish up the Young-Adult.

The two shared a little chat here and there trying to keep their brains busy with something rather than work and how much they just wanted to go back home and let the bed consume them. "Did you know that multiple Octopus aren't called Octopi but actually Octopuses?" Looking at her with a shocked look as if someone had just betrayed him. "WHAT! I was always told that it was wrong...." He was now looking at nothing with the same shocked look, making her way towards the frozen boy putting a hand on his shoulder, "I'm sorry you had to find out this way." Sympathy held in her eyes.

Turning his head to look at her the two stared at each other eventually bursting into laughter at how dramatic they made all of that seem. "Well I'm done with my part, I gotta go get something from the back, I'll be right back." "Alright." She watched him walk towards the back only looking away when he no longer could be seen.

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