Chapter Thirteen

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Orion woke up with a quiet gasp. He was in a different room, it wasn't as dark as the room he was forced to stay in. This was a bit homier. The room had earth tones to it even though the walls were white—were they white? Maybe beige? Orion didn't know. He kept looking around and saw a couch had been placed next to him and his sons were currently sleeping on it. Sirius had been leaning against the side of the couch while Regulus was slumped against him, both having blankets on them. Orion wondered where he was at. He obviously wasn't in Grimmauld Place anymore, the place that his Family Magic was trying its hardest to help him. No, he was somewhere else, he can feel an essence of the House of Black's magic though. While he was trying to process the fact that his sons were actually there and trying to figure out what location he was in, he never noticed the tall slender figure in the corner watching him, disappearing and then James coming through the shadows.

Orion jumped when he suddenly heard, "You're in the Potter Ancestral Home," and looked over to see James standing there. "I sent Sirius and Regulus to find you, and they healed you. They are slightly drained, they've been sleeping for four hours now," James continued.

(Many hours ago)

After Alice and Pandora had tended to him, they had trouble figuring out how to get rid of the poison, the most they could do was monitor his health and not help his health. Sirius was stumped, James clearly wasn't giving an indication that his father was dying, but he could see the two Potters and Death were keeping a watch over Orion. When he asked them about it, James had said, "He's not dying...yet," James had started, trying to get the hard part out of the way. "Pandora and Alice did what they can to increase his chances of living. However, it seems like he's in constant pain. That much pain can eventually kill someone," he told his best friend.

"Master!" Kreacher had popped in looking as if he had just remembered something. "Icky disowned Burga kept saying 'no family will help you,' when she had left," he said.

"Are you sure?" James asked. He had a suspicion, there was a poison that the Peverells had created and he wouldn't be surprised if the Blacks had a version.

Kreacher, knowing James was also a Black, nodded, "Yes, Kreacher heard it himself," he said with certainty. He had nodded again, aggressively enough that it made his ears flop and Morgana giggle a little watching it. To Regulus and Sirius' amazement, Kreacher let out a small smile. They had faint memories of the elf smiling at them when they were younger, before Walburga would come in and ruin the happiness.

Sirius thought about it for a second, "No...she couldn't have," he thought out loud. "Kreacher, is the hag trying to get back in the house?" he asked, even though he thought he knew the answer. "No, the Icky one hasn't come back," the elf responded, the small smile returning hearing another giggle.

"What are you thinking?" Regulus asked.

"I remembered reading through the poisons in our library. There was one that I remember that is supposed to make a person's magic burn. It doesn't take away the magic, so father's not becoming a squib, but it burns, it constantly burns. Only other people from the family magic can take it away," Sirius explained, "I can't remember the name though."

"Brûler la magie," James said making Sirius' head snap over. "Yeah, that's it. How do you know?"

"The Peverells created something similar, maybe one of the Blacks stole it from them, who knows? Ours was called "Adolebitque Magica," (I'm using Google translate for both of these translations, I don't know if they're right) I just figured if you had something similar it would be in French," James explained. The potion meant 'Burn Magic' it was to burn your Family Magic, not get rid of it. If it got rid of the magic, then that means the pain would stop.

"Does that mean you know how to fix it?" Regulus asked with hope in his eyes making James wish he could give good news. "I've never seen it in one of those books. I've only seen it in the Peverells. I don't know if there is a difference in translations especially because the name for Peverells is in Latin and the Blacks' version is in French. What I do know is that to cure it, family members have to be willing to get rid of the poison. It can only be taken care of by family magic, but it is going to hurt worse before it gets better," James said.

"Kreacher, take us straight to the library. We need to find the translation," Sirius told the elf. Kreacher grabbed his and Regulus' hands and disappeared. They returned ten minutes later, thankfully finding the book they needed quickly. The two rushed up to their father's room and laid the book out, reciting the spell and willing there magic to help their father.

They could hear the screaming, neither one wanted to hear their father's screams but they remembered James had told them that it would hurt worse and they needed to concentrate, the "STOP! STOP!" cries from their father made it worse. They felt there magic draining as it tried to help, until they could feel their father's magic telling them to stop, that their father was okay now.

When they stopped, they looked down at their passed out father and simultaneously both lost consciousness. Remus and Marlene, having been informed of what they were doing, sped forward to catch Sirius while James sped forward to catch Regulus. The three put the brothers on the couch, hoping they would be in a comfortable position and Marlene put a blanket on Sirius while James grabbed one for Regulus and they left the three Blacks to rest.


"They should wake up soon. An elf will be by with some soft foods for you. We don't know how your stomach will take other foods," James informed Orion and stepped out again. That was when Orion noticed the little girl watching him with curiosity before following James out.

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