Chapter 1: The first proposal

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P.O.V Ron

The morning was going as well as it could. 5th year would start soon and I couldn't have been more excited. Even with all the horrible stuff happening it was still nice to know Hogwarts was still there waiting for me.

Breakfast was on the table as I came down the stairs. Dad was cooking pancakes each as deformed as the last. He never really cooked but he always tried his best. Mom couldn't cook right now. She was packing clothes in the hallway; she had ripped all of our rooms appart in a desperate attempt to find enough clothes for all of us. We were going to stay somewhere else for the rest of the holidays. Mom wouldn't tell us too much about it, though according to Dad she wasn't too happy about it.

"I'm no where near as good at this as your mother," Dad laughed, picking up the tray of pancakes.

"They look fine Dad," I interjected, taking one from the pile.

"Yeah Dad," Fred chimed in with a snap. I jumped up as George did the same. Since they'd learned to apparat they would apparat everywhere in the house just to prove that they could.

"Have you seen Ginny," I asked, changing the subject.

"Still sleeping," George said, picking up a pancake.

As Ginny finally got downstairs a large owl came flying through the window. The owl looked rather regal, it kind of reminded me of the Hogwarts owls. Though I knew better than to think that, it was too early in the year.

The owl landed near me poking at me. It had a letter attached to its leg that I could see was Hermione's handwriting. I looked at it for a second. Hermione didn't have an owl, she had Crookshanks (her evil cat) instead of an owl.

"I didn't know Hermione had an owl," Dad said.

"She doesn't," I shrugged.

"Awww did Hermione get an owl just to talk to icky Ronniecins," Fred teased as George sniggered. I blushed to the roots of my hair. I quickly read through the letters trying to ignore the looks Fred and George were sending my way. They had been teasing me about Hermione for years.

Hermione's letter was rather unlike her; it looked quickly written out, and some of the ink was smudged. I knew that Hermione rewrote every letter she sent at least twice. It was also a lot shorter than usual, Hermione had a habit of writing me mini novels.

Dear Ron

I have a bit of a problem. I really need you to tell me this is not what it looks like. I got it in the mail this morning, I know your family is pure blood. So they might know something about this. (I've included the letter I was sent in this envelope) thanks!

Love Hermione

P.s the owl is the one that sent me the letter

I looked at the word love again trying not to read too much into it. Has she ever written the word love before? I shook my head hoping the twins wouldn't notice my face.

Dear Miss Granger

You have been chosen to partake in a blood marriage. One Mr. Malfoy (Lucius) has chosen you as a spouse for his son (Draco Malfoy). This is NOT a request and should not be treated as one. You are required by Ministry law 357 under the old treatment of muggle-borns act 1745; to comply and agree to all the terms listed (Attached to this letter) and marry Draco Malfoy. Authorized by Senior undersecretary Delores Jain Umbrage.

Sincerely Agatha yachtsmen

ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOT. A BLOOD MARRIAGE, THE MOST HORRIBLE KIND OF STUPID BULLSHIT. Blood marriages were basically a way to enslave a muggle-born. Pureblood would demand a witch or wizard muggle-born marry them. Bill used to go on for hours about the old treatment of the muggle-born act, I could probably recite the bloody thing. As well as tell you point by point why it was stupid.

A blood marriage was a way for a pureblood to have almost complete control over a muggle-born. Bill even did a paper on blood marriages. But it's illegal now, there hasn't been a blood marriage in almost a century. The horror on my face must have shown as I read over the letter another time.

"Ron, your face is starting to scare me," Ginny smiled. She must have thought I was overreacting or something. I can admit that when it comes to Hermione I can get a little out of hand, but this is way more than that.

"More than usual," George teased.

"Dad, please tell me this is not what it looks like. Please tell me this isn't legal," I practically bagged.

Dad gave me a look, and so did my siblings. He took the paper and read it over, his eyes popped out. He moved his hands, threw his thinning hair and put the paper down.

"Molly, are you done packing?" He screamed.

"Yes dear, is everything alright?" Mom called back.

"Change of plans, we are going to headquarters a week early," My dad told her.

"What on earth are you talking about Aurther?" She questioned, shaking her head and making a tutting noise.

"Get the twins and Ginny to headquarters, me and Ron need to go get Hermione," The twins made an ohhhh sound but they were quickly shut down by the meanest glare my father could muster.

"Dad, what's going to happen to her?" I asked, breathing heavy.

"I don't know Ron, we... we can find a way out of this," Dad sighed, "Sirius probably knows a bit about this, it will be fine. Every law has a loophole," He said. His reassurance wasn't helping and he knew it.

We arrived at the Grangers, I didn't even care that I was still wearing my pyjamas. My father rang the doorbell. We must look so odd, I was wearing my ratty old pyjamas and Dad was wearing wizard's robes. I tried not to think too much about it. Mr. Granger opened the door and looked the two of us up and down.

"Mr. Granger, we met at Diagon alley. I also see you at kings cross with Hermione," My dad said trying to be polite.

"Oh, Mr. Weasley, it's nice to see you again. Is something wrong?" Mr. Granger puzzled.

"Yes, if it wasn't an emergency I would have tried to dress muggle, and my son would have changed out of his pyjamas. This is of the utmost importance for your daughter's safety. I know we had agreed for her to stay with us in about two weeks but it would be best if she came with us now," My dad tried to explain.

"Please come in Mr. Weasley... It's Arthur correct?" Mr. Granger invited. My father nodded as he let us in.

"Ron go get Hermione, she needs to be here for this explanation," My father ordered. I went up the stairs in search of Hermione's room. I looked through three rooms before I found Hermione's room. There was an entire room dedicated to books; it kinda looked like a shrine. Hermione was sitting on her bed reading when I came in.

"Ron?" She said her voice was a few octaves higher than normal.

"Hey, we have a problem. You know that letter you sent me, well that's not a joke we need to talk," I said, hoping my anger hadn't come through.

"Are you wearing pyjamas?" she giggled. My face became hot as I tried to pat down my appearance slightly.

"Yep, can you come downstairs?" I requested. She could probably see the pleading in my eyes as she followed me out of the room.

Her father and mine were sitting silently at the table as her mother prepared tea. They seemed to be having a silent conversation. 

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