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As I lay on the kitchen floor, wondering when She would return again, I stared at the floor. Why did She keep me? I asked myself over and over again. What did I do wrong? My father attempted to help from time and time, but She would just threaten to kick him out. I knew he would be broke if he left. She works at a multi-media bank and is head chief executive. Suits her, I guess. Always in charge. The only person who kept me alive was my best, and only friend; Charles Walker. I would walk with him to and from school. He was my true friend and never asked about my scars. Secretly, I think he knew she caused them. Luckily, living in London, England, we go to boarding school. Uniform is required. No one would suspect that I wore the same thing everyday. I know what your thinking, Gross! How could she wear the same bloody uniform everyday? Well, I get used to it. Although, every Wednesday, Mrs. Bobbi throws her cleaning water down the shoot at exactly 5:30. After the wash, I would hang it to dry. The only other clothing I had was the one I wore everyday after school, and for bed. Father's white t-shirt. He gave it to me when I was just born because She didn't want to buy any clothes for me. My life didn't start off all that terrible though. My aunt, Auntie Mariah, used to come over every year and give me clothes. One year she gave me a necklace. She took it away from me, but I found it on her floor broken when She went to work. I took it back and hid it under the doggy bowl. We don't even have a dog. She "bought" it for me, but She barely feeds me. So it has no use. I haven't seen Auntie Mariah in a long time. I hope She didn't tell her to stop coming. One day I'm gonna leave this place. "LONDON! COME HERE YOU STUPID BRAT?" Oh no. Wish me best of luck mates. Hopefully, I won't get that bruised.

Heyy, I'm new to this alright.. Lol. Hope you guys liked that first one. More will come soon. Stay tuned!

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