Chapter 5: Hermione's answer

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P.O.V: Ron

I did as Hermione said and got a full night's sleep. I slept from 8:30 a.m to 5:50. If that's not a full night's sleep I don't know what is. It was like seven-ish hours that should count. I still hadn't changed my mind, I looked everywhere. Every book, every iteration of the code and law. The only way anyone has ever gotten out of a blood marriage was to find another pureblood that wouldn't be a complete dick to them in their marriage.

If Hermione told me that she wanted some other pureblood to marry her I would take it in stride. Would I be slightly disappointed, yes. Would I be glad she was safe, also yes. All I want is for her to be in my life in some way, I don't care which way. She's my best friend and I wasn't going to sit here and watch her suffer. I woke up feeling like someone had slipped me a pepper-up potion, I sighed fixing my hair. I changed out of the clothes I had been wearing for the past few days, I grabbed one of my Weasley sweaters and a fresh pair of pants.

"You're finally awake, I thought you might sleep forever," Fred teased, snapping into the room with a pop. I jumped as George joined him.

"Do you remember anything you said yesterday because if you do that takes some serious guts little brother," George said with an evil grin on his face.

"I was sooooo sleep-deprived that I didn't really care anymore," I sighed, not really wanting to deal with their teasing.

"You basically asked Hermione to marry you in front of everyone, I don't know if I should be impressed or not," George observed.

"The weirdest thing is she didn't say no," Fred admitted. My face turned hot and I glared at the two of them. They were right she hadn't said no but that's not the point.

"What do you two want," I moaned, not in the mood to deal with their shenanigans.

"Mom wants you downstairs in the kitchen, said it's important. I think it's about your little outburst this morning," George explained. I got up and went through the doors leaving the two of them in my room. Something I knew I would regret later. I went down to the kitchen where Mom was sitting with Dad and Bill. I ran over to Bill giving him a huge before sitting down, Mom put a plate of food in front of me. I ate quickly as my three favourite family members stared me down. The moment my plate was finished my mother spoke.

"Okay, now that you've had a full meal and are fully rested, let's re-have that conversation," Mom sighed.

"I haven't changed my mind, I looked through every book in that library twice," I explained.

"You did?" Bill said looking impressed, I could only help but feel a small bit of pride as my brother looked at me.
"If we are going to have this conversation I would like Hermione to be here, she is the deciding factor in this," I muttered. Mom nodded and got up, Hermione came down the stairs with Mom. I was doing my best not to stare at her, she was wearing exactly what she usually wore, but after a day and a half of being completely delirious then suggesting she marry me. It was squirming as she looked at me but still tried to keep a relatively consistent smile.

"So we are going to make this decision here and now, alright kids," Mom gulped. The two of us nodded though I didn't take my eyes off Hermione.

"Ron, before we start, are you absolutely sure there is no other way to get around this law," Dad asked me. Bill cut in before I could say anything.

"No, there's no way they made sure there was no loophole," Bill declared, looking the two of us over.

"This is for the both of you to hear," My Mom said her expression hardening, "If you go through with this there is no going back, till death do us part is a promise not a suggestion. Your souls will be bonded together forever," She continued. She was just staring at me this time, I know she cared about Hermione but she was definitely more worried about me.

"You will also have to perform a blood Marriage which has all the same pitfalls if it were with The Malfoy boy," My dad, my face twisted into terror. I become slightly offended at the thought of me using any of the restrictions on Hermione.

"Do you actually think I would be evil enough to use any of the horrible spells on Hermione?" I blurted out. I crossed my arms with a pained expression on my face.

"No that's not what we are saying Ron, I raised you better than that," Mom reassured me.

"Whatever decision you make we will support but we want you to think about it this... but I know you well enough to know that you haven't changed your mind. Hermione... you have the final decision," Bill nodded looking at the two of us for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Ron... do you want to Marry me?" She squicked. My eyes met hers and I smiled.


"Then... Ronald Bilius Weasley I will marry you," Hermione approved. 

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