Chapter Eighteen

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Regulus totally did not blush when James came in as he was getting ready for bed. Regulus totally did not blush when James looked him over while Morgana looked at bit disturbed as she sat in James' arms. Regulus totally did not blush when he was asked if he could watch Morgana while Sirius and James were out with Remus.

Now, Regulus was staring into the green eyes of Morgana while Orion stood in the doorway awkwardly. "You like Daddy," Morgana said bluntly. Regulus spluttered while Orion started laughing from his spot.

"Everybody sees it!" Orion exclaimed.

Regulus sighed, what was he going to do with this child? Then Death wanders in, "Mistress has difficulty sleeping especially since she knows what's going on with Moony...good luck," he walked out with a smirk on his face. They had all noticed the being had been leaving a lot more recently, they shrugged it off at first thinking he was a busy man being Death, but then he wouldn't tell Morgana what he was doing.

Regulus looked out seeing his brother making his way out, shifting into Padfoot as Remus could be heard in the distance changing. James followed quickly behind, changing into a stag with many points. "Bye Daddy!" Morgana yelled out the window, making the stag look back really quickly and nod. Peter (who I keep forgetting is there) stayed with Marlene as they watched in a distance.

"Why doesn't he go out too?" Orion asked.

"Cause he turns into a rat," Morgana said, "He helped Moony get into the hidden place so Paddy and Daddy could get ready," she explained.

"I assume Marlene is out there to see him?" Regulus questioned.

"He scared she won't like him," Morgana said, then looks up at Regulus, "I hungry," she said.

"Okay, let's go," he said motioning her out the door.

"Be careful if Moony is wandering around," Orion called, heading back to bed. He needed to rest before he plans out his move against Walburga and then gain custody of his grandnephews. He knew Fabian and Gideon had died, and he knows the twins are smart enough to leave something about their twin nephews.

Regulus handed Morgana her snack and sat down, thinking about something. "What?" Morgana asked.

"How long was Sirius in Azkaban?" he asked hesitantly.

Morgana looked up from the grapes she was eating, "Twelve years," she said quietly.

Regulus shook his head, "He didn't deserve that," he responded back quietly, more saying it to himself, "I hope that goat is publicly humiliated and the Dumbledore name is ruined before he dies."

"I hope he dies in a way that makes getting kissed by a dementor seem like a dream," Morgana added. "Paddy's mental health had been severely compromised and he really tried to be there for me, but he always looked like he would cry because of how much I looked like Daddy. He thought he failed me after he found out about the Dursleys. He bordered up your room, he couldn't go in there and a certain elf understood and kept your room cleaned. I just want him to have the life he should've gotten with his family and soulmates."

The two hadn't noticed Death listening in from a distance. He was going to do something that may take a toll on someone and possibly piss off his Mistress, but he hoped this soul could rest. The soul's copy has been on edge, they've been hiding it, but they're constantly on edge.

Regulus frowned, his brother really did go through a lot, "Did Sirius really die that way?"

"Yes, I was there. You really shouldn't bring this up with a child who's only five months old," Morgana deadpanned as tears build up in her. Yeah, Regulus had officially been here for four months with his crush over James Potter developing and somehow not being able to hide it from anybody. He was surprised that James Potter himself somehow didn't know...or did he? Regulus flushed realizing that the Potter may actually know. His thoughts were interrupted by a grape being thrown in his face and looked back at Morgana with an offended look, "What? You looked like a tomato," she said innocently.

"At least I don't green hair," Regulus immediately clapped back, but then realized who's daughter he was talking too. Nobody in the house had quite gotten use to the fact Morgana had James' smirk. Nobody had gotten use to the bloodthirsty version of James' smirk. Orion had been stunned when he realized Charlus and Fleamont Potter both had that smirk, but it was played off as mischievous smirk, the one Morgana wore now. She looked up at his hair for a second and he felt something change. He immediately pulled down a curl of his hair and gasped in offense. His hair was a dark green to go with the tomato red his face had turned.

The two talked for a bit longer and Regulus found out Morgana did not like being the center of attention because that's how she was brought into the Wizarding World again. She loved pranks even though she couldn't do many the first time which was out of her control. She, like her father, loves eating fruits and vegetables more than anything. Regulus honestly couldn't see any bit of Evans in the child other than a similar eye color even though Regulus now knows Morgana's eye color is from the Peverell ancestry.

Morgana found Regulus to be a calmer person who thinks things out thoroughly. He was a bit shy, with some abandonment issues that can be blamed on Dumbledore, but he cared for people. He had gone to check on his father a few times before Orion almost threw the lamp on the bedside table. The questions of his brother in Morgana's (and now James') previous timelines made Morgana know Regulus had been worried to learn about his brother and knowing he went into Azkaban with a newly deceased best friend, a goddaughter with no one to take care of her, and came back out of Azkaban being the only member of his blood related family still alive. Morgana was just glad he hadn't asked about her father. She remembers his screaming and never wants to hear it again.

As it got closer to daylight and Morgana was getting tired, Peter walked past saying hello to Morgana who gave him a hesitant smile. Regulus knew she was giving the rat shifter a chance, but she was watching him. Morgana, who now had a thoughtful look on her face as she looked back at Regulus, "If you hurt Daddy, bye-bye Reggie," she said seriously before James and Sirius helped a slumped over and sweaty Remus inside with Marlene hurrying behind.

"Hi Daddy, Paddy, and Moony," Morgana said cheerfully, but quietly.

Remus gave a lazy wave, allowing Marlene to help him up the stairs so James could get his daughter to bed. He approached his sleepy daughter and stunned Regulus who hadn't seemed to have moved since they walked in. "Thanks, Reggie," James said, picking up the sleepy toddler and Regulus finally stood.

"You're welcome," he said a bit awkwardly. Looking up and reaching for the stick caught in James' hair. He looked back and saw a slight grin on the man's hair making Regulus blush, "What? It was bugging me," he defended himself.

"Your blushing is adorable," was all James said before walking away, leaving a once again stunned Regulus behind.

Everybody in the household had gone to sleep for the few hours they will get and Death got to work. The new soul had woken up when Death had entered muttering an apology and pressing a glowing orb into his chest.

James and Morgana woke up by a feeling, just as a heartbreaking scream sounded through the manor, the name 'Sirius Black III' running through their minds.

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