Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Regulus and Peter waited impatiently at the floo. They were waiting to be called. Peter, however, felt a burn on his hip that startled him and went to find Morgana. He had been surprised after knowing what he had done to James, Morgana, and Sirius before. He entered the child's room, "Morgana?" he called softly, seeing the child was thinking.

"When you see Tommy, put on your brave face," the child said.

"What do you mean?"

"Snivvy gonna come and tell the prophecy, he may look in your mind and maybe Reggie's. Put on your brave face and block your mind," she said, briefly looking where the Deathly Hallows mark on Peter was. "OW MY HIP!" Regulus yelped downstairs.

"YOU ARE NOT AN OLD MAN! THAT'S FATHER!" Sirius yelled back almost immediately.

"IT'S YOU MENTALLY!" Orion snapped back at Sirius.

"I gave Reggie a mark," Morgana said with innocent eyes.

"Finally approving of him?" Peter teased. Morgana rolled her eyes and nodded slightly. They Deathly hallows mark gave whoever has one extra mental protection.

"Good luck," Morgana said as Peter walked out of the room with a small smile on his face.

Soon, Lucius and Narcissa floo'd back and threw the diary away from them and into Death's arms as he walked off to put the pieces together in one piece.

'Meeting canccccelled,' a hissy voice spoke through the Dark Marks making the Death Eaters in the house relax some. They passed along the message to James, "He was probably feeling his horcruxes combine into one," he told them, pointing to a diary that looked to be placed in a display case.

"Why does it look like its on display?" Bellatrix asked.

"Because it's connected to him and you can talk to it without it trying to suck your soul dry. The magic is still a bit much for people in the Manor," James said.

The diary suddenly opens, 'Feel almost whole, just one more,' was written on the page.

"Is he by himself?" James asked.

'Nagini is hiding, so yes,' it answered.

"Would Nagini be coming with?" Regulus asked.

"And why would she be hiding?" Sirius asked, knowing Nagini was Tom's snake.

'Nagini is my familiar, horcruxes had been chosen by what was important to me, she would be next. The diary was the main one and the first. The others were from the Slytherin Line or an item of the other Houses, although I will admit now knowing about the Sword of Gryffindor, that the idea of Gryffindors being idiots is wrong,' Tom wrote.

"And as your future father-in-law, do I need to remind you I'm Lord Gryffindor?" James questioned, leaning back in his desk chair, fingers laced on his lap.


"Good," James responded. Then he looked back at the others, "I guess I need to get my child for family bonding torture time," he said with a big smile, pulling out the Resurrection Stone that only a Peverell could touch now.

"Oooo, we want in," every single Black said.

"Good memory to the children when the Weasley kids come home," Orion reasoned. Bill, Charlie, and Percy wanted to stay with the twins so Orion and Sirius, not wanting to separate them, searched for medi-witches they liked, and along with Ted Tonks, they stayed and watched over the five children until the twins were better.

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