Chapter 13

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"Strange, wait, we're so close--" Peter pleaded as Strange approached him, followed by his 3 best friends who were eager to eavesdrop on the confrontation. 

"Skip it! I've been dangling over the Grand Canyon for twelve hours!" He spat, his voice laced with anger. 

"I know. I know, I know, I, uh... um, ah..." Peter started but was quickly cut off as the other two Peter's landed behind him.

Arya's eyes lit up, a smile growing on her face as she saw that her favorite Peter was safe and sound. 

Peter smiled back and sent a wave to the girl, in which she returned. 

"No, no..." Strange started, quickly becoming overwhelmed by the situation. "Look, I am really impressed that you've managed to give them all a second chance, kid. But this has to end. Now." He said sternly.

Just as Peter was about to reply, he stopped. He stood ridged as the hairs on his arm stood up, his senses signaling him of danger. 

"Can the Spider-Man come out to play?!" A voice announced.

The group looked up to see Norman standing upon his device. Arya took a step back, her eyes slightly glossed with fear. 

The Peter's quickly sprung into action, but they were too late. Norman quickly flew past them, grabbing the box out of strange's hands. 

In the midst of the chaos, strange had reached out for the box, which Norman had slipped a goblin ball into.

"Strange, no--!" Peter started but wasn't quick enough as the explosion sent him flying backward. 

As the explosion sent wood flying everywhere, Arya frantically looked around for something to grab onto. Her eyes widened as she felt herself begin to fall back quickly, as there was no railing insight. 

Ned and MJ tried desperately to catch her but were unable to, barely able to maintain balance themselves.

Arya let out a blood-curdling scream as she began to fall quickly off the scaffolding. 

She watched as her best friend quickly flew to her defense, a web springing out from his wrist. Just as she thought she was safe, Norman slammed into his side, sending Peter flying. 

Arya's eyes widened as she let out another scream, tears blurring her vision. She was convinced this would be her final moment, and she wouldn't even get to tell Peter how she felt.  

As Arya closed her eyes, accepting her fate, a cry was heard in the distance, "NOO!-"

Just as she was to hit the ground, she felt a strong pair of hands wrap around her waist and a web latch onto the building.

When she safely reached the ground, she gasped for air, taking in the fact that she was safe. She slowly opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings before looking up to see Peter, who had saved her for a second time. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing in concern for the girl. 

Arya nodded slowly, "Yeah. I'm okay." she whispered, staring up at him for a moment. 

As he held her in his arms, Arya noticed his eyes start to gloss and his lips start to tremble. "Are you okay?" She asked him softly, placing a hand on his cheek to wipe a stray tear that escaped his eye. 

Peter looked down towards the girl with affection before nodding softly and setting the girl down on the ground.

The two stood there for a moment just looking at each other before Peter broke the silence, "Listen Arya I need to tell you-"

Arya shook her head slightly, she knew where he was going and she wasn't about to let him screw it up again, "Shut up," She muttered before cutting him off by placing her lips onto his. 

Peter was taken back for a moment but quickly returned the action, cupping one of her cheeks with his hand. 

After a moment, Peter broke off the kiss, looking at the girl with slight confusion, "How?_"

"MJ told me everything," She told him, a smile on her face. 

Arya watched as a small laugh escaped him, "Of course she did" he said, smiling down towards the girl. "You know she threatened me if I didn't tell you how I felt?"

Arya let out a laugh, smiling affectionately at him before connecting their lips once again. 



AHHH! They finally kissed let's celebrate!! Hope you enjoyed this one cause I've been waiting for this for a while. 

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