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Walking down the sidewalks of Woodsboro meant that every time you'd pass a house there would always be one middle aged white lady looking through that window, watching until you're out of eyesight.

"I told you we should've taken the bus." The girl whined after noticing another lady look through her bedroom window giving the couple a weird look.

One word, racists.

"I don't think taking the bus would make any difference," looking down at the girl with a small smile trying to make her feel a little better. "Look I'm sure the middle aged white people will still be giving us weird looks except this time we get to walk away from it but in the bus we have to wait for who knows how long before we or they get off."

"Yeah you're right." Chuckling almost painfully not wanting to imagine being in a bus for more than five minutes with racist middle age white people.

The younger generation weren't bad at all; she rarely got any racist remarks besides a making of the Asian language or asking if her people really ate dogs every once in a while. But none of that ever came as bad as the racism she or her family has experienced from middle age and older generations of white Americans.

From what the girl has learned America was the land of the free. As long as you were white and rich.

Enough of that though, the girl didn't like talking or thinking about it too much, it just brought her mood down. She'd rather think about something that makes her happy, you know to keep her going.

"Oh. Did you hear about that new Leonardo DiCaprio movie that they're working on?"

"The one that was said to take almost two years to make?" Looking down at the now smiling girl, she was clearly trying to keep her mind away from what was happening by changing the subject.

"Yeah, they said it's going to be about a shipwreck that happened in the 20's."

Stu started swinging his left arm, his fingers still intertwined with Malaya's, making both their arms swinging as they headed down the street of a random neighborhood of Woodsboro.

"That should be interesting, hopefully it's not boring."

"Yeah well I'm sure it won't be-"

"How'd you know?"

"It's about a shipwreck. It would take some serious talent to make that boring."

He couldn't help but nod agreeing to the girl's reasoning, it would be hard. "You know what? You make a very good point, Thumps." Giving a little giggle hearing the nickname she had loved since the first time he had called her it, it was one year ago. Today.

"You remember when you first called me that?" Looking up at the boy, happy as ever huge smile on her face and everything.

"One year ago, today." Shaking his head as he looked down at his girl, "and all because you didn't appreciate the nickname little seven year old me had worked hard on thinking up for you." Putting his free hand on his chest putting on a fake offended face.

"The nickname was Hunny Bun, I don't think it would take anyone more than two minutes to think of that." Laughing by the time she said the last word, her shoulders moving up and down in the process. "I'll have you know that thinking of nicknames as a little kid is a lot harder when you are a teenager." Trying to defend little him, though failing after what Malaya had said next.

"Six year old me didn't even give a second thought before I started calling you wannabe Redford White."

"And I still don't know who that is!"

Making the girl burst into fits of giggles throwing her head back in the process. This moment was the most refreshing thing that's happened this whole year for the girl.

Stu watched the girl with a loving expression on his face, "I like happy you." Turning to look back at him, both now stopped walking, "yeah I like it too."

Breaking the seemingly never mending eye contact the girl turned walking forward, having to slightly pull on his hand as he was still in a dreamlike state not moving from the position he was in just a few seconds earlier.

Nothing can be heard coming out of any of their mouths just the two of them walking in cineplexes silence just enjoying each other's company.

"I forgot to tell you." Getting the man's full undivided attention, "I'm going to be staying with Sidney tonight, Tatum's coming over as well just later on into the night to pick us up."

Color from the guy's face drained all he could think of was, shit. They had a plan to give Sidney a little scare tonight, and Billy, no matter what comes in the way, always goes through with the man.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Trying to convince the girl to skip hanging out with the girls just for one night. "I-I mean with all the murders and attacks that has happened is being at a house that isn't your own a good idea."

"It's sweet that you worry for me Stu, but it's just Sidney and Tatum I trust them. They haven't given me any reason, not two after knowing them for a decade and a half."

"Well, I'm just saying you know-" sighing, kinda giving up already not being able to think of a good fake reason for her not to go. "Yeah you're right, I'm just worried you know. Whoever this killer is, he doesn't seem to have a motive. No one knows who's next."

All he wanted to do was tell her about everything, tell her how Billy had this master plan idea, about Sidney's long lost unknown big brother that went to talk to Billy somehow convincing him to help kill his own mother.

But he couldn't. She'd think he was crazy and tell the authorities to get all three of them locked up in a jail cell and probably end up with a death sentence if given a trial.

The two started walking up the front porch of the Ocampo house. "Yeah that's what terrifies me."

"Well, he we are." He said letting go of her hand, putting both of his arms to his sides awkwardly.

"Yeah." Staring back at him, opening her mouth to offer him to come inside though the door opening all suddenly beat her to saying anything.

"Hello baby sis, Stuart." His name was venom coming out of his mouth, glaring at the funny enough way taller man by his sister. "I would invite you in but it seems as though our mother isn't home. You know the rules, no boys allowed in without her permission." Shaking his pointer finger sassily.

"Can we at least give him a ride home, kuya?" The girl pleaded not wanting her boyfriend to walk all that way back home alone, not with the recent killings no way. "Besides, you need to drive me to Sidney's. His house is on the way, I already have my bag ready upstairs. I'll just grab it and we head out?"

He groaned knowing that she was right, once again. Trying to keep his facade on, he only pretends he doesn't like Stuart dating his sister and at first he was. But after seeing how he was with his sister this past year, besides they did grow up together, Stu can be trusted.


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