Chapter 15: The Malfoys reaction

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P.O.V: Ron

Today was going to be a good day. Today was the day the Malfoys were supposedly going to pick up Hermione. It was going to be way to much fun watching them sputter and try to find a way out of it. But the idiots got cocky and look were it got them, no were. I grew more exited as the day came closer, the very idea of telling Malfoy (an absolute spoiled brat) NO was going to be the highlight if my day. The best part, it would be only the chary on top of my already excellent mood. Hermione had stopped worrying especially when our marriage license came in from the ministry. Along with a letter from a rather confused lady from the department of licenses asking why we didn't just preform a normal marriage. Bill sent them a letter explaining the situation.

We were sitting happily in the living room talking, well I was talking with Fred, George and Ginny. Hermione was reading peacefully as she leaned against my shoulder. Fred and Goerge had been threatened half to death by Mom to stop teasing the two of us. They had stopped all the teasing though I could see in their eyes that they wanted to, really badly. Harry would be coming soon to stay with us soon, and he would be taking Percy's old room. He was very clear on being no were near the two of us at night time. I though it was bloody hilarious, Hermione would have hit him over the head with a book if he wasn't talking over the phone.

The doorbell rang loudly, filling the whole house with an air of compleat dread. Hermione stopped reading immediately sitting up from her relaxed position. The Malfoys, I thought. I got up but my Dad stopped me.

"Don't go up to them... I want to talk to them. See if I can get them to leave as fact as possible," Dad said going toward the front door. I sat back down on the couch in a huff.

"What fun will that be, I wanna do some yelling," I sighed. Hermione looked back at me with a concerned smiled.

"Why? I want to see them as little as possible," Hermione questioned an eyebrow raised.

"I would like to fulfill my deep desire for vengeance," I joked. Hermione laughed and Fred and George tried their best to pretend they didn't find it funny. The fact that their faces were red and they were holding their sides. Ginny just nodded along agreeing mostly about the yelling. "But if someone was going to yell at them can it be me, or do you wanna do the honors,"

"No, I'd prefer to never see them ever again," she said simply after a moment of thought.

"WE HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO TAKE HER WITH US, WE HAVE A CONTRACT!" Mr. Malfoy screamed, wailing like a banshee. I ran over to the door ignoring my Dads wishes on the matter, I wasn't going to sit their as he screamed. If he was going to screaming so was I. I saw the two blond brats and anger filled my veins.

"Do you have a problem," I said in a deadly calm. The angry Malfoys turned to be looking as pink with anger as they possibly could. Draco opened his mouth to yell but old Lucius stopped him with a wave of his cane.

"Yes, under law we have every righ to take him," he barked, his wand was out now ready to start casting spells.

"NO, no you don't. We voided your contract," I smirked. I was right this was fun.

"That's impossible theirs no way to void a blood marriage, we checked. No one has ever gotten out of a blood marriage," the old Malfoy said smugly.

"Well your right about not getting out of a blood marriage... but you can get out of being in a blood marriage with a person," I explained feeling a giddy sense of joy that I was trying to hide. I wanted to sound more smug then exited but my voice and emotions were betraying me.

"What does that mean?" Draco barked, don't call him an evil ferret, don't call him an evil ferret.

"I married her, you can't marry someone who's already married," I informed them grinning like an idiot. Their faces dropped, the world was at peace. All was right with the world. "Now get out you have no right to take my wife with you," I continued, feeling like a million gallons. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hermione who looked more smug then I had ever seen her. I looked back at her asking with my eyes if she changed her mind about yelling at them. She nodded and I smiled ready for hurricane Hermione to kill the two idiots with words. This is defiantly a good day.

"Get out of the burrow now," she said, her voice was deadly and terror was dripping form the Malfoys face. Hermione came closer to them and in a flash she punched Mr. Malfoy in the face. The older man feel to the ground in surprise as his son gapped in disbelief. I hate to admit it but my face was a similar shade of disbelief. She walked away quickly to the living room were my sibling all looked like Jacko lanterns. I joined them in their grinning following my new wife back to the living room. Dad quickly made a big enough stink for ferret and ferret Jr to leave. My siblings looked at Hermione with a mix of complete joy an horror.

"Well that's a good way of getting ride of your ex fiancé," Ginny laughed. We couldn't take it anymore, the living room burst into laughter. The belly accessing laughter lasted a good thirty minutes before mom said she was getting a headache from the noise. We had to stop after that. Everything was great, Hermione was my wife. She just punched Mr. Malfoy and I just laughed more then I have ever before. Perfect everything was perfect.  

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