5. I Gotta Leave

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I laid there that night, thinking about him. He's gone. My only reason of life has been taken from me. Can this be true? Is God testing me? No matter. I have to leave. Tonight. I get up from the floor, trying not to make a sound. I get paper and pencil and write a note for father.
Dear Father, thank you for trying not to let me starve to death. I appreciate it. I can't stay here anymore. What's the point? She doesn't love me. I don't know why, but all I know is that if I stay in the stage I'm in right now. I'm not going to survive. Tell her I said I hope you got what you wanted. Goodbye, forever.
I felt satisfied with the note and left in my food bowl. I went out the window and was on my way. It was probably like 3 in the morning. Where am I going to go? I have to think of my family members. Who do I know? I have to think about that later. I start to come across a home for kids without parents. I look at it closely. Should I go in? I ask myself. Im very hungry. I don't think I'm in the right condition to be on a plane or a bus, to wherever I'm going. Just then, I see a little old lady come outside.
"What are you doing out here all by yourself?" She asked
"I got lost.." I simply say.
"No worries, darling. Come inside and let's get you cleaned up. You look famished." She said with a grin. I walk in and look around the place and I realized that it was very big.
"Go in the shower darling. I'll fetch you something to wear." She said. I stared at the shower looking puzzled.
"What's the matter, sweetheart? You've never showered before?" She asked.
"No." I say quietly remembering my first shower as a 3 year old. My father gave me one when the social worker was coming over to check on me. That was most fun I've had. Ever. He was blowing bubbles in the tub and we were having fun. I thought every thing was going to change from that point. No more beatings. No more starving. I was going to be loved. Or at least I thought.
"London?" He said.
"Yes?" I said.
"When the social worker asks you questions, just say yes mam. Okay?" He looked like he was going to cry.
"Okay, daddy." I said looking worried.
"Daddy? Why mommy no like me?"
"I don't know, baby" he said as he brushed my hair.
"Just know, I love you. Every thing I do, I do it for you." He sang. Then, she came in and said; "What is taking you so long?" With fire in her eyes.
" Rachel, she was dirty. You don't want to get sent to jail, do you? " he said looking very serious. That was the first time I've ever seen him stick up for himself.
"Whatever." She snapped. "Let's get this over with."
"Let's go sweetie," he said as he grabbed my hand.
(End flashback)
I got in the shower as she turned on the water for me. I took off my dirty white tee. I miss my father. At least he tried. I wished for him and me to run away together. I hope he leaves her. As I got out of the shower, there were clothes waiting for me. I put on just the shirt. I wasn't used to pants and I didn't want to try anything new. I have to leave here one day. I look at myself in the mirror. Wow. I want to cry but I hold it in. I look like her. Exactly. Same evil brown eyes. But, mine were saddened. Messy blonde hair. I was a clone. Ew. I hated it. I hated myself. I want to dye my hair black. I would do that one day. I walked out of the bathroom and walked down the hall. The little old lady was there waiting for me by a room.
"This is going to be your room, for now." She said with a smile. A room. I've never had a room. It's so cozy. I sat on the bed. This is so comfortable. Something was missing. Oh no! My necklace. I lost it. I start to rub my neck slightly, missing it's cold touch.
"Are you looking for this?" She said as he held it up. I walked over and grabbed it, holding back my tears.
"Thank you, but how.."
"I found it in your shirt."
"Thank you again."
"Your welcome. You have very nice manners."
"I went to a private school and my father taught me too."
"So you have parents?" I stop and stared at her. I hope she won't ask who they are. I don't want to go back. I'm not going back.
"Please don't make me go back!" I cried.
"I will do anything. I'll cook and clean and do anything you ask. Just please don't let me go back." I cried even harder.
"Oh honey, of course I won't. This is your home now. You can call me, Miss Jodie or Jodie. If you'd like." She smiled at me. She tucked me into bed and left. I did like the bed, but it just didn't feel right. I got up and slept on the floor. I held my necklace with my dear life. I'm never going back.

The next day, I heard loud noises and laughing. I haven't heard laughter since school. This is odd. I came out of my room and went downstairs. There were about 30 to 40 kids. Holy shrimp! They all stopped and stared at me. Uh oh...
"Who are you?" One boy asked.
"Uhh, my name is London Carter." I said shivering.
"London? Really? Why would your mum name you after our capital?"
"She didn't name me. My father did." I said with a straight face.
"Do you have a mum?" Another snobby kid asked.
"She's not my mum and she's not important." I said raising my voice.
"If you have parents, why are you here?" A little girl asked.
"Yea!" They all yelled.
"LEAVE HER ALONE!" I hear a girl scream. They all shut their mouths. I turn around and see a girl with black curly hair, coming down the stairs. I stared at her with a confused expression. Why did she stick up for me?
"Hi, I'm Tasha." She smiled sweetly. She looked about the same age as me except she was a little taller. She had my brown eyes too. Interesting.
"I'm London." I say nervously. Why is she smiling so much?
"You can stay in my room with me." She said.
"Thank you, but I already have a room." I say hopping she won't be offended.
" Oh ok then." She said smiling still. What is it with this girls face? I bet her smile will fall off one day from using it too much.
"Well, let me show you around. What grade are you in?" She asked.
"Umm, 3rd." I reply.
"What? With your vocabulary skills you should be in 6th!" She exclaimed.
"I started school late 3 years ago." I explained. "They said I needed to start from the beginning."
"Well, whatever school you went too, they have no idea what they are talking about." She said shaking her head. I chuckled.
"Your 11, right?" She asked. How did she know? Not only does she smile too much, she's a psychic too? This girl.
"Yes?" I say puzzled. "How did you know?"
"Umm, you look 11. I'm 11 too." She said walking into a room. Which was very colorful.
"I'm guessing this is your room."
"Yes, how did you know?" Oh, no reason there's not a giant T, on the wall and pictures of you every where or anything.
"Lucky guess?" I reply.
"Your good." She said. She gave me a magazine and on the cover it had these two girls. They look very familiar.
"Who are these girls?" I asked. She turned to look at me.
"Oh! They are the Parkers. Well, they are married now. The blonde one is Janelle and the one with the brown hair is Jessica. I love their music." I knew them. They are Auntie Mariah's daughters. Wow! They grew.
"You know where they live?" I asked, like she would know the answer.
"Yes, I do." She replied. Well then, I thought.
"They live in California." She said. Interesting, I thought.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" She screamed. What is up with this girl?
"OMG OMG OMG!!!!! These are the cutest boys ever!" She said as she held up a magazine with these two attractive guys on the cover.
"My favorite is Robert Kinchelo, ahhhhhh! He is the bae. He needs to have my babies! He's just....Ughhhh!!!" She tried to explain. Well, he is cute. Very cute indeed. Wow, his jaw is perfect. His eyes are ocean blue. This is incredible.
"Mhmmmm. I knew you would like him." She said. Shaking me out of my trance.
"Uhmmm, he's cool." I said, lying.
"I know your lying." She said. Yo, this girl is a psychic, I'm telling you.
"I hope you'll like it here. I've been waiting for you." She said looking shocked.
"Ughhh what?" I said.
"I mean someone like you." She said. Then she suddenly got up and put on her iPods playlist. Some lady started singing. She started to sing along. Nice voice.
"Never mind I'll find someone like you. I wish nothing but the best for you. Don't forget me I beg I'll remember you said, sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead." She sang. Well then.
"You sing very nicely." I complimented her.
"Thank you. It's just a hobby I do." She explained. "I want to be a fashion designer. I make my clothes." She continued.
"I don't know what I want to do." I said looking down.
"What? You never thought about it." She asked.
"Not really." I said.
"Oh ok."
"So, where in California do they live? I asked casually.
"Oh a beach house in Malibu. She stated quickly.
"Well...ok...then?" I say puzzled.
"Yea. I know them like, know them." She explained.
"Ok." I realized we've been talking the whole day. It's like 8:30.
"Ok darlings! Everyone wash up for dinner." Miss Jodie sang. Food. I haven't eaten in forever. Please let it be worth the wait. As we walked to the table, I see; mashed potatoes, corn, white rice, turkey and gravy. Miss Jodie comes in with a pitcher of ice tea. My mouth was hanging open at the sight of the table. I remember we have to say grace before we eat, but I forgot what to do so I just watch the others.
"Let's bow our heads." Miss Jodie says. As we finished strong with an amen. I waited and watched people dig into the food.
"CHILDREN! Where are your manners? We must feed the guest first." Miss Jodie said. Everyone stares at me and then Tasha, picks up my plate and starts to serve food for me.
"Here you go, London." She hands me the plate and smiles.
"Thank you, Tasha." I said with a smile. I love it here, but I have to leave. I'm going to find my family in California. I'll leave tonight.

Whew!!!! That was a long one. Thanks for reading guys. Keep doing what your doing. Enjoy!

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