Chapter 3: The only way out

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P.O.V: Ron

It had been two days since the letter came from Hermione and I hadn't slept the entire time. I had read more books in two days than I did the entirety of last school year. And you know what I got for my troubles; FUCKING NOTHING. I am so tired, I must have looked like an inferi by the time Monday rolled around.

"Ron, when's the last time you ate anything?" my mother questioned, her voice a little shaky. If I was being honest probably Saturday. I only really left the library to use the bathroom.

"Mmmmm," was the only response I could muster.

"Ronald Weasley you will come out here and eat something, you will be no helo to Hermione dead young man," Mom scolded. I rubbed my eyes taking a deep breath before getting off the floor. It looked almost like I had created a cave of books on the floor, a piece of parchment filled with notes of anything to do with blood marriages. I dragged myself to the kitchen and flopped face-first into the counter completely exhausted.

"Ron are you ok, you look like Percey did before his N.E.W.T's," Fred laughed, George hit him in the side as mom gave a whimper. I ignored it, I had no time for dealing with Percey or his bullshit.

"I haven't slept in two days, maybe... like since Saturday at least," I said, stumbling over my words. Hermione was sitting at the other end of the table with a book in her hands. She gave me a smile, I couldn't muster the strength to return it.

"Who are you and what have you done with Ron," George teased. I sent a glare his way before flopping my head back down on the table.

"Ron?" said Hermione in a soft voice.

"Yes," I grounded.

"I think you should take a nap, you look so drained. Maybe eat something first... I'm worried," Hermione whimpered. I managed to lift my head to meet her beautiful brown eyes.

"Well I'm not, I'll live... I'm worried about you more than sleep or food or whatever else. I'll sleep when this is over," I stated firmly, I needed to keep my promise to her, I was going to get her out of this.

"Take a nap, it doesn't have to be a night's sleep, just a nap," she begged. I couldn't say no to her pleading.

"Fine... thirty minutes. Someone wake me in thirty minutes," I said while shoving a bread roll in my mouth. I walked over to my bedroom collapsing almost immediately into sleep. Blackness covered me and sleep took me. It was a while before anyone came to wake me.

"Ron... you've been asleep for about two hours," a sweet voice said, waking me up.

"Mmmm. I'm sorry... I should be helping," I said looking up to see Hermione's dazzling face smiling down on me.

"You've done more than enough, you've done more research than me," she giggled slightly, I felt like I had just been anointed by an angel.

"I promised you," I coughed out while sitting up in bed. I stretched my arms out rubbing my eyes. I felt slightly better though my brain was still slightly hazy, I smiled at Hermione walking back to my book cave. I picked up the last book I was looking at (The horrible case of blood marriages). I started reading and my face lit up... then darkened. How on earth was that going to help, for that some other pureblood would need to... ME.

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