Chapter 3

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the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life.

Aurora and Draco were sleeping peacefully until Pansy walked in and began shaking them. Draco rubbed his eyes and scowled at her for waking them up. "What the fuck Pans" Aurora spat at her.

"Don't be mean, Rory, I had to listen to your brother's nagging about how his little precious sister almost hooked up with Mclaggen," Pansy says back with a mischievous smirk on her face. "but you're all forgiven if you come to Hogsmeade with me."

"Hmmm, sorry, I'll go with you" Aurora groaned while standing up. "Bye, Dray,"


Aurora and Pansy made their way to Hogsmeade. They walked first to Honeydukes and they bought a lot of candy. Aurora bought some chocolate frogs for herself along with some sugar quills for Draco plus some jelly slugs for Theodore. Pansy bought only a few fudge flies for her and Blaise.

They talked about Pansy's relationship with Blaise and the 'fight' with Theo. "Overprotective ass," Aurora laughed. "He really is, Rory," Pansy agreed. After Aurora bought a muggle book from Tomes and Scrolls they went to the Three Broomsticks. They ordered a Butterbeer and they started to talk.

"Oh my god, look at that boy in the corner," Pansy whispered. Aurora turned around and saw that the boy was already looking at her, he had this smirk on his face that said 'i know you're talking about me'. She turned back to face Pansy, "Hm he's not too bad,".

"Not that bad? Are you blind? He's fucking handsome! Pansy blurted out a little bit too hard. Aurora turned around only to see the boy smiling at her and Pansy. Oh yeah, he definitely heard what Pansy said.

"Oops, do you think he heard me?" Pansy questioned. "Well yes, you practically yelled it," Aurora laughed. They paid and walked out quickly to go back to Hogwarts.


When they walked into the common room, Pansy and Aurora were still talking about the boy and they didn't notice that all their friends were there. 

"Did you see how he smirked at you?" Pansy asked Aurora. "No Pans, he just smirked because you called him hot and he heard that," Aurora answered before she took notice of Draco. She walks towards him and says hi.

"I bought you some sugar quills," She smiled softly. Draco takes them and thanks her while he feels his cheeks going red. "Sorry if I caused any trouble for you yesterday,"

"Aurora there's no reason to apologize, you didn't do anything wrong," Draco assures her, "Oh okay, then I am gonna say sorry to Theo," She murmurs as she hugs him.

Aurora was very nervous to apologize to her brother, Daphne flashed her a smile where she took comfort out.

"Hello, Theodore," She spoke while anxiously playing with her hands. "Aurora,"

"I'm sorry for yesterday, I shouldn't have followed him to his room, didn't mean to make you mad. I'm really sorry but I bought your favorite candy for you, bought you some jelly slugs," Aurora rambled nervously.

Theodore stared at her and Aurora wanted this to be over so she handed the jelly slugs and walked fast to her dorm. She heard Theodore call after her but she didn't bother to stop. Theo walked into her dorm room and took a seat next to Aurora on her bed.

"I'm not mad at you Rory, I talked to Daphne, Blaise, and Pansy and I never meant to be so controlling over you. You're old enough to make your own choices even if I don't like them. Sorry for acting this way." Theodore assured his sister that he wasn't mad at her anymore and hugged me.

After a few minutes, they decided to go to the Great hall for dinner. They walked into the common room and waited for their friends. Pansy and Blaise walked in and they happily joined Theodore and Aurora. Daphne came a minute later but there was still no sign of Draco. They all waited for him until he finally walked in.

"Why did it take you so long, Draco?" Blaise asked curiously. "None of your business,"

"He was probably snogging someone," Pansy jokes, they all laughed about it except for Draco. He only became annoyed and started to walk out of the common room with all his friends following him. They all walked very fast and Aurora had trouble keeping up. She was a little behind but her friends didn't seem to notice.

Aurora got tired of walking that fast so she started to walk but she didn't pay much attention. As she turns the corner she bumps into someone's chest. She looks up to see the guy from this afternoon. His books were on the floor because of Aurora's clumsiness so she picked them up.

"I'm sorry," Aurora apologizes and takes a few steps backward. She never liked talking to people she didn't know, it made her nervous and anxious. "It's okay, don't worry," He chuckled. "Riddle, Mattheo Riddle, and who are you darling?"

"I'm Aurora Nott," Aurora answered.


After dinner they walked back to the common room, Mattheo was sorted into Slytherin and he walked with Aurora and her friends. When they got into the common room they all took a seat and Daphne and Pansy started to ask some questions to Mattheo. He was homeschooled and he is 17 years old.

The lessons were going to start tomorrow so Aurora needed to go to bed early otherwise, she would be grumpy in the morning.

"I'm going to bed," She says, standing up from the couch. "I'll bring you to your dorm" Draco stated. "Goodnight, Rory" Pansy, and Daphne laughed "Goodnight girls" Aurora responded. "Night guys," she added.

Draco and Aurora walked to her dorm in silence. She opened the door and Draco wanted to go to his own dorm but Aurora asked if he stayed with her until she was asleep.

"Can you read to me Draco, Pleaseee?" The girl asked with a pleading look on her face. "Of course, love," Draco teased

He grabbed the book from Aurora's nightstand and began reading it. Aurora laid her head on his chest and he drew circles on her arm with his hand. Draco was reading slowly and it became hard for Aurora to hold her eyes open.

"I'm gonna fall asleep," She says to him while trying her hardest to keep her eyes open. "That is the whole point Aurora, close your eyes for me"

Aurora felt safe in Draco's arms so she closed her eyes and she felt her consciousness slipping away.

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