Chapter Twenty-Nine

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James quickly apparatus outside the Godric's Hollow cottage. He cringed feeling the anti-apparition ward that Dumbledore placed, but smirked internally knowing it would be used against him. "Imperio," he spoke once seeing Lily, and he casted the spell wandlessly. "Follow me," he ordered and went up the stairs to the crib that his one-year-old daughter would sit in. He placed her down and saw her tears.

"Prongslette, just remember that I will be okay," James told her softly. "We're being watched over by Death, the only one who will be dead-dead is Evans, okay?"

"Wuv you, Daddy," she whispered with tears running down her cheek.

"I love you little Fawn," he whispered back. He slipped a pendant on her, "Make sure this is noticeable, he will aim for it. I, and I'm sure Tom don't want you to experience the Killing Curse anytime soon," he added. He felt the wards go off. He kissed his daughter's forehead and placed her down with her Prongs plushie and turned around to Lily, "You will stand in front of Morgana and defend her," he ordered and went out to face his future son-in-law.


Orion went to visit the Weasley's just in case someone went for them since James and Morgana had to leave and wouldn't be able to warn them. He paused momentarily and eyed Fred and George who looked back at him. Their eyes were older then the rest of their siblings. They looked as old as Morgana's dead and George's protective hold around Fred told him all he needed to know.

"Are we leaving?" Bill asked.

"Not quite yet, it's a bit dangerous to leave," Orion answered honestly.

"Is Morgana okay?" Fred and George asked, confusing their brothers.

"She will be," Orion answered making the twins sigh in relief, "So will her father," he added making their eyes widen.

"You can't go in there!" a healer yells as they hear the commotion outside. "Call the Aurors!" someone yelled.

"He's under the Imperius!" someone else yelled.

Orion motioned the children under the bed and they stayed hidden. Orion stood in front of the bed with his wand out. The door was busted down.


Xenophilius stepped through the Longbottom's floo, "James and Morgana gave a warning. The Dark Lord has also said he has missing followers," he explained.

"What was the warning?" Frank asked just as he felt the intruder alarm.

They peaked outside, "Barty Jr and Evan Rosier are outside," Frank said.

Xeno peeked out, "They're being controlled. Knock them out and we'll get them to Gringotts," he said.

"Alice," Frank spoke, turning to his wife, "Find Mother and warn her and you to stay with Neville," he said. Alice nodded and ran off with Neville in her arms to find her mother-in-law.

"Help me?" Frank said to Xeno and got a nod.

"You will raise Neville," Xeno spoke. Frank nodded with determination. After Sirius' soul was merged with his last self and the Lestranges, Malfoys, and Tonks' were brought in, they all learned what their fates had been from James and Sirius.

"Let's go," Frank said, hearing them break in.


"Marlene!" Remus yelled, stepping through with Sirius following behind.

"Remus? Sirius?" Marlene called, walking out into the floo room.

"James and Morgana gave warnings for you and the Longbottoms, you need to evacuate your family or get everyone to put up a protective charm or something," Sirius said in a hurry.

"What warning?" one of Marlene's family members spoke.

"We have a friend that's a death seer. He sees deaths that need to be stopped. He said in less than ten minutes the whole McKinnon Line will end."

They all hear d a big bang, "It's Dolohov and Greyback!" a family member called out.

"They're in a trance!" someone else yelled.

"Knock them out!" Remus yelled as the banging got louder.

All the children were being gathered as shields were being put over them and Sirius, Remus, and Marlene faced the two missing Death Eaters.


Aurors were alarmed when they were being called to the Potters, the Longbottoms, St. Mungoes for the Weasley children, and the McKinnons. They all had the same question. What happened?

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