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After a long night at the police station the girls and Dewey had finally arrived at the Riley family home. Where the three girls are huddled in Tatum's room, which consists of two twin beds, wearing their pajamas. Well the blonde and the short haired brunette were; Malaya's bag that she had brought to Sidney's house was stolen by the ghostface wearing creep. Leaving her to wear one of Dewey's shirts and a new pair of underwear for the night.

Now the two brown haired girls stayed laying on the twin bed furthest from the door while Tatum sat crossed legged on the other. Holding one of her stuffed animals in her hands as she recreated a scene from when they had left the police station.

You see when the three girls were outside the station a certain news reporter by the name of Gale Weathers had appeared on the scene with the same fake jolly smile and very inappropriate questions and promotion of her book about a certain teenager's mother getting killed; stating the alleged killer wasn't a killer at all.

Pushing Sidney to her limit, making the girl punch her right in the jaw, making her fall back into the crowd of other reporters and cameraman behind her. "God, I loved it. 'I'll send you a copy.' BAM! Sid-SuperBitch?" The blonde praised; recreating the scene by punching her stuffed toy right in the face.

Just in time Dewey appears in the doorway holding a bag of ice, no doubt for SupeperBitch. "I thought you might want some ice for that right hook." Tossing the bag. Catching before laying it directly onto her right fist that looked a bit red from the force.

"I'll be right next door. Try to get some sleep." Dewey had said moving away from the door to head to his own room when the sound of Malaya calling him made him pause and headed back. "Any word on my Dad?" Sidney had asked, looking down sadly as she did.

"Not yet, but we're looking. If you need anything..." Turning his attention from the tanned brunette to the fair skinned brunette.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah..." Tatum interrupted her brother having heard him for almost the twentieth time that hour. Not saying anything the deputy just smiled at the girls, not taking any offense to being interrupted. He was used to it and now just saw it as quite entertaining. Though just as he was about to leave the girls to themselves another call of his name stopped him from doing so; it was Malaya yet again.

"Can i- talk to you about something?" Now sitting up, she could feel the other two girl's eyes on her. Making her more anxious to speak almost making her say, 'Nevermind.'


Dewey agreed and now the two were in his room with the door closed sitting on the edge of his creamed colored sheet bed having a serious conversation about a certain phone call Malaya had received while working at the video store the same night Casey and Steve got murdered.

Now she wasn't totally sure that whoever phoned her that night was the killer though could be a good suspect as Sidney had described the voice to be very deep and almost as if it was fake like that person was just putting on the voice in an attempt to hide who they were.

To Malaya that had seemed to be very familiar to the caller she had heard that night and seeing as he or she or whoever knew her name it wouldn't be surprising if it knows who Sidney is. And she just wanted to be on the safe side, killer or not, this person knew who she really was and if wanted could hurt her or something.

"You must think I'm crazy..." Shaking her head already regretting telling someone about it as the look on Dewey's face showed nothing but weirded out expression. "I mean- I'm not saying it is the killer. I'm just saying it could be a suspect."

The cop sighed, rubbing his face not in a frustrated way but more of a 'This could not get any worse' type of way. This has never happened before in the history of Woodsboro so why was it happening now. It all seemed so random, they had some weird people living here but no one would particularly call them psychotic not to a point of murdering two teens and going after two more.

"I'll look into the records of the phone numbers that have called the store and see if it matches with any of the other calls." Wrapping his arms around the girl's body pulling her into his, rubbing her back in a circle motion in an attempt to make her feel even a little better.

Not saying anything the girl just leaned more into his touch wanting nothing more than to be comforted after what hand just happened. All she could think was 'How did he do it?' If Billy really was the killer he had to be working with someone, there was no way he could have undressed from the little costume he had on quickly enough to run back outside and climb to the bedroom window.

All Malaya could think of was that Stu would do anything the greasy young version of Johnny Depp would do... so if he really was working with someone to commit these murders it would have tp be Stu. But it couldn't be. Right?

The comfort didn't last long as Mrs. Riley's banging on the bedroom door calling for Dewey had interrupted the two. As if it was an instinct the man had stood up straight away grabbing a gun from his bedside table, opening the door heading straight towards where everyone was, not caring that he was still in his boxers and a t-shirt, while the teen right behind him.

"What? What?" he asked, swinging the gun around like an amature, finger on the trigger ready to shoot at any moment.

Sidney was frozen, the telephone still in her hand. Tatum behind her was looking very distressed but was still trying to comfort her friend. Breathing in a sharp breath before turning to look at the girl besides the cop, she was terrified for herself and most of all her best friend.

"It was the ghostface killer, he said that we got the wrong guy and- he was asking about you Malaya..." Tears now in her eyes before slowly making her way back to her blonde friend's room, both girls following as she did.

'What a great way to end the already very traumatic night.' Malaya sighed thinking to herself as she squeezed herself next to Sidney on the very small bed closing her eyes wanting nothing more than the night to end.

Dewey, who was still in the kitchen had made his way towards the telephone that was laid faced down on the countertop, placing it on his ears and as if some comic relief in some movie said, "Hello?" into the mouthpiece thinking or shall I say making sure no one was still on the line.

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