Chapter 11

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"Sup, Peter?"

The group's heads turned as a zap of electricity boomed through the air. 

"How do you like the new-new? Look, you give it to me, I'm gonna destroy it. But I'll let you live. Don't make me a murderer, Peter." Electro told him, his hand outstretched for the box. 

The three Peters suddenly swept into motion, throwing their masks on and jumping into the air. 

"Okay, guys. Here he comes." 

"Hey, Max! I missed you, man-- Whoa!" Peter 3 exclaimed, dodging a zap of electricity.


Arya watched as her Peter swung towards them, the box in his hand.

"All right, MJ! Heads up!" he yelled, signaling the girl beside her. 

Arya watched as Peter quickly threw the box through the portal before swinging away. 

"Got it!" she exclaimed, catching the box in her hands. 

"Close it, Ned!" Arya exclaimed, a tone of urgency prominent in her voice. 

The boy nodded, raising his hand before beginning to try to close the portal. 

Arya watched as the boy struggled, his eyebrows furrowing with frustration, "Uh... Ned, it's not closing." 

"Yeah, I know."

"Why isn't it closing?" MJ asked, looking towards him,. 

"I don't know, I--" Ned started

"Did you close it before?" Arya said, interrupting the boy.

"No, I mean, I've opened some..." 

"Ned!?" The two girls exclaimed simultaneously. 


As Peter swung through the air his mind was only focused on one thing, Arya. As he swung, he couldn't help but worry, was she safe? Would he see her again?-

Peter was abruptly brought out of his thoughts as another electricity bolt nearly missed his side.

"Max! Max, Max... can we just talk for a second? Just you and me, just--" he started, trying to reason with the man. 

"Look who showed up! My old friend, Spider-Man" Max exclaimed, a smirk on his face. 

"I'm trying to save you, Max. That's all I've ever wanted." He continued, pleading with the man. 

"You're not trying to save me."

"I am"

"You ain't even the shit no more," Max exclaimed, a laugh escaping him. "Don't worry about me. I saved myself. Burn up!" He continued, reaching for the arc reactor currently places in his chest. 

Peter's eyes widened as he quickly dodged a bolt sent towards him, "Well, I got his attention. Now what?" 

"Okay, great!" Peter 1 announced, throwing a web towards the two. 

The eldest Peter was quickly spotted as the two saw the lizard hanging from his right leg, "Uh, just FYI -- Lizard guy's here too!"

"Guys, comm check! Hello?!"

"I need Max's cure!" Peter 3 announced, stress evident in his voice. 

"Yeah! I'm on it!" The first Peter replied.

"Peter, I need the Lizard cure!"

"Oh-Uhm okay!" Peter started. 

He didn't make it very far before a sandy fist made its way into his chest, sending him flying back. 

"Where's The Box, Peter?" Flint asked, standing tall over the boy.

"Flint, we can help everyone!" He pleaded, his voice struggling.

"I don't care!"

"Sad to tell you, Sandman. Nobody's going home!" Max announced, laughing slightly. 


"Peter's scaffolding now!" Peter 1 announced urgently.

The three made their way over to each other, ripping their masks off and gasping for air. 

"What the hell is going on out there?!" Peter 3 announced, his voice angered "I keep yelling at you, Peter-Two, Peter-Two, Peter-Two--"

"I know, but I thought you were Peter-Two."

"What?! I'm not Peter-Two!" He retorted, glaring at him.

"Stop arguing! Both of you! Listen to Peter-One. Look, we're clearly not very good at this!" He exclaimed, a defeated sigh escaping him. 

"I-- I don't know how to work as a team. I only had Gwen at my side" Peter 3 retorted.

"Me neither." the eldest added.

Peter 1 looked between the two, "Well, I do! I have been in a team, okay? I don't want to brag, but I will... I was in The Avengers." he explained, a bit of cockiness uprising in his voice. 

"The Avengers?!"


"That's great!"

"Thank you."

"What is that?" 

Peter looked at the boys, confusion lacing his brow, "Wait. You don't have The Avengers?"

"Is that a band? Are you in a band?" Peter 3 asked, looking at the youngest Peter proudly.

"No, I'm not in a band. No, The Avengers is uh, uh... Earth's mightiest--"

"I hate to interrupt but how is this helping?!" the eldest asked, looking over his shoulder at the electricity bolts roaring in the air. 

"Look, it's not important. All we gotta do is focus, trust your tingle, and coordinate our attacks, okay?"

"Yes, okay. Let's pick one target."


"All right. Let's do this. Ready?" Peter asked, looking between the group. 

The group looked at each other and nodded before they began to disperse.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!" Peter 3 exclaimed, stopping the 3. "I love you guys." 

"Thank you," The two replied, a smile emerging.

The three shared a determined look as they lept from the edge, webs springing from their wrists. The three landed on the crown of the monument, nodding between themselves before heading for their villains. 



Chapter 11! Sorry, it's been a week since the last chapter but I hope you enjoyed it!

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