15. First Date?

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Emily's on the right. London on the left. Heyyy guys! I'm writing again! Fun right. Might not be writing often though. School. Exams. Summer. Adventures. Family. I'll have time to write between the time. My life is not that exciting. Trust me! Lol enjoy!
That night, I went home and went straight to bed. I could barely sleep because of the immature freaks in the next room. Ewwwwwww! They need to stop! No one needs to hear that. Next thing I know, Jay-jay and Robert start going at it too. Noooo! Emily texted me the next minute.
Lol!- Me.
This is crazy! I need to sleep. -Emmy.
Lol. Well, I'm gonna put on my beats and fall into a deep sleep. -Emmy.
Same.- Me.
Night twinnie! -Emmy.
Night weirdo. 😋-Me.
I put my phone down and pick up my beats solo. My phone vibrated again. I thought she was going to sleep. I smiled and picked up my phone. I frowned when I saw it was from Dylan.
Hey cutie. 😉-D
Oh so you're up? Watcha doin?-D
Listening to music.- Me
Cool. Cool. So watcha doin tomorrow?-D
I don't know. I'm not a fortune teller. 😑-Me
XD! Cute and funny. You're a catch! 😏-D
Umm thanks.-Me
Well, let me tell you what you're doing. We are going out! :D -D
What? Who said I'm going out with you?-Me.
I just did. Remember.-D.
Really? -Me
So, I'll pick you up at 7:00. -D
Sir, I did not agree to this... -Me
Great! See you later. -D. This guy needs major help. He's so cocky. He doesn't understand that I don't want to go out with him. Mostly because, I've never been on a date. Let alone have a boyfriend. Might as well tell the guys, there is no way I'm getting out of this.

When I woke up later, I went downstairs. I found Jay-jay and Robert making out on the couch. I looked at the confused. When Jay-jay and I made eye contact, she pushed Robert and climbed off of him.
"Hey London!" She said nervously.
"We weren't doing anything." Robert said stupidly.
"Guys? You know you don't have to act. I know what you guys do. I hear you at night." I smirked. Jay-jay blushed and her eyes were very wide. Robert started chuckling. Jay-jay glared at him. He cleared his throat and started shaking his head.
"No. I'm sorry. London, I apologize for the disturbance. We will be more careful." Robert said, very seriously.
"Ok, then. Can I ask you a question?" I said, looking down.
"Yes. What is it?" Jay-jay asked, with a concerned look.
"There is this guy. He goes to my school, but the first time I talked to him was at the party."
"Go on." Robert said, sitting back down with Jay-jay following his lead.
"He started randomly talking to me and then he gave me his kik. I was very confused. I wanted to leave as soon as possible."
"This does not sound like a question." Jake interrupts.
"Jake shut up! Let the girl speak!" Jessica snaps.
Giving them awkward looks, I continue.
"Anyway, he wants to go out with me.... Today." I end, studying their facial expressions.
"AWWWWWWWWWW!!!! Londy has a date!!!!" Jay-jay squeals.
"Stop..." I blush.
"Well, there's no time to waste lets get you ready." Jay-jay runs upstairs. She comes back down in like 5 minutes with a puzzled look on her face.
"London? We are going shopping, what are you doing?" She asks. Jessica snorts.
"Dead." She commented. Just then, Emily comes stomping down the stairs.
"Mother? Are you seriously going shopping, without me?" She asks, in a horrified look.
"Oh gosh! Ok, Em. Come on." Jay-jay states, rolling her eyes.
"What the fuck? If y'all are going shopping, I am too!" Jake exclaims. He looks at Jessica. "I don't know why you are staring at me like that, babe. So are you." He grins and smacks her on the butt and runs upstairs. Jessica mutters something under her breath and goes upstairs. We wait patiently. All of sudden, everyone is going too. Ok? Let's all help London get ready for her "date" day. I don't like calling it a "date", because it's not one. We are just hanging out. I don't even know the kid like that. He wants to hang out. Sure, why not.
We finally make it to the mall. I haven't really figured out my style just yet. I just know that I usually wear a lot of red. I like red. I don't know why, but I do. We walk in and I start to look around at the different stores. 
"Where are you guys even going?" Jay-jay asks. That's a good question. I don't even know. That little creep, just said pick you up at 7. I might die today. Who knows.
"I'll ask him." I respond. I pull out my phone and text this dude.
Umm Sir. -Me
Hey beautiful 😘-D
No... Where are you kidnapping me too?-Me
That's a surprise babe👌🏾-D
Stop with the nicknames. Not your babe.-Me
Alright, alright. -D
Ugh. Just what should I wear? - Me
Ooohhh. She wants to impress me. I like. 😏 -D
No. I just need to know how comfortable I should be. My aunt is asking, so let me know now. - Me
Ok, ok. Wear something cute, but casual. And sexy asf 😍😍😍 -D
You know what conversation over. Goodbye. -Me
See you later😘-D. Decided to leave him on R, because he was getting on my nerves. I finally answered my waiting family.
"Oh, sorry guys. He was being annoying. Calling me nicknames and stuff. We are not even together."
"Mhmm. I know the feeling." Jessica says looking and Jake.
"You loved it though. " He winks.
"Ok! Ok! So, what did he say?" Jay-jay asks.
"He said wear something cute, casual and sexy asf." I say with the most serious face. Jake bursts out laughing for some unknown reason.
"This dude is like me! He got game." He states proudly.
"Jake, again. Shut up!" Jessica says. I shake my head and realize that Emily was walking towards Forever 21. Ugh. It's so bubbly in there. I like Rue better. But, oh well. I follow her. She starts looking around and smiles when I walk in.
"I feel like you should wear a crop top." She says with a grin.
"A crop what? What in the bloody hell is that?" I explain.
"Oml, this." She states, as she picks up what seems to be a broken shirt.
"Emily. That shirt has problems. I don't think it is meant to be here." I say with a straight face. She starts to laugh loudly. I don't understand why people keep laughing and I'm trying to serious.
"London. It's suppose to look like that. That's what a crop top is." She explains.
"Oh, well I'm still not wearing it." I assure her.
"Why? He said cute, casual and sexy. This is exactly that." She grins.
"Emily, no."
"Ok, ok. Maybe not this one. What about a crop top that like kinda flows and is to your belly button. Like this one." She shows me a mint green shirt. That describes exactly what she said. I like it. I guess. Little less revealing.
"Sure, it's cute." I agree.
"Yay! Ok, pants." We go over to the pants section and I gawked at all the different colors. Why? Shouldn't they just be black, blue and khaki? In London, that's the only color pants I've seen. America is different. Surely, there were crazy colors like these in London, but I've never seen them.
"Which color are you thinking of?" Emmy asks, like that was a regular question.
"Umm, I'm not sure why these other colors are here, but I want the dark blue ones." I told her.
"Ok, " she picks them up and I see that they have holes on the leg part. Swear, all these clothes are broken. They have major issues. They need to get that checked.
"Umm, why?" I ask, pointing to the pants.
"What? It's cute. " she says like its no problem. I don't want to go through this process, so I just agree and move on. I look at the this black leather jacket and stop in my tracks. I have to have it it will complete it all. I pick it up and bring it to Emily. She looks at me then, the jacket.
"Ok. If you want." We look at Jay-jay and screamed; Done! She walks over and Robert comes running behind.
"Excuse miss? What do you think your doing?" Robert asks Jay-jay.
"Um, going to purchase these clothes?" Jay-jay responds.
"I don't think so." Robert takes the clothes and goes to the cashier and pays for them. He comes back grinning.
"I got you babe. Always." He smiles winking at her. She rolls her eyes.
"I was going to pay for that you know." She states with her hands on her hips.
"Well, you didn't have to. Daddy takes care of that. " he smirks and blows her a kiss. She blushes and I gag. Really, like seriously? Ok. Gross.

Once we exit Forever, we see Jake and Jessica walking towards us with tons on shopping bags.
"Ready to go guys?" Jessica asks.
"Yea, let's go." Robert says, turning around and we all walk to the exit. Deep down, I'm kinda nervous. What is going to happen?

We get home and I run upstairs to take a shower. I decide to wash my hair in the process, because I wanted it to smell extra nice. I don't know why, I'm trying so hard. Let me chill. It's just Dylan. No one special. I get out of the shower and turn on the blow dryer. It took me approximately 30 minutes to do my hair. It's 5:30. I have time. I do my makeup, which doesn't take long. I'm not Jay-jay or Emily. A little powder, mascara and lipgloss should be fine. I slip into my clothes and spray some perfume. I was about to head out the door when I stopped to look at myself in the mirror. I was shocked at how pretty I looked. Then I looked at my feet and realized I had no shoes. I laughed at my stupidity and headed to the closet. I decided my black toms would work just fine. Then I headed out the door, grabbing my phone on the way out. I headed downstairs and everyone looked at me and clapped. I was in shock. Why?
"I was gonna come and help you. Seems like up you knew what you were doing there." Emily said. I frowned.
"I can get dressed by myself." I assured her.
"I know, but the hair and makeup. You look pretty." She smiled.
"Thanks, I guess." Next thing I knew, Jay-jay is trying to take a picture of me.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Taking a pic, so I will never forget this day." She said with the biggest grin.
"Jay, this is a date. Not prom. Chill." Jessica said.
"Jessie, hush. It's cute. Smile London!" Just then, the doorbell rang. Phew! Saved by the bell, literally. I open their door and said nothing.
"Well, hello beautiful." He said.
"How did you know where I lived?" I asked. Kinda terrified.
"Emily told me." He smirked. I looked at her. She smiled.
"Well, listen kid. One rule. Have her back by 9:30, I don't want to see any bruises, scratches, Nada! You hear me?" Jake asked. Trying to be serious. He dead wants to laugh, I see it.
"Yes sir. No problem." He says, looking at me. We say goodbye and leave. I was skeptical as to where this boy was taking me. We walked in silence for bit.
"Where are we going?" I finally ask.
"Ice cream". He grins. Seriously, all this shopping for that.
"Is that an issue?"
"No, I guess not."
"Your accent is so cute."
"No, it's not."
"Yes, it is."
"No, it's not. "
"Yes, it is"
"Listen, I'm not going fight with you."
"This is not a fight. I was just proving my point. Btw. I won." He says, with a cheesy smile and a wink. I roll my eyes. When we finally get to the ice cream place. We walk up to the cashier.
"Welcome to Swirly Tops! My name is Cammie. How may I Top your night?" Once I realize that I was the corniest greeting ever. I try to hold in my laughter. He looks at me. I look at the menu.
"Can I have the mango smoothie swirl please?" I ask.
"Sure! Would you like whip cream?"
"No, thank you." I say politely.
"Ok, and for you sir?"
"Yea, let me get the Chocolate, coffee bowl. With two scoops of vanilla and sprinkles."
"Excellent choice. Your orders are coming right up!" She beamed and walked in the back.
"What's up with up your face?" He chuckled.
"She's so bubbly. It's weird."
"Would you rather someone rude?"
"No, but it's still weird." Moments later, she arrived with our orders. I happily slurped mine. It was so good. I like mangos. His bowl looked delicious too. He looked up at me and smirked.
"Do you want some, baby girl?"
"What did I say about nicknames?" What's up with that?
"You know, you like it." He says taking another bite.
"If I did, I wouldn't be asking. " I said.
"Oooo, feisty mama. Ok, calm down. Take a bite." He puts the spoon to my mouth. I take a bite.
"Now I know, what that mouth can do." He winks. Ewww seriously. Gross. We sit there and talked for a couple hours and he's actually not that bad. It was 9 and we realized it was time to go. I actually had fun.
"So, how did I do?" He asked.
"You're not that bad."
"Thanks, that meant a lot."
"Besides the winking and nicknames. You weren't that weird."
"Wow, so I'm weird?" He asks.
"Un pequño." I say, using the word he taught me.
"Well, using the word. Cute. You're sexy when you speak Spanish."
"Calm down." Realizing we made it to my house.  We said our goodbyes.
"Well, tonight was fun. Thanks for the ice cream and the funny jokes." I smiled.
"Anytime. Thanks for going out with me. Till' next time, cutie." He kisses me on the cheek, winks and walks away. I walk in the house and everyone is staring.
"You guys heard that, didn't you?" I ask. They start getting excited. Oh boy.

Okkkkkkk soooooo I'm like a year late. I'm sorry. I have no life but yet I'm busy. Not sure you will understand. Gave you a long chapter make up for lost time. Sorry. Love you whoever still reads this.

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