Chapter 14: The day after

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P.O.V Hermione 

The early morning light peaked through the curtains slowly. I gave a yawning streak, reviling in the cool morning air. Ron was holding onto my waist still sleeping heavily. My face flushed bright red remembering the night before. It had been rather awkward at first but after some talking, we managed to figure it out. It was fun, more than fun. Were there even words to explain it? Ron sleepily turned away from me, loosening his grip on me. I got up slowly leaning on the balls of my feet as I got up.

I looked around wondering if I had any clothes in this room, I looked slowly through the drawers for any of my clothes. I mentally facepalmed, all my clothes are still in Ginny's room. I'll just wear one of Ron's shirts till I can get some of mine. I went through the drawers again, my eyes were drawn to the bright orange chudley cannon shirt. I smiled, slipping the old shirt over on. It felt warm and familiar, the old fabric was soft. It smelled like sweets if I was being honest, Bertie botts every flavoured bean and chocolate frogs. Ron's favourites, I smiled glancing towards the window. The top of the closed curtain leaked the smallest pit of sunlight.

My eyes were drawn to my hand which had fully formed a scab. It was not the most interesting thing on my hands though, on the left hand was the permanent wedding band. The engagement ring my mother gave me. They both felt right on my hands like they were always meant to be there.

The quiet air shone with the orange haze of the rising sun. I looked at the alarm clock which read 5:37, I'm Hermione Jean Weasley. The name rang funny in my head, funny but not bad. Almost like a girly squeal, something I would probably never admit out loud.

"Good morning," a voice said softly behind me. I turned around quickly, greeting a smiling Ron. He had already put on pyjamas bottoms and a matching pyjama top I had never seen before. Did he always have that top?

"Good morning to you too," I giggled.

"Isn't that mine?" He said pointing at the jersey.

"It is, but all my clothes are in Ginny's room," I voiced.

"So am I ever going to get that back... or," he observed coming closer to me. He kissed me on the top of my head. I smiled feeling slightly silly for the girlish laughter that came from my mouth.

"Yes... maybe," I teased fiddling with the hem of the jersey stretching it just above my knees.

"So no," Ron smirked looking me over a couple of times, my face grew hot as I pulled my hair up in a bun. His eyes on me felt good, it always felt off when people stared at me like that... with desire. But now it felt right because she had given him permission to stare at her like that because she wanted him to stare at her.

"Haven't decided yet," I commented.

"We're married officially now," he said smugly.

"Yeah, and why are you so smug?"

"Because this," he answered me by picking me up off my feet and kissing me in one foul swoop. I cupped his face in my hands leaning into his embrace. He pulled away through some protest from me, "so can I make a request," he asked.

"I suppose so,"

"Can we never wake up this early ever again," he exasperated putting me down on the bed as I laughed quietly.

"Of course, in fact, we can still go back to bed if you would like,"

"No I'm already up, no use in going back to bed," he said sitting down next to me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me slowly into his lap. I motioned for a book on Ron's nightstand which he handed to me. The history of wizard's chess I read as I flipped absentmindedly through the pages. I slowed down my reading as Ron read over my shoulder. It was just so... domestic.

We woke up together and now we're sitting not even talking just reading the same book while cuddling. The minutes ticked by as we sat quietly together. I couldn't help but smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"Can't I smile, I just got married and there is no possible way I will have to marry Draco Malfoy. Good things are happening all around me. I should smile,"

"GOOD MORNING LOVEBIRDS," Bill shouted knocking loudly on the door. Ron jumped up in surprise running over to the door. He opened it finding his older brother smirking.

"Merlin Bill, do you have to be so loud," he badgered. He glared at his grinning like an idiot brother.

"Didn't sleep much I take it," he smirked, both Ron and my face went red. The fire on the contract went out, he knew this. Brotherly teasing again I suppose.

"Go to hell, what do you want," Ron said in a sickeningly sweet tone. Bill smiled shaking his head at his younger brother.

"Breakfast, mom wants everyone downstairs. She made pancakes with whip cream strawberries and chocolate sprinkles,"

"It's not my birthday," he joked. I remembered he once said his mom had a special dish for each of her children's birthday breakfasts. Ginny got beans, mushrooms, and tomatoes (normal breakfast items but she always asked for it). Bill and Charlie asked for french toast and powdered sugar. The twins asked for American bacon, and Percey used to ask for fruit salad. It was just like Ron to have the sweetest of the breakfasts.

"Yeah, but you did just get married," Bill said laughing at his brother's joke.

"Ok, we'll be down in a minute,"

"I'll go get some pj's from Ginny and be right down," I informed my new husband as I walked toward his sister's room. I knocked slowly on the door which Ginny opened with a flourish. A tired-looking Ginny smiled at me. She looked me up and down slowly and smiled suggestively.

"I need my clothes,"

"You seem to have acquired some on your own," she said wiggling her eyebrows, this is why you were locked out when we talked about this.

"Seriously Gin can I have my clothes,"

"Yeah here," Ginny smiled picking up my suitcase from her bedroom floor. I got dressed in a hurry into some comfy clothes. A long red hoodie and some fluffy pants. After a day of being fancy, I wanted to be as comfy as possible. I walked down to the kitchen where all of the Weasleys were clustered around the kitchen. Bill, Charlie, and Ron were standing up talking (each with a plait filled with a pancake), Ron was rather red while the two older boys looked smug.

Fred and George were at the table yapping with Molly and Arthur about something or other. One thing caught her eye almost immediately. The old Weasley family clock had an extra person. Me. Ron's handle on the clock was right next to mine. The moving picture of me and him were staring at each other, smiling happily. When did that appear? I'm officially part of this family now, I'm on the clock.

It was perfect, everything was perfect. Whatever the world was going to throw at them next, she could take. They could take on anyone and anything. The world could go to absolute hell and I would still be fine. I can do this, it doesn't matter what happens next. 

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