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The two teenagers cuddled on the backseat of Stu' car; after the almost-incident that happened this morning Stu decided it was best if his girl cooled off a little before going back to school wanting to play therapist.Missing the first three classes as they've fallen asleep.

Lifting her head up the brunette looked around trying to take in where she was, looking down at the blonde underneath her who was still sound asleep and didn't look to be waking put anytime soon.

"Stu.." Tapping his shoulders lightly, "we have to go before lunch starts and we get caught by the hall monitor." This time lightly slapping his wanting to get off the position they were in as both hers were falling asleep.

Groaning, he finally opened his eyes but only enough to peek through at her, "can't we just stay here all day?" Whining as he stuck out his bottom lip his eyes still partly closed.

"No, it's fourth period-" Hearing this the blonds eyes shot open and sat up quickly, way too quickly resulting in the two butting heads. "Ugh!" Groaning, putting a palm at their foreheads at the pain.

Hall monitors usually come out at this time checking inside each student car by peeking through the windshield trying to catch students skipping to do the you know what. Today all the hall monitors aren't here as it's Wednesday and they actually check the halls and bathrooms on Wednesdays meaning the principal or someone from the office was going to be peeping at students' car windows trying to catch them doing the nasty.

"Common, before we get caught-" grabbing her wrist as the both ran out the car Stu didn't bother locking as it would attract attention.

Running through the hallways making sure to stop at every corner before they turn, checking if any of the monitors were there before continuing on their journey to World History class.

Malaya passed the door making her boyfriend look at her confused but followed her either way. "No you head in I gotta use the lady's room-" Seeing the blond when she had turned her head, ushering him back to the class door.

"I'll come with." Giving her his most playboy smile he could manage.

"You know how much Mr.Dullywich hates me he's going to let you off with a warning and have me go get a late pass."

"Mr.Dullywich doesn't hate you..."

"Really....." Giving him the most dumbfounded look he had seen from her so far, "look I don't have time for this I really gotta pee. Go to class before you get seen."

The lady's room in the school had to be worse than some of the public ones, the lights were a mess and would flicker, the floors and walls were nothing but plain disgusting and the mirrors weren't even bothered to be cleaned.

The first thing she had noticed was the familiar shoes. It was Sidney's but why would she be in the bathroom? She'd always complain about how she would never use the school bathrooms due to germs and bacteria that surrounded it.

"Sid..?" She could hear the stall lock being messed with, the door opened revealing a rather bothered looking Sidney. "Hey.... Do you want to talk about it?" Not bothering to ask if something was wrong knowing that question always got to the banged-brunette's nerves.


Cut off by the tanned girl pushing her back into the stall bringing herself in as well quickly sliding the lock on.


"Shh.." Holding a finger to her lip motioning the girl to be quiet. "I hear someone coming." Putting one foot onto the toilet seat before looking back at the short haired girl as if to tell her to do the same.

As if one que three of the most bitchiest blond cheerleaders made their way into the bathroom, looking through the cracks of the stall Malaya finally let herself breath previously thinking it had been a hall monitor.

"They were never attacked. I think they made it all up." The first blond, Stacy had said, popping the lid of her red lipstick.

"Why would they lie about it?"

"For attention. Those girls have some serious issues."

Listening closely, the two brunettes in the stall. Sidney rubbing the back of her neck nervously as Malaya glared through the cracks.

A toilet suddenly flushed making the two slightly panicked and move away from the stall door thinking it had been them that had accidentally flushed.

Stacy left the stall just right beside the two, "What if they did it? What if Sidney and Malaya killed Casey and Steve?" Pronouncing the Asian girl's name in the most white Californian accent the tanned girl has heard thus far.

"And why would they do that?"

"Maybe Sidney was hot for Steve and got Malaya to kill them both in a jealous rage."

Another toilet flushed this time the two were too focused on the conversation and hadn't even noticed.

"Why would Sidney want to be with Steve? She has her own bubble-butt boyfriend Billy."

Malaya grabbed her girl friend's hand trying to comfort the girl having a slight idea on what was to come.

"Maybe she's a slut just like her mom."

That was the breaking point. Malaya opened the stall with aggression. The sound of the door banging as it hit another stall made all three blondes jump and look wide eyed at the girl.

"Just because you're a slut sleeping with a different guy everyday and jealous of the fact that my best friend bagged the boy you've been obsessing over since first grade doesn't make Sid a slut but it does make you a jealous attention seeking whore!!"

"Ugh. How dare you!"

"How dare me? How dare you!" Staying silent for a few seconds as she stared at the three wanna be heathers with the most deathful stare, "you want me to be the killer?.... I can be the killer-"

Not letting the girl say another word the three ran out fumbling to get their stuff into the mini bags they had been carrying.

Popping her head out the stall, Sidney gave the girl a greatful smile. "Thank you May. But don't you think you jumped the gun a little threatening to kill them and all."

"What do you mean?" Acting confused, fixing her hair looking at the stained mirror, "I didn't threaten anybody." Turning towards her short haired friend, shrugging her shoulders. "They just assumed."

Sidney shakes her head letting out a giggle, "whatever you say-" her laughs stopping when two black rubber boots appeared at one of the stalls.


A person with a ghostface mask and black cloak exited the last stall catching the tanned girl's attention. Grabbing her friend's wrist trying to make a run for it only for them to slip due to the wet bathroom floor.

Sidney reached out to the sink saving herself from falling while Malaya fell completely on her uncloth knees, groaning from the impact and at the possible mark that fall could have left.

Looking up the two could see the cloak killer heading towards them.

"Run!" Malaya screamed crowding towards the door, having no time to stand up as Sidney ran as fast as she could, not bothering to look back.

The masked killer was able to crouch down and grab the girl's ankles, she thought this was it and she was going to get killed.

But suddenly the girl remembered that kicking was a thing and kicked the mask hearing a slight crack, as it was cuddling its masked face the girl was able to stand up fully though limping due to the fall. Turning back at the black cloaked person not wanting to leave without getting her last word in.

"Fuck you!"

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