Chapter Twenty One

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Remus and Marlene were stunned. Sirius had gone through that? Morgana had gone through that? The two went upstairs, Remus' adrenaline overpowering his exhaustion from the full moon and entered there room. In the bed was Sirius covered in three blankets, they were warned he would be cold, and Morgana had been half out his arms most likely had gotten too warm under the blankets. Sirius was curled up in father's side with Regulus curled up behind Sirius but facing the opposite way. Regulus happened to be curled into James side, having moved closer in his sleep. "They'll be together before Morgana is one," Marlene whispered.

"Or close," Remus added, "Still need to get rid of Evans," he reminded her.

"Can't wait for her to die. C'mon, we'll ask an elf for a different room. Siri needs his family right now," Marlene said, guiding him away. An elf had already been giving rooms to the Longbottoms and Lovegoods.

The next morning, Regulus had woken up and—you guessed it—blushed when he found himself lying on James' chest. Morgana had apparently changed spots and was now sleeping on James.

An elf popped in, "Master James," he called and the man's head lifted making the toddler on him groan as she almost fell over, "You and Mister Orion need to go to Gringotts now," he reminded them.

"Right, made an appointment. Other people are there," James muttered and whacked Sirius in the shoulder, "You're Lord Black, you need to come," he added as Orion started moving and the hump of blankets known as Sirius started moving.

"Prongslette," Sirius gasped, "You left me," he held his chest in fake offense and gasped as Morgana stuck her tongue out at him.

"Where are you going?" Regulus asked.

"Taking care of business and wondering if I could get the older Weasley children," Orion said, walking out.

Marlene and Remus ran in and tackled Sirius, "We are here for you," Remus mumbled.

"If I see Dumbledick I will not be in control of my actions," Marlene added, "Someone will have to stop me."

When the others could get Sirius free from those two, he got dressed, putting warming charms on his clothes as he was still cold. Both Morgana and James could vouch about the feeling of a merged soul. They both knew the effect of the Killing Curse, and had known Sirius was going to be cold given how he died.

*Gringotts Fifteen minutes Before*

Lucius and Narcissa entered Gringotts with baby Draco in Narcissa's arms. They were immediately taken to a room where Andromeda and Ted Tonks with their daughter off to one side of the room and Bellatrix and Rodolphus Lestrange on the other side. Three goblins stood at the desk. "Why are we here?" Lucius drawled.

"You are here under request of Lord Peverell," the goblin in the middle said. That was when they all took notice of the Deathly Hallows symbol on his uniform. The goblin to the left was the Blacks' manager while the Prewetts' manager was also there. The Peverell bank manager internally smirked at the stunned faces, he had been waiting so long to be able to put that badge on.

"There is still Peverells around?" Rodolphus asked.

"Peverells exist?" Ted asked. Andromeda was about to defend her husband but then noticed the others didn't sneer, they just nodded.

"Why is Lord Peverell calling us here?" Narcissa asked.

"And why did we have to bring Nymphadora?" Andromeda asked, giving her daughter a small glare before she could argue about her name.

"And Draco," Narcissa added.

"Lord Peverell, under a discovery he has found out about the previous Lord Black and what he knows about the current Lord Black believes you all may be under potions and compulsions," the Peverell goblin stated.

"What was wrong with Uncle Orion?" Narcissa asked immediately.

"And Sirius?" Bellatrix quickly added on.

"What about Regulus?" Andromeda asked.

"Orion Black had been found by Lord Black and Heir Black because their House Elf had found them in a panic after Walburga NoName had put a curse that burns the Family Magic of the victim," the Blacks' said. The sisters' jaws all dropped. "Then it was discovered that Walburga NoName has been poisoning Mr. Black and had been trying to control the whole house whether it be by forcing people to become followers of a man who has indeed lost his sanity...Lord Peverell can touch on that later. Lord Black has been put on many dark magic suppressors—at least ten times and then had compulsions to hate Slytherins and avoid his family and this was because Walburga NoName had taken his Heirship Ring away," the Blacks' manager finished explaining to the shocked sisters.

"Why didn't I notice?" Bellatrix asked herself.

"Also, there is a stipulation for somebody to be disowned from the House of Black and Mr. Black had kept that information from Walburga. You have to be the Head of the House and you need the willing approval of the Heir. Neither Sirius Black or Andromeda Black were disowned," the goblin explained and Andromeda's jaw dropped more.

"Now, will you take the potions?" the Peverell manager asked. They all nodded in response, "What about the children?" Lucius asked.

"Lord Peverell has a child that Dumbledore was trying to get close too and he wants to have Ms. Tonks and Heir Malfoy checked, and yes, your manager has been informed," the goblin said, turning the last bit to Lucius.

They all took their tests and were all shocked, "We got compelled to hate Sirius and Andy," Bellatrix noticed while she looked at hers and Andromeda.

"I got compelled to hate you guys," Andromeda said, "And to support Dumbledore."

"I have that too and so does Nymphadora," Ted said, "And obliviates."

"I have obliviates and compulsions to hate muggleborns," Lucius said.

"Same," Rodolphus pointed out, "I need to get my brother here," he added. A goblin handed him a letter to send.

"Oh Merlin, Draco has compulsions and suppressants," Narcissa cried. Suppressants on that young of a child could cause many problems for the child's magic.

"We'll get you all cleansed of potions and compulsions. Lord Peverell and Lord Black should be here when you come back," the Blacks' goblin informed them and guided them away, sending the Lestrange manager a message that he needed to call Rabastan.

When they all came back, Rabastan added, they were shocked to find Sirius and Orion Black, but also James Potter sitting with them, discussing something with the Peverell manager with a toddler in his lap.

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