Part 21

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Chapter 21

Two months later...

When they told everyone about Olivia's pregnancy, they were met with a lot of "I didn't know you guys were doing in-vitro..." That got old fast, as they got tired of telling people it wasn't, much to their surprise. But overall everyone was happy for them and they received so much love from all their friends.

Peter's birthday came in late September, and as part of his gift, he and Olivia got some much needed time away in St. Thomas. Olivia figured they could put the beach house to good use before they got too busy with two kids. They did nothing but make love the entire three day trip.

Then, Noah turned eight in late October, celebrated with a party. In between and outside of those events, escrow closed on the house and they right away began remodeling and making repairs. Noah was absolutely in love with their new home in spite of all the work it needed, and he begged to go out every chance they could.

Peter and Noah, along with Kevin, got started on Noah's treehouse right away. Together, Peter and Noah drew up the modest plans and they got to building. Peter was hoping that they could get a lot done before the first snowfall would arrive and since he and Kevin had worked summers during high school doing construction work, they thought that would give them an edge but it was a shock even to them that they managed to get quite a lot done in just three weekends.

"If one more person I don't know attempts to touch me..." Olivia vowed as she and Melinda walked through the crowded midtown restaurant. A woman had just attempted to touch her belly and after evading her, and then having to tell her flat-out 'no' when the woman persisted, Olivia was rightfully now in a bad mood. "...I'm not a fucking good-luck charm!" She made sure to say loud enough for the woman to hear her as she and Melinda took their coats off and sat down. Casey had been waiting for them at the table.

Hey sweetie." Melinda greeted Casey as they sat, then turned back to Liv. "Don't let it upset you."

"Easier said than done." Olivia said as she drank some water from her glass.

Not at all," Casey interjected. "For instance, have you started shopping for the baby yet?"

"A little," Olivia said. "I just wish I had kept Noah's things from when he was a baby, then there'd be a lot less to get done."

"Would you ever have thought?" Melinda asked.

"No!" she laughed as she rubbed her swell, then stopped and took a deep breath. "God, he kicks so much!"

Melinda put her hand on Olivia's belly then smiled as she felt the baby's kicks. "He? Is that official or...?"

"Not official. Though Peter and Noah are going crazy wanting to know, but I really feel like it's a boy,"

"A house full of men..." Casey jokes. "Well, if any woman can handle it..."


Later, at the precinct, Olivia came off the elevator and was turning to go into the squad room when Fin suddenly appeared, scaring her. "Shit!! FIN!"

"Sorry, but we've got a problem. I tried calling, but it kept going to voicemail,"

"Voicemail?" She tried to look at her phone, but when that didn't work, she tried to turn it on. Dead. "Shit!" She cursed under her breath.

"The bosses are in your office,"

"How long has it been?"

"About fifteen minutes,"

"...but fifteen minutes. They haven't been too satisfied with me being pregnant, this will just give them more reason to bitch!" She took a deep breath. "Okay..." then another one. "Here goes nothing!" She said as she walked through the squad room, bypassing Carisi and Tamin before she went into her office and shut the door.

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