Chapter 6: Wedding Dresses

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P.O.V: Hermione

As soon as the words left my mouth the world turned into a disaster. It had only been an hour since I accepted Ron's proposal and the world had turned upside down. For a good two minutes, Mr. Weasly (who I have now been told to call Molly) held me and just cried. Bill said he needed at least a day to prepare the paperwork, which I was grateful for. I know it was stupid but I still wanted to were a white dress, I wanted to do as much as normal wedding things as I possibly could. I only got one shot at this and I was going to make it count.

Ginny begged to be my maid of honour, she was the only person I would have wanted anyway. Bill went to inform my parents about what's going on, while Ron went to tell Harry. Neither of which went well. My dad screamed for a good two hours but after an explanation from Bill about how this was the only option. Apparently, Ron is going to be getting a very serious talk about all this. Harry was mad we never told him. He was mad this was the first he heard of it, but after promising that we didn't have any new information at all he calmed down. Then immediately demanded to be the best man, a request Ron fulfilled.

Harry still needed to stay with the Dursleys for a bit but would be coming to the wedding which was planned for Thursday. I didn't want my wedding to be in Grimmauld place, it was dull and dirty and infested with so many horrible things. The house-elf heads alone were enough to make me squirm. Thankfully Molly happily let us use the borrow, we were even allowed to stay there.

My Mom and Dad were the only people from my side of the family allowed to come to the ceremony, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins weren't allowed to come as they didn't know magic existed. A normal wedding ceremony could be hidden from muggles but a blood marriage can't. It was disappointing but I pulled through it. They would be allowed to come to the party afterward anyway. Mom asked if she could stay at the barrow with us and Arthur agreed. Mom and Molly were like two peas in a pod within about thirty minutes. She was staying in Percy's old room which had been cleaned out for some time (Molly didn't want to talk about it).

Ron seemed to be taking it all in stride, still more worried about me than anything else. Even the constant teasing from the twins didn't seem to bother him. I knew that the wedding planning bored the living daylights out of him but he insisted on being a part of it in some way. The twins had bought him some new robes at the beginning of the summer so we didn't have to worry about that, Molly and my Mom would be making the food. Arthur and the twins spent a good hour preparing the garden for the wedding. They had brought in a large tent and some folding chairs, they had also placed roses all along the garden (At my request, I love roses and wanted them in my wedding. I always have). They had already sent a secret little invitation to everyone (only about thirty people).

It was Tuesday and after some begging, we went wedding dress shopping. Arthur said we should have at least one order member with us to protect, Tonks had immediately volunteered to go with us. She was a nice Aurur with bubbly pink hair. Madeye told us to go shopping in a muggle center as it would be less suspicious.

"Oh this one is so cute," Tonks squicked. She held up a short wedding dress that reminded me of the swan princess dress my cousin wore for her recital. It was cute but I shook my head.

"Something longer... not a ballgown but definitely longer,"

"Yes, something that will go with the family tiara," Molly sighed looking at another dress. Ginny nodded, taking a dress off of the rack.

"Pardon," I blurted out slightly confused.

"Oh sorry dear sometimes I forget your muggle-born... Each ancient pureblood house has a goblin-made artifact that the family gives to the bride to wear. I already sent an owl to Aunt Muriel requesting it. It's from my side of the family dear. I hope you will wear it. My husband's family has another hairline which you will receive on the wedding night," Molly informed me. I looked over to her and she had the same motherly smile she always had. Even though she seemed against the idea of this marriage she was still making the effort to make me appart of the family.

"I would love to wear it," I said with a goofy sort of smile on my face. I looked over the rows and rows of white dresses still unsure about what I wanted. Dad said that he would pay for everything, apparently, he was planning to do that anyway. Mom took a couple of vacation days but dad decided not to, he still needed to process all of this.

"Do you ladies need any help?" a worker asked, coming up to the five of us.

"Yes actually that would be really nice," Mom said, smiling politely at her.

"Who's the lucky bride," the attendant asked. Her eyes landed on Tonks, it was the obvious answer.

"That would be me," I squeaked.

"Oh," she said, her eyes dropping down to my level, "Is there anything specific you're looking for?" The lady asked.

"Something long with sleeves but not a ballgown," I told her. She gave me a once over again and then nodded.

"I think I have the perfect dress for you dear," she smiled, "give me a moment," she walked away for a minute before coming back with the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was cut at the waist and blossomed into a skirt. The bottom of the dress was decorated with lace, my eyes drifted to the top. The top was off the shoulder, it was laced with small embroidered beads and long sleeves that belled out.

"Can I try it on?" I questioned.

"Of course," The stewardess said, handing me the dress. It felt so right in my hands and a childish smile came over me. The lady pointed out the change room and I quickly ran over there to change. I zipped up the dress, I moved my hair out of the way and into a bun only wanting to see the dress. I got out of the changing area and was met by the girls. I looked out into the mirror and could only let out a girlish giggle.

I can't wait for Ron to see this, I thought... I shook my head, blushing slightly. Ron wouldn't care he was Ron he didn't think about her like that. This wedding was to save me from the Malfoys, not out of love. I stopped thinking for a second and let myself indulge in the fantasy, I was marrying Ron Weasley. Did it really matter in what way, then the thought came to me. I need to tell him how I feel, no matter what he said I needed to tell him. This was forever and there was no going back, he needed to know I loved him. I was going to tell him tonight.

"I love it," I squealed.

"You look so beautiful," Mom cried, Ginny and Molly said something similar and gave me a hug. We quickly bought the dress and went home happily talking about the ceremony. Molly and my mother went shopping for groceries. Ginny and the twins went to go play quidditch outside leaving only me and Ron in the house. He was in the kitchen talking on the phone with what I would have guessed to be Harry. I moved to the door wanting to go in and say hi but then I heard it...

"Harry I get your trying to help... but there's no way I can tell Hermione I'm in love with her,"

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