Chapter Sixteen

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Death entered his Mistress' room to see the toddler had summoned her stuffed Prongs and was playing with it. He also noticed that his Mistress had also summoned Prongs, her patronus. Something told him she wanted her dad.

"Mistress?" he spoke up and the toddler slowly moved to look up at him. Her big AK green eyes illuminated by the redness of the rest of her eyes. His Mistress had been crying and he didn't like it. "Who did you see?"

"Fwed and Geowge," she mumbled. Then Death remembered George Weasley, a man who couldn't live without his twin. It was hard for a magical twin to live with the loss of the other. Those twins happened to be some people who were close to his Mistress other than Draco, Blaise, Neville, and Luna. The oldest two Weasley children, Bill and Charlie, he remembered were more protective over the group, something the group appreciated. Draco was an only child and couldn't be around his father much because of him being a Death Eater, Draco had understood when he got older that Lucius did it to protect him, although in the case of Draco's godfather, the youngest Malfoy never understood why he acted the way he did. He knew it was because of his past with James Potter, but couldn't he let the grudge go and not take it out on the man's daughter? Draco saw Charlie and Bill as older brothers and learned a lot from them before planning to be a Healer. Blaise didn't have an older male figure, Bill and Charlie filled that role. Blaise's mother had noticed the relationship her son had with the older two Weasleys and made sure they would not become her victims. Neville only had his grandmother, he looked up to the two brothers who, along with Morgana, encouraged him to dive into studying Herbology. Luna, who had spent most of her time at the Weasleys when her father was out, was usually found with Bill, Charlie, or the twins. Death knew how Molly treated her children and Arthur was too oblivious to suspect anything. Death knew Fred and George were meant to be the next Lord Prewetts.

"I wan Fwed and Geowge away fwom Molly," came his Mistress' muffled request. She had her face hidden in the stuffed Prongs, the patronus Prongs looking at his Fawn in concern.

"As dramatic as possible?" Death asked.

"Of course," Morgana said, looking at him like she can't believe he just suggested that.

"Bill and Charlie included?"

"Mmhmm," Morgana hummed, poking the patronus that had come to her side.

"What about Percy?"

Morgana's nose scrunched up, "I guess," she mumbled. Now she was playing with stuffed Prongs' antlers.

"Why haven't you given Regulus a mark?" Death asked, he knew she gave them out as a sign of trust and protection.

"Daddy, Paddy, and Tommy," she replies.

"I thought you were going to give him a chance?"

"I try," she says. Death knew what his Mistress wanted. She wanted her father to have that love that was genuine, to have a partner that would be with him to the end. His love for Lily Evans had been fake, Morgana wanted her dad to something real. She wanted Sirius to have that brotherly bond restored with his brother. She remembered how sad he would get when he mentioned his brother, or even his father. That's why he had made sure James would sense those two deaths. She wanted Tom to have people he could rely on. He might've lost his sanity but Regulus should've known that destroying a horcrux would not make it return. There was also the fact that Morgana did not know how the Dark Mark would react to the Peverell Mark. But, Death knew this was more along the lines of Regulus being her father's mate.

"How about this? If Regulus hurts your dad in any way, depending on the reason. I will take him away and request to Fate that your dad gets a new soulmate," Death offered. From what he can tell, her godfather would not be happy if Regulus hurt her father either. Sirius was protective over James. He was his magical younger brother that had helped him and gave him protection from his mother and Dumbledore. When he had run away from his mother, Regulus had argued and argued when Sirius had tried to take him with him. Morgana was a daddy's girl and could not give a shit about what happens to the woman whose vagina she unfortunately had to come out of.

The Mistress of Death looked happy with his suggestion which in turn made Death happy that his Mistress was happy. Honestly, if Regulus hurts James, Death will react as badly as he would if Tom hurt Morgana. Potters in the past got a certain reputation if someone broke their heart and it may or may not have been Death looking after his favorite Line and killing or severely harming the person. Death picked the child up and held her, running his fingers through the girl's hair letting his presence sooth her. "You know, I won't let them die this time," Death said quietly and began to hear his Mistress' soft sniffles return as she buried her head in his chest. Then he made his way back to James' office knowing the patronus was following behind him.

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