Part 16

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Chapter 16


As soon as they got home from Rhode Island on Sunday night, Monday morning had Olivia flying to DC for a week-long conference, and it was just Peter and Noah at home until Friday. Now on Thursday night, she was finishing up a call with Peter and Noah before she had to go to a dinner at which she was speaking.

"...can I stay home from school tomorrow?"

"No, you may not," Olivia grinned.

"That's what Daddy said," Noah grimaced, then perked up again. "...we can make it a party since you're coming home..."

"I've only been gone for four days, and tomorrow's the weekend, you'll have two whole days..."

Noah gave up at this point, realizing that he had nothing. "Okayyyyyy," he sang, rolling his eyes playfully. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too, sweet boy, I'll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight." Olivia said to her son, then sweetly blew him a kiss just as Peter came on the facetime with his head turned to Noah.

"Okay little man, brush your teeth, I'll be up in a minute,"

"Okay...night mommy!" Noah waved as he ran upstairs.

They waited until he was gone before Olivia spoke to Peter in a low voice so that Noah wouldn't hear in case he was at the top of the stairs listening.

"Still doesn't feel real that we're gonna have two of them soon."

"Twice the joy..."

"Twice the seven-year-old trying to get out of school," she laughed.

"I don't know, he's pretty good with debates,"

"Leave it to a lawyer to appreciate that," She said as she grabbed a tissue to dab at the corners of her eyes. "Damn these hormones..."

"You gonna be okay?

"I am, I just can't control these tears... I'm gonna have to redo my makeup," she said, trying to calm herself. "I can't wait to see the two of you tomorrow."

"Miss us?"

"Like crazy. I don't know if it's because I'm pregnant..." Peter smiled when she said this, the realization of this baby hit her again and she was back in tears. "...okay, I've need to stop, I'm gonna be all puffy at dinner,"

"...and I have to get Noah to bed. If I know him, he's got a command fleet in the sink already," he said and they laughed. "...alright, I love you, and our mini,"

"We love you too. Will you dream about me tonight?"

"I dream about you every night, even when you're right beside me."

Olivia smiled, kissing her hand and put it to the screen where he did the same, saying goodnight to his wife and their baby before he exited the call.

Minutes later, Noah was climbing into his top bunk with Peter there to tuck him in.


"What's up?"

"Am I adopted yet?" He asked, still on the ladder to the top bunk.

Peter gave a light laugh. He loved that Noah was so innocent. "Not yet, bud. When it happens, we'll go to the courthouse, maybe to the judge's chambers. Then, she'll ask us a few questions and sign some papers to make it official."

"...and then you'll be my dad?"

"I will...excited?" he said as he pulled back the covers and Noah climbed in.

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