Chapter 7: A confession

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P.O.V: Ron

"Harry I get your trying to help... but there's no way I can tell Hermione I'm in love with her," I sighed.

"Stop being a baby and tell her you love her, you coward," Harry mocked. I felt a pang in my chest. If you want to get to a Griffindor, call them a coward, he hit a nerve and he knew it.

"Coward is a little mean don't you think," I grumbled.

"I'll say it again," Harry insisted. I could practically hear him glaring at me.

"She doesn't like me like that Harry, how awkward would that be if I told her. She would know that I see her in a romantic way... then I'll ruin our friendship. That's worth more to me than you know,"

"I know Ron... has the order told you anything else," Harry sighed, changing the subject finally.

"Nothing about you know who Harry... I've gotta go bye," I exhaled. That conversation had been going on for a good hour beforehand. Harry had drilled into me about telling Hermione about my feelings for her. The logical part of my brain knew he was right, the part of my brain that desperately wanted to tell her agreed, but the last part of my brain disagreed.

"Why on earth would she love me?" I found myself saying out loud. Hermione was smart and beautiful. I could go on forever. She was so much better than me, she was out of my league in so many different ways. It was a no-brainer why I loved her but there was no reason for her to love me.

"Ron..." Hermione's voice echoed. My entire body stiffened, there was no way she hadn't heard that. Maybe not the call but my last little muttering she definitely heard. I turned to her voice hoping to God Fred and George were playing some awful joke on me. No such luck was given to me, Hermione was standing in the doorway looking at me like a deer caught in muggle car lights (a saying Hermione used often). I wanted to sink into the floor.

"How much of that did you hear?"

"From... about I can tell Hermione I'm in love with her," SHIT, she heard some of the calls. At least she didn't hear the part of the call where I ranted about how great she was, that would have been horrible.

"I'm sorry, you don't have to say anything," I sighed. I looked into her eyes waiting for her to laugh at me.

"Ron... I want to say something though," Hermione interjected.

"Alright," I said, giving a pained smile. I had been dreading this since I realized I was in love with her about Christmas of fourth year. Hermione would be gentle about it, telling me she just wanted to be friends.

"I love you too," She smiled. Her smile was more bright and beautiful than I had ever seen before. Hermione, Hermione Granger loved me. I felt like I had just entered heaven, did I die? Am I dreaming?

"Really?" I asked, wanting to make sure I heard her right.

"Yes!" She shouted nearly jumping up and down. She ran toward me, placing a kiss on my lips. I couldn't tell you how long the kiss lasted. I didn't care, I moved my hands down to her waist pulling her closer to me. I felt like I could go to the moon. Like every stupid thing I've ever done was worth just this moment. She let go placing her head against mine, as much as I wanted her to keep kissing me this was comfortable. Like I was always meant to be there.

"Ron, I heard you ask why I could love you. I want you to know why," She whispered to me, "Ron I have never understood your insecurities. You are just as good if not better than a lot of people at Hogwarts. You're smart, you're so funny. You're one of the only people who can get me to take a break and calm down," a soft blush spread across my face. Hermione gave a wicked smile before continuing. "Not to mention I find you very attractive. Why do you think you're not? You have looked in a mirror right?" she teased.

My face grew hotter than the sun, "Mmmmm" was the only sound I could dare make. She chuckled at my response, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Now why on earth do you like me?" she asked, still giggling like a maniac.

"Hermione if I do tell you it will be very very sappy,"

"I'm listening," she giggled as she wrapped her arms around my neck

"You're one of the best people I've ever met. The fact you need a reason concerns me. So I'll go with the basics. I don't think I could even summarize for you," I laughed, kissing her forehead. I let go of her waist, a goofy smile still on my face. She stood up slowly and I realized she must have been on her tippy toes. I had always been slightly taller than her, it had been years since we had been anywhere near the same height.

"We're getting married on Thursday!" I announced more to myself. I guess it hadn't really hit me until now. I was going to be married to this woman beside me in like three days.

"I know!" she laughed.

"I love you,"

"I love you too," 

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