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A group of three girls made their way to their locker as the halls of the school started to slowly clear out. The two brunettes have just been telling their blonde friend about the incident that had just occurred in the lady's room.

Moving to the other side of the blonde Malaya reached for her locker twisting the lock, "It was just some sick fuck having a laugh." Making the two brown headed girls look at the blonde between them.

"It was him. Tatum. I know it." The banged girl insisted, certain her claims were correct.

However the two girls weren't really buying it: Tatum doesn't think the so called 'ghostface' killer would be dumb enough to attack at school where there could be hundreds of witnesses.

Malaya doesn't believe even with the kick to the face she had caused the killer would just give up and not keep chasing them out the bathroom; but then again it did stop after not being able to get into Sidney's room just the night before.

"You two are not to be alone again. Is that clear? If you pee--I pee." The blonde pointed a finger turning from one to the other while doing so.

Finally, after what seemed like hundreds of tries Malaya was finally able to get her locker to open. Not wasting anymore time the girl grabbed her book bag not caring for any of the other stuff in her locker, slamming it shut.

"Can we go?" After not saying anything after the bathroom incident her voice was a bit raspy after the screaming she had done, the sharp pain in her knee caps not helping one bit.

After the nasty fall she had taken her left knee had been badly bruised now all purple and blue, the other suffered a long cut going from one side to the other with bruising around the wound- as per usual the nurse had done nothing but offer an ice pack and some bandages.

Limpingly the girl started making her way towards the front exit doors, the other two quickly making their way to her side, the blonde putting an arm around the girl's waist making sure she wouldn't fall while Sidney interlocked their hands for comfort.

Reaching the sidewalk the two girls loosened their grips only slightly as the tanned skinned girl was still limping though not enough for them to constantly have a gorilla grip on her at all times.

"Kizzo-kaskizzo is is-out!"

"Is this not cool or what?" Stu happy as ever made his way towards the three crapping his arms around her shoulders, making the two others stop and turn not so happy faced. "Hey, what happened?"

Not knowing what he had said to dampen the mood, glancing down at his girl's face she barely paid any mind to him just looking forward with a glassy expression.

"For once, Stu, drop it." A not so pleased Tatum sassed at the annoying much taller blonde.

"Okay, but whatever you did--the entire student body thanks you." Moving his head down kissing Malaya's left cheek going down to her neck messily trying to get some sort of laugh or giggle.

"Mhm!-" she couldn't help but giggle, slightly moving her face away from his lips using her right hand to push his face the other direction.

"Here I got you this-" picking a flower from a nearby bush and giving it to his girl who had seen him do just that but decided to just enjoy his nice attempt to make her feel better.

Grabbing the flower from him, she smiled, going on her top toes slightly cringing from the pain it insured her pecking his left cheek before turning back towards Tatum silently asking for help on walking which she happily obliged once again wrapping her arm around the girl's waist.

Seeing the exchange between the two girl's the teen couldn't help but give a confused stare, only moments later to realize that there had been a big bandage wrapped around her left knee while the other seemed fine from what he could see from the back.

Going up closer to the limping girl he moved Tatum's arm away from her waist picking her up, turning around so that she was facing him before bending her over his shoulder.

His arms gripping her upper thigh tightly making sure she wouldn't fall off and being careful enough to make sure he hadn't touched her knee area reminding himself to ask her about it later.

"Ah!" Gasping using the hand that wasn't gripping onto Stu' shirt for dear life to the ends of her borrowed sun dress not wanting to flash her underwear to every passing savilian.

"I say an impromptu party tonight, my house. Celebrate this little siesta. What do you say?" Seeing Malaya's struggle with her skirt moving her hand his own replacing them keeping her dress skirt down.

"Are you serious?" Sidney had asked knowing a party wouldn't be a good idea with a masked killer still running around.

"As long as Thumper doesn't go scaring everyone for her Halloween tradition, we'll be fine." Stu struggles off, placing Malaya down not before giving her butt a few taps.

Malaya's Halloween tradition since before she had moved to town was to scare everyone with a fake murder scene- her as the victim most of the time when Randy had joined in it made things way more creative.

It stopped last year after Sidney Mother's murder the scenes from those slasher films weren't enough to leave the girl traumatized though that real life scene was enough for the girl to dread horror slasher flicks for a good half a year.

Still not being on the best terms with scary flicks though would be able to handle watching it from time to time, Malay had found another love for comedies.

"I'm in." Tatum already planned to bring Kenji along, they haven't gotten to party for so long; she found it as the perfect opportunity. "I mean, Pathos could have its perks."

"Totally protected. Yo, I am so buff-" holding up his right arm to flex his noodle arms that had a tad bit of muscles on them, moving Malaya around in his arms before dipping her. "Like I got you covered girl."

"Common, Sid, Lay. For me? It could be fun we haven't been able to party for such a longgg time." Exaggerating the world slightly wanting to somehow manipulate her girl friends into giving in.

"Okay. Whatever." Sidney said knowing the blonde wouldn't give up until she heard the answer she wanted.

"Safety comes in numbers..." Malaya muttered indirectly, giving her blonde bestie a yes.

"Cool. You guys bring the food, alright?" Pointing to the two girls tugging Malaya closer to him, "now would you excuse us we have a certain horror geek to visit."

Pulling her away from the two and helping her across the street where his car had been parked.

Opening the passenger door for her as well as helping the girl sit down, Leo's still outside the car as she sat on the seat sideways letting Stu inspect her knees caressing the ends of the bruises, clicking his youngest once he finished letting out an exhausted sigh.

"I have some first aid kit in the trunk. Let me clean up your wounds. The nurse didn't do a very good job at it." Scoffing at the nurse part, her knees looked as if the nurse had just slapped a bandage on it and told her to head back to class.

"I got some sweats, do you want?"

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