Chapter 9

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"Everyone ready with the cures?" Peter asked, looking towards the others for confirmation. 

"Oh, I'm ready," the eldest told him

"Yeah. Me too. Okay, so now all we gotta do is lure these guys someplace, right? Try to cure them while they try to kill us, and then send them home." 

"Using a magic box," Arya added, her mouth curling into a smile.

Arya let out a laugh as the group shared a look of unbelievability, Arya making eye contact with her favorite Peter.

Peter broke eye contact with the girl, turning towards the eldest Peter, "So, wait, are you gonna go into battle dressed as a cool youth pastor, or... do you got your suit?"

Arya looked towards him, a laugh escaping her, "Peter don't be mean," she whispered, shoving his side. 

He looked down to the girl, a smile forming on his face, his eyes glistening with affection. 

The couple looked back towards the elder Peter who had lowered his T-shirt to reveal that he was indeed dressed in his suit. 

"Good," Peter said, giving a thumbs up to the man. 

Arya watched Ned slide over the cartridges of Web fluid over to Peter, "Here are your web cartridges."

"Oh thanks, man."

"What's that for?" The eldest asked, confusion furrowing his brow. 

"Uh, it's my web fluid, it's for my web-shooters. Why?"

The group watched as the eldest lifted his hand, webs shooting out from his bare wrist, Arya's eyes widening. 

"Woah!" She exclaimed, looking over to the Peter standing next to her, "You can't do that, can you?" She asked, to which he replied with a nod.

"How'd you do that?"

"How on earth does that even...?"

"Guys! focus, we're getting sidetracked." Peter exclaimed, pulling the group out of their thoughts. He turned his computer around, showing the group a displayed picture of the empire state building. "Look, this is where we're gonna do this, okay? It's isolated, so no one should get hurt." 

The group noded in agreeance before Peter continued, "We draw them there with The Box. It's the one thing they all want. All we have to do is figure out how we're going to get there."

Arya took a step forward, "I think I know a way" she said, glancing towards Ned who quickly returned her gaze.

"Oh, we could portal there!" he exclaimed.

"What?" Peter asked, confusion placed on his face.

"Dude! He's magic now!" Arya said, patting Ned on the back.

"Yeah, we saw it." the eldest Peter said, noticing the look of doubt from the younger. 

"Yeah, he is." 

"Wait, really?" Peter asked, looking from his best friends to the other him's.

"Dude, I got Dr. Strange magic."

"No way!" he exclaimed, a smile arising on his face for the first time in a while. 

"Yeah!" Ned replied, enthusiasm in his voice. "And I promise you, I won't turn into a supervillain and try to kill you," he added.

Arya watched as the Peter next to him patted him on the back, a look of proudness on his face. Arya cracked a smile, leaning closer to him, "You're real cocky you know that?"

Peter looked down towards her, the two connecting eyes, "I try" he whispered back.

The couple looked back up to her Peter who seemed utterly confused by Ned's comment, "Okay... thank you? Um, all right. Here goes nothing." he started before looking to MJ, "What's that thing you always say: "Expect disappointment and--"

MJ cut him off, shaking her head, "No, no, no. No... we're gonna kick some ass." she said confidently. 

"Okay," he replied softly, nodding to himself.

"Cure. Cure some ass." the eldest corrected. 

"Cure that ass," Ned said proudly.

Arya's hand flew to her mouth as a loud laugh escaped her, the others following quickly. She glanced up at Peter who stood next to her. The two's eyes connected, laughter escaping them. The couple looked at each other with admiration, a blush rising upon her cheeks, Peter's mouth curling into a smile.

"If you two are done eye fucking each other we have some ass to cure," MJ teased, elbowing the girl.

Arya's face flushed in embarrassment, as did Peters, "We were not!" she hissed, shoving the girl. 


Arya rolled her eyes before walking off towards ned, Peter following shortly behind before he was cut off by MJ. 

"You like her," She announced, eyeing down the boy. 

Peter's cheeks flushed red, "And what makes you say that?" he told the girl, trying to sound as believable as possible. 

"I saw the way you were looking at her, she was looking at you the same way, besides I know my friend." She told him, smirking proudly. "Don't worry Peter I won't tell anyone, but I expect you do something about it soon before I press the button and send your ass home," she told him threateningly. 

The boy smiled slightly, nodding, "Got it," 

The two returned to the group who were currently gathered around Ned. 

"Alright Ned, work your magic,"



chapter 9 enjoy! 

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