Chapter Two

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Sirius' smile soon stopped, "What the fuck just happened?" he questioned the father daughter duo. "Well, there's a thing in the Peverell line, more like a legend, that eventually Death would pick a Master or a Mistress, yes that is true," James added quickly seeing Sirius about to interrupt, "It was rumored that the Master or Mistress would have deathly colored eyes. It was also rumored that when that person came around, the other Peverells would know, which leads to me and one other," he explained.

"Who's the other?" Sirius immediately asked.

"Well, I'm supposedly getting killed by him in about a year," James said, although Morgana did start crying and reaching for her dad. "But I'm not going too, you're stuck with me...this time," he whispered the last bit as he picked up the baby. Sirius was too in shock about the information he was receiving to hear what he had whispered. James didn't quite say that he knew everything that had happened to Morgana, Sirius would have panicked and would have the guilt consume him for going after Peter Pettigrew although James still needed to talk to the rat.

"Is there anything that changes with you?" Sirius asked. From what he understood, the Peverell magic had gone dormant mostly. He wanted to know if the magic becoming active again makes something change with James' magic. "Yes," he heard James say, snapping him out of his thoughts. Sirius looked back up, silently asking him to continue, "It's quite similar to the Lovegoods, they are Seers, but they can see anything. Peverell's specifically from my line, being the favored line, see deaths. We see deaths of people who could be saved, that was the favor Death gave the youngest Peverell's line, it would become the stronger one as the Master or I believe in this case Mistress of Death would be from that line," James said, motioning towards Morgana at the end.

Sirius still sat there stunned, so James left him in the room for a bit, taking Morgana out of the room. He looked at Morgana's clothes, finding something that wasn't all girly girl, why did he decide on so many pink clothes...right, it was Lily. He knew Lily wasn't going to have anything to do with Morgana so he changed some of the clothes and made some bigger. He saw children's underwear appear in the corner and looked thankful; he knew it was from Death. He turned back around changed his daughter into the clothes, undoing the diaper a little bit, "I and apparently Death thought you would like to be a small child instead of a baby. Here is some underwear for you, I'm sure you can figure out the rest of the diaper," James said and turns around. He hears the movement behind him and the rest of the diaper coming off, before hearing, "Daddy?" in the form of a small voice and turns around to find his daughter as a three year old, with wild black hair and Killing Curse green eyes, "Hello, my little fawn," he responded and smiled when a beaming smile came from his daughter.

James lifted Morgana again and walked back to his office where Sirius had come out of his shocked state, only to enter it again, "Morgana was reborn as the Mistress of Death, she change her age, she's temporarily a toddler now because I thought she wouldn't want to stay as a baby, I wouldn't want too either," James said. "Siri!" Morgana cheered and reached for him. Sirius had grabbed her and sat her on his lap,

"So those marks?" Sirius asked.

"Me!" Morgana said.

"Well she is a Dark Lady, she's going to have a mark, it's just better hidden. She's going to be the person to change the world, we won't have to hide," James said, he could see Sirius getting emotional, he didn't like being in hiding, James didn't want him to have to live in hiding again.

"So is this us officially going dark now?" Sirius questioned.

"I would like if it could wait until that year is up, it's the only way the other Peverell will come here," James thought out loud.

"Do you think he's going to listen?" Sirius asked.

"He will if we give him back some of his sanity, I'm sure with the Peverell magic reawakening, it already has. I am going to go get my Lordship though and you should go get yours too, extra protection from Dumbledore," James responded.

Sirius nodded, and then he stiffened, James felt a familiar feeling as he looked where Sirius was looking, "Hello Death," he greeted the shadow.

"James, Sirius, Mistress," the being had formed into a human, Morgana excitedly waving at him. "I would recommend giving the Mistress an Inheritance Test, you'll have a good laugh and gain favor with the goblins," he advised. He then turned towards Sirius, "I would keep tabs on your father and brother, your brother will do something that will damage Tom Riddle's chances of becoming sane again," he told him. Death gave one last nod to Morgana before leaving again.

They decided to go ahead and go to Gringotts, and boy did James have a laugh.

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