Chapter 8

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As Arya had left the room, Peter's glance had landed upon Peter and MJ, the two hand in hand. Peter's heart twinged in jealousy, his mind running to Gwen. 

"You have someone?" a voice asked, dragging Peter from his thoughts.

His eyes left the two, turning towards the eldest peter. "No. I got no time for uh, Peter Parker stuff, you know?" he said, shaking his head lightly. He stayed quiet for a moment before asking, "Do you?"

"Uh, that's a little complicated."

"No, I understand. I guess it's just not in the cards for guys like us."

"Well, I wouldn't give up. It took a while, but... we made it work," he told him, a small smile arising on his face. "Besides, there's someone out there for everyone, and sometimes they can be standing right in front of you" 

Peter nodded, his eyes locking onto Arya as she reentered the room, "You're right, they could be" he replied, looking away from Arya, a small smile plastered across his lips. 

Peter thought deeply about what the elder had told him. Maybe he wouldn't give up, maybe he could make something work, in fact, he had someone in mind to fill that spot. 


Arya returned to the room with the item Peter had requested. She set it on the table before heading back over to the other Peter's table. 

"You finished?" she asked, looking over his work.

He glanced toward her, a smile arising, "yeah, wasn't too hard. It's not the first time I've cured a mutant lizard" he told her, a small laugh escaping his mouth.

Arya smiled, "I mean, haven't we all?" she joked, leaning against the table. "So, how'd he turn into a lizard anyway?" 

"Well, long story short, he was trying to cure himself, self-regenerating cells and all that. They weren't ready for human trials, but he did it anyway, things went terribly wrong and a lizard came out of it" he explained as set some chemicals down on the table.

"Ahhh, and what about the electricity guy? Max right?"

Peter glanced up to her, nodding, "Yeah. It's quite sad really, Max was a sweet guy, he had an accident, fell into a tub of eels"

She nodded, glancing around the room for a moment, "Can I ask you a question, Peter?"


"How do you feel about all of this? Like, is it freaking you out? The fact that you're in a different universe? Or that there are three of you? Cause I know that this is crazy for me. I mean, I've been reading about the multiverse since I was like 7! It doesn't even make scientific sense, it's like insane, I still can't believe it's real-" She explained before cutting herself off. "sorry, I'm rambling"

Peter watched in awe and admiration as the girl rambled on about the multiverse, finding her extreme knowledge of the topic incredibly attractive. "Yeah, I mean string theory, multidimensional reality, and matter displacement...all real? It's crazy" he answered, smiling at the girl.

Arya blushed slightly, which of course Peter took note of. 

The couple was pulled out of their thoughts as a voice shouted, "Peter!"




"Oh sorry, did you mean-" the three-spoke in unison.

Arya couldn't help but let a laugh escape her, which resulted in a smile from Peter.

"Peter, Peter--" Ned tried again

"We're all called Peter--"

"Peter Parker?"

Arya, along with MJ, were in hysterics now. The two laughed as Ned struggled to call out to Peter.

"We're all Peter Parker."

Ned sighed, frustration taking over, "It's uh... the computer!"

"Oh!" The Peter from her universe exclaimed, walking over to the computer and examining the contents. 

After examining the screen for a moment, he nodded. "It's ready."

The group exchanged knowing looks, the fight was starting.



no notes for this one :) hope you enjoyed it!

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