Chapter Twenty Six

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Death appears in front of James, who was doing his work. "I have spoken to Tom Riddle," he announced.

"Tom Riddle or Voldemort?" James immediately replied.

"It was Tom Riddle. His horcruxes coming together had brought him some sanity back. He has informed me of the curse that was on his ring with the Resurrection Stone" Death said.

"My daughter is not going to touch that, I don't care if the horcruxes can't hurt her," James said with a scowl.

"I know," Death assured calmly, he knew he was still on thin ice after getting Sirius' previous soul merged with his current, so he hoped Tom's suggestion made James feel better towards him. "I can take the curse off, but Tom had a suggestion," the being said, making James lift an eyebrow, "He had heard about the ex-Weasley-Prewett and suggested putting the ring on her with the curse. The curse is flesh eating. He wonders if the Prewett twins will show if wears the ring," Death explained. He was relieved once he saw the smile grow on James' face. "Shall I go retrieve the ring?" he asked.

James nodded, "Yes, Lucius believes he knows where the diary is hidden too. We'll get his soul pieces moved into one," he said, now wearing a small frown having to think about what's going to happen that night.

"You two will live, and you'll be free of the redhead," Death said.

"And can pursue another person," James added.

"But Mistress first," Death nods.

"Of course," James agreed.

Later, Peter and Regulus are called into his office. "I have a job for you two, but you need to get over your fear," James said.

Peter sighed miserably, "We're talking to the Dark Lord?"

"Yes," James replied.

Regulus looked at Peter, "How did you know?"

"Crazy Dark Lord scares me, not as much as an angry Potter, but still scares me," Peter replies, "Also you tried to destroy a horcrux and he probably knows," he added.

"He does," Rodolphus, Rabastan, and Bellatrix confirmed.

"Hooray," Regulus replied sarcastically.

"Because his horcruxes are together again, other than the diary, his mind set is a bit back together. It'll be better if the diary is here before you all go. You guys, especially Regulus, are going to be in trouble with him if Snape blabs," James said.

A three year old Morgana runs in and gestures to James that she wanted up. Her father picked her up and she faced the group, "He know about his soul being together and Snivvy being a spy, but if Tommy's diary isn't brought then Snivvy can get a hold of his mind," she said.

"Okay, I'm going to go see if it is in where I think it is," Lucius said.

"Who here has permission to enter your manor?" James asked.

"Just Narcissa," Lucius replies.

"Have Narcissa ask Regulus and Sirius how they handled the cup and the diadem. It is the strongest soul piece so the diary needs to be handed off when you guys come back. If the diary is back, then Tom can have more of a hold of himself," James explained.

Lucius nods and leaves with Regulus. Peter stays behind with the others, "Why are we having to talk to him?" Peter asked.

"Because while you might be scared of him, you have to realize this is a man who is having his first moments of sanity of who knows how long. He's been told about you and Regulus and that you two can be trusted around him, so he's likely to keep you two around him. No offense to Bellatrix, but you are a bit unstable and susceptible to Snape getting in your head," Bellatrix shrugged in agreement, James wasn't wrong, "So the plan is that you three are on a mission, but you'll just stay here."

"What does happen to us, though?" Bellatrix asked.

"Yeah, you're having us three specifically stay here and sending out the wimp—sorry Peter—and the traitor to protect the dark Lord," Rabastan said.

"Because nobody else knows what Regulus did, and Peter is a Gryffindor for a reason, he just hasn't gained his courage," James said.

"You supposedly," Morgana starts and says 'supposedly' slowly, "cruciod Frank and Alice into crazyness and they were in a coma," she said.

The three blink at her, "Okay, we'll stay here," Bellatrix said and the other two nod. A knock was heard and James calls for them to enter, it was Narcissa and Lucius.

"We are heading out to get the diary," Lucius informs them.

"Where Draco?" Morgana asked in James' lap still.

"He's with Andy if you want to find him," Narcissa replied kindly. The two leave and then Bellatrix decides to go bug her cousins again while Rabastan and Rodolphus go to see their niece, Luna, as Pandora and Xenophilius are around.

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