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"Thanks again for agreeing to cover for me Sid, alright I'll see you tomorrow." After a failed attempt of trying to contact Tatum, the girl was grateful that Sidney jumped at the idea of covering for her.

Wearing nothing but one of Stu' sweaters, it was light-tanned and seemed to be knitted. It reached right below her knees and one of his clean boxers as her shorts, her hair up in a messy ponytail. Her boyfriend's arms wrapped around her midriff, his face resting on her shoulders giving light kisses here and there.

Looking around her surroundings she sighed this wasn't the first time the girl has been to this house but it seems as though every time she went it got even bigger than before it even looks like it's gotten more doors and passageways. "Why does your house keep getting bigger?" Stu let out a light chuckle on her shoulder making the girl giggle at the tickling sensation she had felt.

"Come on Thumps, the popcorn should be ready by now, let's watch some Friday." Turning her around to face him so he was able to connect their lips, resting his left hand on her neck, his thumb grazing her jaw, his other hand still on her waist pulling her even closer to his body. "You- Have- No- Idea- how- much- I- love- you- '' moving from her lips to her neck trailing down to her shoulders, each word being said after every little kiss he left on her skin.

"I love you too." she started to giggle after he had kissed her sweet-spot, pushing his head from her neck jokingly. The two stood there with Malaya's arms around his neck while he moved his left hand to now rest on her waist alongside the other. "But we really need to get that popcorn off the stove before we burn-down your never ending mansion house."

"Alright. Alright." He put his hands up as if to surrender. The girl bit down at her bottom lip trying to stop the laugh from coming out while shaking her head from side to side, "come on you dork. Its Popcorn tiimmmee."

The two fell asleep not even able to finish the movie they didn't even make it through half way. There they lay on the couch Stu laying on his back with his girl laying face down on top of him her head laying between his head and shoulder her noise grazing his neck, her breath tickling him which used to wake him but now used to it he was able to sleep through it.

Mrs. Macher came home from work around midnight that night she saw the two teens cuddling up in the house. She thought it was adorable. She loved that her son finally found a girl he can be with for more than a week.

What made her awe even more was when she saw who's sweater the young girl was wearing, it was the sweater Stu' grandmother had knitted him a month before she sadly passed away. He was so heartbroken he never let anyone touch it let alone wear it. She's known this girl since she was in the second grade when her mom used to drop her off for babysitting, she was glad that out of all the girls Stu could've fallen for it was her.

The sound of sizzling oil could be heard from the living room, the smell of freshly cooked eggs and Waffles was what really woke the teen up.

"Huh..?" Looking around to see that he was still in the living room, the TV now turned off and on top of him still lies the tan Filipino woman, laying his head back down the couch smiling. He started playing with her hair, his other hand still rested on the small of her back. "Baby... you have to wake up now." He whispered gently with his groggy morning voice.

"Nooo..." She stirred in her sleep shaking her head, her nose rubbing against his neck made him laugh loud enough for his mother to hear from the kitchen.

Footsteps could be heard coming their way making the two teens sit up quickly going to different parts of the couch. Stu on the right side, was his left foot resting on his right knee, his hard leaning on the arm rest. While Malaya was on the left side, both elbows on her knees with her hand on her forehead keeping her head and eyes on the floor.

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