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"Are you sure we can stay over?" Sidney said into the phone walking around the back patio with Malaya who was sat on the edge of the ledge of the patio fence listening into the conversation, "My dad won't be back til Sunday." Stopping to listen to her friend's response, "Tell your mom we said thanks... -uh-uh, it's just.. you know, the police and reporters.. it brings it all back...Thanks Tatum."

Getting off the phone with the blonde looking back towards her tan friend who was now looking down at her feet while swinging her leg back and forth.

"Hey you ok?" Sidney asked knowing exactly what's in the girl's mind as a certain anniversary was coming up. Lifting her head up took a look back at the girl, shock could be seen on her face as she did so. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? She is your mother."

Shaking her head before leaning on the pence of the patio next to her, "but you're the one that saw it, sure I have to deal with my mother's death but at least I don't have to deal with the image of the crime scene alongside the dispatched body...thanks to you. So like I said, are you ok?"

Looking down at her friend, the look on her face showed that she wasn't so sure herself if she was actually feeling well. "I'll get there just takes time. You know?" Sidney nodded in agreement, she feels the same way; time can only tell.

Sighing she hopped down from her spot on the ledge onto the patio ground turning to look back at her friend who was looking down at her feet, "I'll just head upstairs to get change, I'll see you when I'm done." Waiting for a nod of understanding before sprinting up the stairs into the familiar pinkish room, with a few changes to it.

Two changes have been made to the room since the events of last year: there was now a computer; that was attached because of two things. One because of school work and research Sidney had to do she had asked her father for one. Two being if there is any reason for the telephone he had also had attached doesn't work for emergencies. That brings us to the second thing new to Sidney's room which is the telephone now attached again for emergencies and just to call friends, you know teenage stuff.

Going into her little black and red duffle bag grabbing an oversized shirt; that also happens to be Stu' shirt that she had stolen, and some short booty shorts since it was just going to be her and Sidney for a while might as well make herself comfortable.

Walking past the halls of the house she couldn't help but feel as if she was being watched. Especially when she walked through the shoe/jacket closet down stairs near the front door. It didn't help that she heard a little shuffling in there, glaring at the door, walking away towards the kitchen to grab a knife, she was going to do the worst thing in this situation, investigate.

Holding the knife in front of her body not wanting to be destroyed if or when something leaps out and attacks. She was able to hear what Sidney was doing too, the television flipping through the different channels though all the same things popped up; the Casey Becker and Steve Orth murder, and the Maureen Prescott killing. Until eventually she had gotten enough and turned off the television.

Grabbing the closet door swinging it open aggressively, seeing nothing but the stuff that was already there. Still not convinced, the girl took the knife using it to go in between every piece of coat poking around trying to spot someone, only to come to the conclusion of nothing.

These past few days have been the same thing, the feeling of being watched. Maybe it was because of what's coming up only a few days from now or the fact that there's new killings that have happened either way she was feeling too paranoid.

Letting out a sigh of relief closing the door checking it once more before making her way towards the living room to spot a sleeping Sidney, smiling the girl took the small blanket placed on the end of the couch putting it over the teens body before sitting on the foot side of the couch leaning back a little before letting her tiredness consume her.

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