Chapter 5

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"Arya?" the webbed boy replied, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of surprise and delight.

Arya looked at Peter, her stomach filling with butterflies as a small smile crept onto her face. 

Peter's eyes scanned the girl quickly, his eyes twinging in concern as he noticed the crimson blood that covered her.

"Wait, wait. You know each other?" MJ asked, her confused eyes drifting between the two.

Arya glanced towards her before nodding, "Yeah, he saved me when I almost got run over by a car!"

"You almost got run over by a car!?" 

"Yeah yeah, but I'm okay cause Peter was there" She replied, sending a smile his way, which he returned kindly. 

MJ skeptically glanced between the two before grabbing a piece of bread from the table and throwing it at the boy's chest. Arya looked towards MJ, a soft laugh escaping her mouth.

"...Why'd you do that?" Peter asked, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"I was trying to see if you have the tingle thing" She replied, eyeing him down. 

"I have the tingle thing, just not for bread." He said, an awkward tone evident in his voice.

Arya chewed on her lip as another small laugh escaped her, Peter looking towards her fondly. The four stood there for a moment, glancing between each other before Arya broke the silence.

"So, how'd you find him?"

Ned shot up, excited to inform the girl of the events that arose while she was gone, "I'm magic now! I opened a whole doctor strange portal and everything, we were trying to find Peter but he came instead." He explained, holding up the doctor's ring. "Look, I'll show you," 

Ned slipped the ring back onto his finger before raising his hand. Arya stepped back, chewing her lip anxiously as she watched. 

"Find Peter Parker. Find Peter parker" Ned chanted, almost in a spell-like manner.

Arya's eyes widened in shock as she saw sparks arise behind him, a smile rising on her face. Peter stood behind her, watching the girl fondly. He took special notice of the way her smile crept onto her face, her left dimple especially prominent. 

"Find Peter Parker," Ned continued, a strain evident in his voice. 

"Look Ned it worked," MJ exclaimed, tapping her friend's shoulder, pointing him towards the fully formed portal.

"Sick! You really are magic!" Arya exclaimed, giving her friend a high five before the four turned back toward the portal.

As small yellow sparks flew from the circle, a man dressed in blue jeans and a t-shirt stepped out. Arya examined the man, having no recollection for him, as she had for Peter.

"Great, it's just some random guy," Ned said, sounding almost defeated. 

"Hello. Um, I hope it's okay, I just came through this, uh--Oh. It just closed." The unknown man stated, looking around the unfamiliar room. 

"You're Peter?" MJ asked, eyeing the man with the same suspicion she had earlier given to the second Peter.

"Yeah. Peter Parker. I... I've seen you two--" 

Before the man could finish, an equally concerned and confused look arose on his face as he spotted Peter in his suit. 

Arya took notice of this, quickly stepped forward to defuse the tension, "Before we have any more wasted, I'll clear the confusion," she stated, stepping between the two. "Our friend messed up, opened the multiverse among other things, and you guys ended up here. Not to mention, you're both Peter Parker, and you're both Spiderman, so is our friend," She told the two, trying to make it as clear as possible.

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