Chapter 1

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Arya was sat on Peter's bed when it happened. She heard helicopters swarm the building as Peter's window shot open. Arya turned to see Peter helping MJ inside before shutting the door and frantically taking off his suit. 

"Peter? What's going on?" Arya asked with a slightly panicked voice. 

Before Peter could respond the door shot open to a shocked May and Happy who quickly diverted their eyes. 

"I didn't see anything," Happy said before turning away

"This isn't what it looks like!" Peter interjected frantically. 

"So sorry, Practice safe-"

"No no no, May, this is not what it looks like! May!" 

Arya sat on the bed with her hand over her mouth, containing a laugh. 

May turned back around, "Oh, hey! You must be MJ, and oh, Arya I didn't even see you there"

Arya waved at may as she stood up, "Peter wanna explain what just happened?"

"Hey, spiderman!"

Peter quickly ran to the window and pulled the blinds down. Arya sent a look his way, "Peter..."

"Can we talk in the kitchen please?" Peter pushed them all out of the room to the kitchen. 

As the group walked into the kitchen Peter frantically shut all the windows. 

"Peter will you please tell us what's going on?" Arya pressed before turning to the tv.

"Governments around the world launch investigations into the murderer known as Spider-Man! A.k.a Peter Parker! A.k.a. The Web-Headed War Criminal--" 



Arya sat in an interrogation room with her arms folded. She faced the officer with a blank stare on her face. She wasn't about to give him anything. 

"So. Arya hart is it? We hear that you've known peter all you're life. Has he ever exhibited any...murderous behavior?" 

She scoffed lightly, "I'd like a lawyer."

"Is there any reason you'd like a lawyer? like he might happen to be guilty?"

"I know my rights" she replied, refusing to speak. 

The Man huffed before exiting the room, Arya following close behind. 

Exciting the room she was met with MJ and Ned. She let out a sigh of relief before engulfing MJ in a hug, "Are you guys alright?"

The both of them nodded, "I'm not so sure about Peter though." MJ told the girl.

Arya chewed lightly on her lip, "I mean. What the hell even happened out there?"

"It was Mysterio, he must've gotten a video before he died. He told the whole world that Peter is Spiderman and now they all think he's responsible for his death"

Arya let out a frustrated sigh, "Unbelievable! I mean really!"

The trio's conversation was quickly cut off when Peter excited his room. Arya ran up to him quickly followed by the others. "My god Peter are you okay?"

Peter let out a distraught nod, "Yeah, yeah I think so. May said she found a lawyer."


"Well, I have some good news, Peter. I don't believe any of the charges against you are going to stick." 

"Oh my God, Mr. Murdock. Thank you! That's amazing!" Peter exclaimed as relieved sighs were heard across the table

The sound of glass shattering was heard from behind the group. Arya gasped as the window shattered and a brick came hurtling towards them. Matt quickly reached out and grabbed it before putting it on the table.

"How did you do that?" Arya curiously asked the man. 

"I'm a really good lawyer," He said with a smile, "And for now I'd suggest you all find a safer place to live.


"Huh... it looks nice and... this is safe," May said as the group entered Happy's condo. 

The group decided it would be best if Arya stay with them as she was widely known as close with the "Vigilante" 

After unpacking her stuff into the guest room, she walked downstairs to find Peter on the couch. Arya took a seat next to him, "How you holding up peter?"

Peter let out a slight shrug, "I-I don't know Ary" 

"Can I ask you a question?"

Peter nodded.

"Does any part of you feel relieved about all this?"

She heard a small sigh emit from his mouth, "Ever since I got bit by that spider, I've only had one week where my life has felt normal. Or kinda normal, I guess. And... that was when you and MJ found out. Because then everyone that was in my life that I wanted to know, knew. And it was perfect."

"I'm sorry Peter," she said comfortingly before resting her head on his shoulder. The two had always been close like this, never romantically, he had MJ and she had never felt that way for him. The two were like siblings. "I know this sounds cliche, I really do, but I do think everything will work out Pete. Just give it time." 

Arya felt incredibly bad for him. He had done nothing but good for the town and now they all had all turned against him. Arya lifted her head from his shoulder, "You should try to get some sleep, Peter." 

Peter nodded before turning to her, "Thanks Ary"

She nodded before heading upstairs to get some shut-eye of her own. 



First chapter! I know there's no peter 3 yet but he probably won't enter for a couple of chapters since I have to set up the plot. But nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it and see you next chapter. 

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