Chapter 13: The wedding part 3

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P.O.V Ron

I swirled Hermione around the small dance floor, she seemed to be giggling at something or other as we stayed together. Her laugh was infectious, I grinned back at her.

"Something funny?" I asked. The red haze of the light coming off from the red colour of the roses made the dark tent look almost like a sunrise. Her face was illuminated like a firework, bright and beautiful in the night. Her white dress looked almost orange and her hair swayed along with her.

"Remembering the yule ball," she asked. The horrible memory flooded my brain, the jealousy the fight and the awkward aftermath. Though there was one good thing about that night.

"You mean the day I realized I was in love with you," I yammered. It was the truth, her walking down the stairs next to Victor Krum was the undeniable wake-up call I needed. Stopped the denial quickly.

"It was" she quipped, surprise drenched her face and the statement was much more like a question.

"Yeah I kinda needed a smack in the face to realize it but it was the day," I said. Even if I realized it then I still didn't do anything about it. Should have, though this is a pretty good ending.

"Well, I think I like tonight much much much better," Hermione smiled tightening her arms around my neck.

"I would hope so," I chuckled pulling her waist closer to me. She hummed the song we were dancing to. We swayed along to the beat of the song which was soft and airy.

"Do you know this song?" she asked. I racked my brain but the soft love song was one I had never heard before. Though I wished I had.

"No," I answered truthfully. She continued humming softly.

"It's a childhood favourite of mine," she remarked, "And when you speak angels sing from above everyday words seem to turn into love songs. Give your heart and soul to me And life will always be la vie en rose" she sang along with the words as we swayed to the beat of the song. I tried to keep my jaw from hitting the floor. Her voice was soft and sweet, had I ever heard her sing before?

"I didn't know you could sing," I replied smiling. She gave me a wicked grin as I spun her around again.

"Well I didn't know she could cook, guess we're even," she answered as we met again in the middle of the floor.

"God I love you," I breathed softly under my breath.

"Love you too," she giggled, smiling sweaty. The words felt so good to hear, they felt so good to say. He had always thought them but now he could say them, and now he could hear her say them.

"We get to say that for the rest of our lives, well as long as I don't do anything too stupid," I beamed. She gave a huffed laugh as the song changed for la vie un rose to fly me to the moon. This song I recognized, dad got a record player when we were younger. He would play the Frank Sinatra record for me and Ginny when we were younger. I love this song, I never really knew why. But it was way better than Celestina Warbeck and the Banshees.

"I don't think you will," she exhaled. She looked so confident in that fact, she trusted me. I'm sure as hell not going to break that trust. I wanted to strengthen it, I wanted her to trust me even more.

"I hope I don't"

"Well, what would we do in the future?" the question came almost out of no were. So abrupt but also seemed proper. The future was something we had to deal with.

"Well, I want to be an Auror, like moody. That sounds like a good job... What about you?" I commented. An Auror was what I wanted to be, you need top grades to get into the cadet program. I'm not a top student per say, but I'm above average in that category. Maybe if I tried harder... she made me want to try harder. To be better, like her. But still me.

"I still need to figure that out. Too many options. I mean I could do something with S.P.E.W but most wizards aren't thrilled about the idea," Hermione told me, she looked slightly annoyed as she said it. I could understand that. I don't agree with a lot of the things she says about house-elves, she has a point about almost every other creator she set her sights on but...

"I think that you have a point... but you have to ask the house-elves before you force them to do anything. If a house-elf wants to be where they are, just let them. I think you would do well in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, I think you would shake things up and turn a couple of heads. I'm pretty sure you could do great things there," I answered truthfully. She could do an amazing thing for a lot of people. People like Profesor Lupin. She could do it, she had the drive, the will, the pure unholy stubbornness.

"You think so?" Hermione asked her eyes lighting up like fireflies.

"I know so" I reassured her.

"Well I think you can do great things too," she beamed, I blushed fiercely not believing her.

"I don't know, you and Harry have always been destined for great things. I don't know about me," I quipped. It was true she and Harry could do great things, they will do great things. I'm happy to just watch them.

"Don't think like that, we couldn't have done half the stuff we do without you. Remember third year, even when we were fighting you still insisted on making sure I was eating and sleeping. I would have died from exhaustion if you didn't. And Harry was a wreck without you last year. Not to mention you're good a magic Ron, I just think when you're scared of being wrong you shot down. You can do anything... and I plan on making sure you know that," she deduced. It felt like she was seeing into my soul for a moment. 

"I hope your right,"

"I know I am," she quipped smiling, "one other important question,"


"Just know that I'm not asking for right now, in fact, this is years in the future maybe ten or twelve,"

"Ok then... that's not cryptic at all," I chatted spinning her around again.

"Do you want kids?" Hermione questioned. Her face was more flush than usual though I could attribute that to the blush Ginny put on her face. I smiled at her.

"Ok, now I see why you said that," I laughed, the answer was yes but the way her face twisted in a fake glare was funny enough to let her continue.

"Not an answer," she huffed in a fit of mock anger.

"Yes, well definitely not seven... maybe two or three. Do you want kids?" I respond. I had always known I'd wanted kids, well maybe not always. But after the fight with Harry in fifth year, I took up volunteering to fill my time. Ended up tutoring a lot of first years, I realized how much I enjoyed just being around them. They didn't judge me too much, they laughed at all my dumb jokes and actually listened to me. I wanted to do that with my own kids, I wanted to be a father... one day.

"Yeah, was kinda afraid you didn't,"

"Hermione you don't grow up in a family like mine and don't want kids. Well, you could take it the opposite way and hate kids because of how much you see them," I sighed, "do you have any name ideas?" I asked simply to continue the conversation.

"Rose," she said simply.

The night went on smoothly and happily for everyone involved. Hermione's dad was not the only person to cry by the end of the night. Both Mom and Dad cried at least once, and Harry barely held it together during his best man's speech. Then came over to the two of us and sobbed like a lot. Ginny managed to calm him down and they danced together. Hermione and I  have a new project, operation Hinny activated (Hermione came up with the name). The end of the night came quickly. All the guests went home quickly after the festivities ended. And the only thing left to do was go upstairs.

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